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Thread: The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches!

  1. #1411
    Yeah that's a really good point, my point of view of "best" and "favorite" usually differs a lot. I guess it's safe to say that DQ so far to me is probably the best, but maybe not my top favorite, I haven't even finished it yet though so I'll comment on that later. It's definitely one of my favorites though.

    At this point in time, having played a pretty good amount of PS2 rpgs (but nowhere near all the good ones though), I'd say DQ VIII, Star Ocean 3, Xenosaga Trilogy (hard to group them as separate games), Valkyrie Profile 2 (from the little I've played of it atleast ) Final Fantasy XII and Rogue Galaxy are my favorite rpgs on the console. But I agree, we should have a discussion. I have vowed not to buy a new console until I play every worthwhile rpg on the PS2, and am currently going through the list pretty quickly. My biggest challenge is going to be playing all of Nippon Ichi's strategy rpgs back to back in one long marathon...

    I was actually planning on starting a top ps2 rpg thread after i was done with a few more..needless to say the ps2 has one of the biggest rpg libraries around.

    Oh yeah..and enjoy Valkyrie Profile Caesar, certainly one of my favorite rpgs around. I think the original is better than the sequel too..although they are pretty hard to compare because a lot has changed between them (though there are obviously still a lot of similarities). It's almost like trying to compare Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. The einherjar have now become boring, randomly generated characters though.
    Last edited by Georg Prime; 05-01-2007 at 12:24 PM.
    <justified><center><img src=""></center>
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY PLAYING</font>: CoD 4:Modern Warfare (PC) Pikmin 2 (GC), DoD: Source (PC)
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
    ~o~o~o~o~ Chronic Smoker: The Stuuuupidest Club...ever! ~o~o~o~o~

  2. #1412
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! ZRO's Avatar
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    Parkersburg, WV, USA
    Cripes you guys put me to shame anymore, lol. My latest playings have been S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl and yet still more FFXI, lol. I'm honestly not sure how long it's been since I touched anything old-school. Only so many hours in the day unfortunately. ;;

    CS:Source (oddball days! ^^)

  3. #1413
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Setzertrancer's Avatar
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    Plotting the end of mankind
    Hello, I'm back at last.

    So what been happening in this club for the last couple of months?

    Oh and I recently got Dragon Quest 6 and for some reason I was kind of completely put off by the fact that it was a front view battle system. Dunno why just seem weird to me but is it a good game compared to say FF6.

    I've also been having trouble playing games lately because whenever I get off work I don't really feel playing games for at least I'm finding it hard to commit myself to RPGs. I've restarted FF12 twice and only gotten halfway through, this is because when I don't play it for several weeks I lose the motivation to continue where I was. Could it be that working life is ruining my gaming life. Oh dear I hope not.

    Sonic and the Secret Rings
    Quotes from South Park. Jimbo: "If we don't kill animals, they'll die!" from The Mexican Staring Frog of Sri Lanka. Mephisto: "The Father of Eric Cartman is, Mrs. Cartman" from Cartman's mum is still a dirty slut. Scientist Guy: "Global Warming will happen two days before, the day after tomorrow" from Two Days before the day after tomorrow. Kyle: “Kenny just died 8 hours ago from that monster, how could he have died back then too” Cartman: “Oh yeah I guess that doesn’t make sense” from City on the edge of Forever. Cartman: "Attention shoppers! Outside today, we have a cripple fight. Cripple fight, outside!" from Cripple Fight. Goth Kid: "To be a non-conformist, you have to dress in black, and listen to the same music we do" from Raisins. Priest: "Maybe if more of us attended church on sundays the lord wouldn't have felt it necessary to punish us by takething this little boy" Mr. Garrison: "Oh here comes the guilt trip again" from Spontaneous Combustion. Doctor: "That kid's got as much hope as Steve Irwin in a tank full of stingrays" from Stanley's cup.

    Loyal Member of..... The Old School cult of Kefka, bitches, Nintendo Worshippers, The Aussies of TFF

    Setzer's Review Library: Tyrian,
    Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda: Minish Cap, Zelda: Oracle of Seasons

  4. #1414
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Juice's Avatar
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    With my pup, in a house on a hill
    600 posts. *dances!*
    thought i'd come by and let you all celebrate with me...! And tell you i heart you all <3 xDD

    Its about time, ive been here about 5 years @_@

    whaaaa *is excitable at 5am* glomps for all!

    CP: erm... Trying to finish FFXII, but it hurts.
    so playing =Harry Potter PS on Colour gameboy. This game is rediculously hard >.<

    Wow.... you kids are really un-active...
    i miss you all so i think you should come bavk and post smething fun soon (yes i do know that this isnt the 'im drunk and want to love you all thread") but oh well.
    Last edited by Juice; 05-23-2007 at 12:24 PM.
    <img src="">
    <font size="1"><FONT FACE="verdana">
    <b>I Love My Puppy!!</b>
    <img src="">


    The Oldskool Cult Of Kefka
    Da Auzzie Club
    Dawezy, Piroblaze & Tiffany, Zell Dincht, Random.Delirium
    W-Cid, Mojo_the_monkey,
    Chalcedony & Holly valance

    <b>¤guarded by¤</b>
    Kou Leifoh & Keisuke Takahashi

    Contrary to popular beliefe, i am sober sometimes

  5. #1415
    Hey congrats Juice *joins in dancing and raises a beer*.

    Well I've definitely been away from the Cult from awhile and from TFF in general due to pure laziness and because I've been a bit busy with things. In gaming news, DQ VIII is currently on temporary hold. When we brought up the best/favorite ps2 games I thought the only thing that I would probably like more than DQ VIII....SUIKODEN! As much as I'm an avid old schooler, my favorite post SNES rpg series is suikoden hands down. When I think of amazing rpgs of the PS era..what do I think of? Suikoden II.

    Anyhoo, so I recently ordered Suikoden III, IV, V and Tactics. I'm playing them in numerical order, even though it's not that big of deal which order you play them. I, II, and III are more direct sequels of one another though, atleast chronologically speaking. Basically from what I've heard from gaming sites and forums, and user reviews alike: III is great, IV is a disgrace (atleast to the series standards, but not a bad game all together), and V is a great return to the series roots (finally the original battle system is back). Seems like most still consider II the best though. I hope to tell my final verdict of all the games once I finish the new ones. I'm playing through Suikoden III right now and loving it though (despite a few problems like the camera angle and the strangely altered battle system).

    I am playing something old school though, and something I know Jintatsu might like! And that game is...*drumroll*...Shining Force CD! I didn't know this game existed, but it's a compilation of two remakes of the Game Gear games Shining Force Gaiden and Shining Force Gaiden II. Visually, right on par with Shining Force II. Gameplay wise though, all the free roaming town sequences are gone, so it's basically strictly battles. Still, with two games, and the same classic shining force battles, it's a must play for fans of the series.
    <justified><center><img src=""></center>
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY PLAYING</font>: CoD 4:Modern Warfare (PC) Pikmin 2 (GC), DoD: Source (PC)
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
    ~o~o~o~o~ Chronic Smoker: The Stuuuupidest Club...ever! ~o~o~o~o~

  6. #1416
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! ZRO's Avatar
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    Parkersburg, WV, USA
    For once my post actually contains something (sit down, this might hurt you) BESIDES FFXI!

    Ya rly.

    In the old-school gaming era: Played some NES and 64 last night. Yes, I'm aware 64 isn't that old, but considering we're 2 systems past it anymore, I think it's earned it's induction into the old-school halls. Much fun was had with Anticipation and Marble Madness for the NES. Then more fun was had admittedly as we broke out first Star Fox 64, the Super Smash Bros., and finally a little bit of Mario Kart 64 to top it off, with many rounds of Battle and several VS. races, mostly consisting of Rainbow Road and Wario's Stadium. A little bit of Starcraft thrown into the mix in preparation for the upcoming Starcraft 2 some time in the future (gameplay trailers exist now, it looks SO damned pretty).

    So ya, little bit of old-school for once from the old-school loving Mithra. =^.^=

    CP: Read the post, yar.

  7. #1417
    I Still Live..however Gaia has swalloed me wholesale, But i still emerge, also...thebisho is having comp...situation..I'm surprised the aussie has been silent about it but yeah...I'd ask you guys to join me @ gaia so we could make an Old SKool guild..but I know how thsoe things USUAlly turn out lol

    *kills jin*

    "Knowledge, without mileage, is just Bullshit" - Henry Rollins

  8. #1418
    The Old Skool Warrior The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! LocoColt04's Avatar
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    ...did you SERIOUSLY just utter those words?

    Join you at Gaia? WHATTHEFUCKNO. =(

    My old school gaming as of late has consisted of Valkyrie Profile, and a handful of virtual console games on the Wii (Street Fighter II, Excitebike, Link to the Past, and Sonic). No gaming otherwise.

    GASP! No current-gen games running?! Nope, not at the moment. Too busy.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  9. #1419
    Lady Succubus The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Victoria's Avatar
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    ...Gaia? Fuck no.

    Fuck Gaia in the ass. Gaia sucks and you know it. Get away from Gaia. It is horrible.

    And oh. I'm playing Pokemon Pearl at the moment. Along with Emerad, Fire Red, and Ruby. =P

  10. #1420
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Jin's Avatar
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    Scorp...did you get younger? Only 12 year olds have the time to sift through the 3 million threads on Gaia. You scare me. Old skool to them is N64...

    I think you should kill yourself instead of me for that.

    Gaming gaming gaming what gaming? Kotor2 as always? Sure. It's only my 20th file or so. Shining Force 2 when I feel like it. Yup. Zro is dead again? Mother ****er. Bisho bastard! >=O

    Pokemon Pearl, ugliest starting pokemon to date? I think so. "We already have a water turtle, let's make a grass one even though turtles have nothing to do with grass!" Silly.

    Least cohearant post ever? Oh yes.

    Alcohol in my slurpee? Yes indeed. =)

    Shining Force 2

    Until now!

  11. #1421
    Yay for old school gaming, Nintendo 64, Wii..and alcohol Jin.

    I'll make this short. Playing Suikoden III still and It's been sucking my life away, so far I have to say this is probably my favorite RPG on the PS2 thus far. About 30 hours into it..probably another 30 or more to go?

    On top of that I've been playing Shining Force CD. The cool part about the game? Multiple difficulty settings (one of my annoyances was that the original games were a bit on the easy side). So I've been playing the game on extra hard mode which wasn't too bad until I got up to about Chapter 3 and the battles are suddenly REALLY hard and my characters are way under leveled. So I've been stuck on the same battle for days now.

    Old school question (for ZRO, noticing his awesome banners):

    Is Mega Man X Collection worth getting? I loved the original three on the SNES , especially the first one. I've heard the later games in the series aren't exactly stellar though
    <justified><center><img src=""></center>
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY PLAYING</font>: CoD 4:Modern Warfare (PC) Pikmin 2 (GC), DoD: Source (PC)
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY READING</font>: The Beatles: The Biography by: Bob Spitz
    <FONT FACE="Bernard MT Condensed"><font color=yellow>CURRENTLY WATCHING</font>: The Last Waltz (1978), The Complete Monterey Pop Festival (2002) The Office Season 2 (2007) Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007), Paprika (2007)

    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka Vice-President: Nintendo Worshippers Executive Producer: Game Designers United
    ~o~o~o~o~ Chronic Smoker: The Stuuuupidest Club...ever! ~o~o~o~o~

  12. #1422
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Jin's Avatar
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    I have the 10000th post in this forum. Booyah! =D

    Funny thing about Shining Force and difficulty. For my current SF2 file, I decided to put the difficulty up to "ouch", the supposed hardest. The witch seemed pretty certain I'd die, but so far there has been absolutely NO difference. I think the programers just got lazy and decided to use the difficulty settings for psychological warfare, rather than actually making it harder.

    Until now!

  13. #1423
    i can't help it if i'm addicted to black jack...oh well lol
    been playing my fair share of old skool games lately so yeah it's not a totally hopeless cause, side why you guys griping lol, I gave you something to post about XD

    *kills the absent bisho..poor guy *
    "Knowledge, without mileage, is just Bullshit" - Henry Rollins

  14. #1424

    The less than triumphant return of Rasler

    Hello fellow cult members. This post is as much to reaffirm that I am IN FACT still alive as it is to get rid of that automatic reminder that I haven't posted in several weeks. Technology likes to tell me things that I already know.

    Anyways, I have been away with some les than desirable health issues. It was quite rough, with coughing fits so painful I was having convulsions.

    The only game I'm playing at this time is FFV-A. I'm nearly done with it. (Finally)

    Quote Originally Posted by CYRUS
    Is Mega Man X Collection worth getting? I loved the original three on the SNES , especially the first one. I've heard the later games in the series aren't exactly stellar though
    Yes. It is entirely worth it. Any compilation of old-school games is worth your money. it's like 5-6 Megaman X games plus like 2 bonus games. And yes, the later X games are a bit crap.

    In my gaming activities, in my sickness/not-currently-having-school free time, I have beaten:
    Pokemon Pearl
    Castlevania: PoR
    Final Fantasy VI-A
    3rd Division Captain of the Bleach Club
    Lurking member of the Old School Cult of Kefka

  15. #1425
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! ZRO's Avatar
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    Parkersburg, WV, USA
    Okay, temporary access to a computer = post time!

    Mega Man X depends...I have every game in the series (Including 7, 8, and Command Mission), and I still bought the Collection, if for no other reason than just to hear the stage music for Storm Eagle in it's glorious remastered version.

    And to clear up what Rasler said (if my memory is working for once) Mega Man Collection was Mega Man 1~8, and also had the Mega Man Power Battle games as well (which were never released here in the states). Mega Man X Collection is just X 1~6, with a few goodies thrown on the disc per usual with Collection type games now days.

    Admittedly, the later games in the X series were a as good? But they're still worth playing, tho 5 and 6 kinda turned me off personally a bit, due to their "OMG go do that or that or that!" type of play. 1-4 were pretty much straight forward MegaMan games, except for a few oddball deals, like being able to switch to Zero in the middle of a stage in 3, and in 4 you could pick to go through the game as either Zero or X right at the start, but whichever one you picked, you were stuck with for the whole game. 5 and 6 kinda took the whole idea and turned it a little oddball, making it so that Zero just plain wasn't available for pieces of the game, and changing up options depending on who you went with from the start. Such as if you started with X in 5, Zero lost his ability to use his Z-Buster, but if you started with Zero, then you lost out on one of X's armors (Falcon Armor from 4 if I remember right). Mind you, I'm not nearly the expert on 4-6 that I was on 1-3 at one point in time. Been a long time since I truly sat down and played my ass off at that series, tho I need to...still never even finished 5 and 6 with all endings, never finished 7 at all, haven't even opened 8 yet, and Command Mission I lost interest in at some point. I think most of all that tho is because I got my head stuck in FFXI, and kinda lost interest in just about everything else, since my mind kinda works on a "I'm paying for it, I'm playing the shit out of it" philosophy.

    OKay, now that I've gone and completely ranted my ass off, I'd like to point your attention to my latest craze. Advance Wars. I've no clue if the first one is as good (couldn't find a ROM file of it to d/l ;; ) but I've been playing Advance Wars 2 on my comp, and omfg this game is a freaking blast. XD

    On a sidenote, finally finished my Mega Man X fanfic, tho I guess you could say it's kinda still not finished) and that's been a minor accomplishment, tho I left it open for a sequel which I think I may start working on soon. Who knows? <~~link to my profile if anyone's feeling energetic enough to read through 27 chapters, lol.


  16. #1426
    Yaoi Bisho Fanfic in my OSCoK? lol
    ahh well, you have a redeeming quality thru all the hair and Mithra pr0n. You can write semi-decently XD

    no ther updates at this time XD

    PS. Old Skool Protoman banner of goodness ftw
    Last edited by Scorpian; 06-15-2007 at 08:35 AM.
    "Knowledge, without mileage, is just Bullshit" - Henry Rollins

  17. #1427
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! ZRO's Avatar
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    I'm proud of that banner damnit, did that one during the height of my sprite activity...which I should get back into soon if I can, I still have every sprite sheet I d/l'ed or made during that time.

    And there's no yaoi in my fanfic damnit! >=(

    Advance Wars 2
    Call of Duty 2
    Whatever else I have on my comp that catches my attention

  18. #1428
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! GRIM REAPER's Avatar
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    The deepest parts of Hell enslaving your pitiful soul.
    GRIM would like to join the club. I haven't been online in a long time and I kinda missed my drinking buddies you know who Im talking about. Old skool games are the best! They may not have the best graphics compaired today but they have better gameplay compaired to the current games today.

    Super Mario World
    Secret of Mana

  19. #1429
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! ZRO's Avatar
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    Aight, at my parents's house, up in my bro's room, there sits my long-forgotten, being the type I am, I throw in my old FFIII cartridge (yes, including Mog artwork on the front still), and pull up my old file. No clue where I'd last saved or anything. So I pull it up and I'm standing there somewhat shocked at what all I have. o.O;

    I have just Terra, Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Setzer, and Shadow. So apparently last time I was playing, I was skimping on people. I also only have like 60%ish of the Espers. However...I have Excalibur, Atma Weapon, Genji Gloves on two seperate characters, the Economizer, and the Offering. <_<;; Also have the Striker on Shadow, but IIRC, that's normal. I've got Odin and Bahamut, as well as Tritoch, but nothing else that's zomg powerful. What confuses me, since my memory of the game has gotten rather spotty, is where the blazes did I pull up all of the uber stuff I do have atm? o.O;

    FFIIIus, aka "Where f#ck was I and what the f#ck was I doing last?"

  20. #1430
    I'd have to say that Grim here is a definite lock for membership lol His credentials far proceed him lol Where's that leader of ours to make it official XD

    "Knowledge, without mileage, is just Bullshit" - Henry Rollins

  21. #1431
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Jin's Avatar
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    Oh hell yes Grim should be in. The man is a god. Good to see you.

    No FFXI, Zro? There's hope for you yet! =D

    So, I'm employed now. Yes. No. I hate work. I'm working at Canadian Tire again, if anyone remembers I worked there about 2 years ago. I can't really compare it to any American stores, but basicly they sell hardware, houseware, outdoors stuff, autoparts, etc. Somehow I made it into Autoparts. Ummm, engines ftw? Oh well, their bad. Anyways, I haven't had a lot of time for gaming. I haven't even played Kotor files because I'm waiting for the team Gizka mods to finish what Obsidian originally wanted but had to cut out due to time limits. Bastards. So yeah, my gaming is dried up. ;_;


    Until now!

  22. #1432
    Hentai Fiend Dawezy's Avatar
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    No need to ask GRIM, Ye be always welcome within the Dark Halls of our loving Cult.

    Inbetween work and whoring myself onto FF11, I've been doing alot of Youtube lurking and I came across this fucking wicked clip of all the Limit Breaks in FF7. It made me grin because they are pretty much *all* identical to the skills in FF11 which you have to put (realistically) years into. Yes, thats years ~ our time not game time. lol

    Wouldnt mind being able to properly download the thing, instead of chewing up bandwith to watch it every single damn time I clickie on it. Ah well I suppose you cant get everything eh >_> Also got my hands on some spiffy new FF4 hentai which I should add to my online collection but alas.. keep forgetting, either via beer or purely being lazy at the time.

    CP: Jins favorite game, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
    And where I whore myself for gilz, FF11.


  23. #1433
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! ZRO's Avatar
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    Yay for Grim! ^^

    Now to bed...4 hours of sleep + moving stuff into apartment tomorrow = I'm gonna be tired as hell.

    I had something witty and funny, but then my browser borked it up.

  24. #1434
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! GRIM REAPER's Avatar
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    The deepest parts of Hell enslaving your pitiful soul.
    I haven't had that much time to play online games recently, to much Phantasy Star Universe. Nowadays Im here on my comp playing emulators of the good ole classics like Zelda and Bubble Bobble. Anyway my time has been monopolised by work and my girlfriend who by the way happens to be pregnant. GRIM is going to have his own little hell spawn to corrupt.

  25. #1435
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! ZRO's Avatar
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    Grim...kid...I R Scared! o_o;

    On a side-note, teh Bisho has 'net connection again...and his own place again! WOOTZ!

    FFXI, because I can again, damnit!

  26. #1436
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Plastik Assassin's Avatar
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    I guess I will update since its been so long.

    I haven't really played anything as of late besides an hour or 2 of FF6 on my GBA, and the occasional race on NASCAR 07. Som I don't really have much to say.

    I plan on having a PS3 within the next 30 days, so I look forward to that. Still, FF13 and Ratchet 5 is a long ways away. Still, I'm being prepared.

    Also, sour skittles are freakin awesome. That is all.

    CP: See above
    Listen To Your Heartbeat Flow And Imagine
    Become Jackson Pollack Airbrush Chinese Dragons

  27. #1437
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Jin's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    First Scorp and now Grim? Who's next, Dawezy? Can the apocalypse really be so close?

    Congrats though man. ^^ You too, Zro. That new appartment looks pretty sweet. Especially that coffee table for a computer chair.

    Gaming, yes...well, please don't attack me, but I started playing FFX-2 again. I suddenly had an urge to use their job...errr, "dress sphere" system. It's really not so bad if you try not to take it too seriously and ignore Rikku wherever possible. *avoids flying objects* At least I'm playing something! XD


    Until now!

  28. #1438
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! ZRO's Avatar
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    Parkersburg, WV, USA
    Hey, I won't say anything (Other than pointing out that FFV has the job system too, as well as FFT ) because personally, I started like an hour of FFX-2, and liked it. I just stopped playing it because I told myself I have to finish FFX first. XD

    FFXI, now with less HNMs!

  29. #1439
    psst..bisho head, you missed FF3(j) it originated the job change system...for that you will recieve...50 lashes from Juice!!!

    ..oh wait..this is supposed to be punishment right? Dammit >.<

    I myslef have been fooling about with FFX-2 I jsut can;t seem to enjoy it due to OCD overloead..and you have to wait SO DAMN LONG to get samurai and Dark Knight >.>

    In othe rnews been playing KH and on lvl 52 i can't believe i lost to Hades in the Hades cup!! arrrgh! tis my own arrogance that defeated me though alas....

    *kills zro*

    "Knowledge, without mileage, is just Bullshit" - Henry Rollins

  30. #1440
    The Old Skool Cult of Kefka, bitches! Jin's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    The problem with FFV, FFIII and FFT is that I've overplayed them. That and I felt like playing a really fast paced RPG that was still turn based. So it fit. The thing that pisses me off about the game is that I've already missed my chance at 100% on this file. -_- Bloody thing.

    Until now!

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