Haha, I knew that would come up Zro. Scorp is next to comment. :P Scary thing is, I've lost all of my hate for them. Not sure why, but their army looked tempting. Except Quebec, I will always hate them. :D
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Haha, I knew that would come up Zro. Scorp is next to comment. :P Scary thing is, I've lost all of my hate for them. Not sure why, but their army looked tempting. Except Quebec, I will always hate them. :D
mwhehehe, well, i feel like a spoilt little juicey today! Its my brothers 20th birthday, and he buys ME a laptop. with stunning 56k dodo internet acess im on top of the world! xD its a Acer aspire, its good enough for what i need it for, me going to uni and all next year ^_^ whoo! And of course to talk to ya'll here in my fave little grotto online. *is gleeful*
In other news, i finished FFVI! :D yay! the final bOss wasnt that hard, (Kefka is so cute!) Terra survived the whole thing the sexy bitch meeeoowww ;)
so CP FFV.
and yes dawezy, i think there are less people who dont know you like beer and hentie then there are those who do ;). Currently in my bar fridge: 2 cascade draughs, 1 bottle of VERY cheap champagne (left over from me n my boys 18months anniversery yesterday) and a pack of bulbs.
Wow.. Juice, get back on AIM. We need to chat again like the good ol' days. XD
lol, so much has changed since then tho... It'd be going on 3 maybe 4 years now since we started chatting!! damn. Thats ages! =)
I dont really use IM anymore, i havnt been dedicated to online anything for a whle now. Living with my b/f is a full time job! ^_^ He is sitting an exam right now the poor sod. I chose art subjects, so no exams for juicey!
Have you made me into a Sim yet Dawez? ^_^ i think that would be funny! Want a photo? took one yesterday... Then again, i be cutting my hair again soon. *wanders off on her own lttle rant* xD
He has broken it twice:stick:Quote:
Originally Posted by Dawezy
Well I guess I should welcome Vivi to the clan. I kid....You hurt*tear* JK. Welcome here.
I currently yes have a big rock on my hand. Good news is that if all fails I can always jump in a river eh? No. I am happy bout it. Thank you for the REC. Dawezy. This cult has really picked up since we put it in the clubs area. We need to bite more of these people. =-[
CP: Castlevania Symphony of the night. GAwd!
You're with Dodo? damn girl ;!.. I suppose it beats a kick in the balls tho right? lol
And yeah, I suppose Vivi and Paladin can be welcomed back. Neither of you were in any real hurry to come back tho? fuckers XD :D. I've been itching to pull out a few roms and download a few more but I keep forgetting and falling back into FF11, heh, But I been poking around Sims 2 a bit more but back into the proper game - not the Uni expansion.
Still need to lurk around and find photos of you mofo's to experiment on.
Your cat ... oh, shi-. XD
Oy DD, cut Pally some slack , he was in the frikkin army for cripes sake so yeah :P as for Vivi...eh...get him :D
Juice is going with a Dodo? wait? Aren't they extinct? and also African ZOMG Time Paradox! Anyways..not much doing right now. But I have a little chart for the 2 Aussies here..check it, it's called the
'How many Fosters does it take' Chart.
How many Fosters does it take for:
Kylie Monague to look like Britney Spears - 1
You to begin to understand what Geoffrey Rush is saying - 3
Didgeridoo music to be pleasant - 7
That Midnight Oil guy to look like Britney Spears - 14
Russell Crowe to seem like a 'Decent bloke' - 19
Vegemite to be palatable - 28
Jin I have no freaking idea what your talking about...so here's a bunny with a pancake on it's head. lol
Who is Juice? I like his/her little vixen...Guess why! JK. An I guess I will welcome Vivi and Paladin just to go with the crowd. One day I will no ye all! An then I'll be happy. Okies...Playing WWE Smack Down "Bring The Pain". I used to heave a character created that look just like TIfa. I was the obssesed. HMM..Need to brach out eh? Well Scorp I will see you in the morninr *rawr :sex:. Lovs everybody! BTW TIFF I posted what I was CP in the thingy incase I am so boring you do not read the whole thing *tear.
We havn't really be introduced eh? Im juice ^_^ whee, Or Luci, from Australia. Used to be active round here about 4 years ago, but now its pretyy much just in this place. ^_^ *gives cookie* Anyway, nice to say hello.
And scorp, i take much pleasure in Vegemite with chese on vitawheats... dun you dare bag it till yourve tried it :D:D
Well glad to make your aquantance reguardless. I love your vixen Gif. I would steal it, but you would know, LMAO! JK> I am cp the last thing I was cping in my last post! Lol :sex:
Ahhh, maybe I should introduce myself to those who do not know me...
My Bio: Idiot.
Yeah thats about it. I was the TFF Idiot. Sean once was too, we crashed weddings and all sorta stupid things. Of course, everyone loved it when we did cuz it was a wedding of two people that annoyed everyone..
Anyways! Im 19, starting college soon.. I love WoW, FF IX, Sex, oh and CT.
I was the first resurecter of the old skool club... Thats pretty much the only reason these guys put up with me or Id be long gone.
anyways, hi to the people who dont know me.
As long as everyone is properly introducing themselves...
I am Shadow Dragoon aka Wyatt Arkham (SD, WA, or Ark for short)
I suppose I could best be described as "That mildly jackass friend of Dawezy."
Yeah...Couldn't come up with a decent description of myself >.>
Also, 1,000 replies, w00t.
CP: Still, Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (Someone save me from it, please)
maybe I should introduce myself too to all of you who don't remember me.....Name's Edan...you'll probably not say it right anyways.......Live in Israel...serving in the Israeli Army (Or IDF, whatever you want to call it) used to hang out here in the distant past..then went to SU then joined the army...and since tyhen I have dissapeared from the earth for very long time periods.
Love old skool games, drawign garbage people call Manga and other random stuff.
Anyway don't get used to seeing me too much.....
Playing: Brave Soul....don't know why
I have already introduced myself to the cult(don't you all jump to find it at once now):p. But I am 19. I came here after being reffered to it by Scorpian. I had been on SU some. BTW if you had not already guess Scorpian an me are engaged. I am mostly a fighting, and racing game type of girl. Love I.D., and people that have LocoColt04 is a noob as a banner are funny to point at, JK.
I know "of" lots of people here, but I actually know only Tiffany, Loco, and Scorpian
no way! i dont rememebr you at SU! hehehe, then again i dont really remember much at all.. from anything lol. Palidin maybe, i DO remeber the name.
=) oh and miss Vixen, if you want the Sig, its yours... ^_^
Originally Posted by Vivi
I didn't say that. Did I? No, no I didn't...
*hides banchaku*
In other news, I haven't been home much lately (including right now!), so the only gaming I've gotten has been some Counter-Strike: Source via LAN. Hardly old school, I know, but I'm practically dying to get home after work this afternoon and resume my regular schedule of NS/OS/NS/OS/etc. It's fun to mix things up.
Currently Playing:
CS:S (PC) - my buddy Chad made a new map, so we've been testing and tweaking it a lot over the past day and a half. It's fun, but has a couple of bad design flaws. It's mostly dark though, forcing you to use your flashlight in the maze and such. Really good strat map.
I mostly post in a thread in the war room. some other ones too, and I had to post in the back in action thread , Lol. i left for a loooiong time. I brought my doomy bf back too:D.Quote:
Originally Posted by Juice
I would steal it, but where ever would I put it, Lol:p
CP : Mortral Kombat
Hahahahaha! I'm back everyone. And to think, I forgot all about posting in here until Dawezy mentioned it! I would've gotten here eventually, but I was only down to the FF Classics forums, so it would have been a while yet...
Anywho, I'll lurk and plunge into the topics at hand soon, but before I do I'll leave you with this:
Currently Playing: Super Mario 64
Hey Psiko, you psycho, good to see you man! You've missed a lot of hot topics, especially with the Wii and whatnot. Damn I can't wait...
Anyway, I'm sort of "gamed out" at the moment. Finishing KHII and not really having the money for New Super Mario Brothers (for saving for my New Zealand trip) puts me in a pickle on what to play. I'll probably be playing the hell out of KoFXI when it comes out at the end of the month
I went ahead and picked up Brain Age and Nintendogs finally though. Brain Age is fun! It really is guys. It was my first time playing Sudoku, and I had a blast. The speech recognition isn't nearly as bad as they say (text recognition on the other hand...damn 4's). Nintendogs is fun, although I'm having more frustration with commands more than anything else. I'll try to pick up on DQVIII again now that I have a PS2 controller with Turbo
So yeah CP:
Nintendogs (DS)
Brain Age (DS)
Well welcome to the club then bud!:D. I am abit of a noob here, btu I think everyone can forgive me just this once;). Nice ta meet ya:)Quote:
Originally Posted by psiko
CP:Mortal Kombat
Funny how I onl revolve around a few games these days. I am killing to get X-man, and Resident Evil 2 though. If anyone has a suggestion please tell me
wow......Psiko and Cain.....years I didn't hear those names......whats up guys?
Unfortunely I have like only a week left being online like this so I hope to catch more people I haven't seen for ages here. there might be a chance I could log on to TFF from my cell phone..but I'lll be only be able to do that back in my country..so hope for the best....
I still find it wierd that bain age is a good game, I keep hearing only good stuff about it still between that and metroid ....I would pick metroid..or some mario game....although I'm really waiting for FFIII.
cp:well...nothing at the moment....eventually I shall rerturn to brave soul....if my new DS won't take my attention away.
Welcome back Psiko. I've been missing that dancing red mage for a while now. :D
Let's see. First kotor is finished yet again, and I'm on to the second one. Evil she wrote this time; makes it much easier to get around, although people always seem to end up getting hurt. ^_^;
Holy fufu, and you all thought it was wild whenever I make it on to post. That crazy dancing Psiko red mage is back. There is face I haven't seen in a while. Nice to have you back at the OLD SKOOL Psiko!!! Talk about a blast from the past. Well for those of you noobs who haven't had the glory. Psiko is one heck of a character and has a spin on looking at things that makes even Dawezy seem sane sometimes. Anyway, nice to have you back Psiko!!!
Currently Playing
Phantasy Star SMS
Herzog Zwei Genesis
Sewer Shark Sega CD
Thanks for the wonderful introduction, my good man. And again, it is great to be back.
A shame neither Dawezy nor LocoColt have welcomed me back yet! Slackers!
Anywho, I recently got Wild Arms 3 and Unlimited Saga for a total of $11! Any of you play one of these games? I don't know which one I want to try out first.
Cheese: psiko is one of the original CoK members, incase it hasnt been mentioned to you in times past ;).
..and on that note, about time you got back you bastard. :D
Its been raining like a bitch here the last few days so I have been kind of quarantined to my place so eh.. same shit different day I suppose, I been taking out Taito Legends 2 and Midway Arcade Classics 2 and randomly playing them at night, after a few drinks it helps me get to sleep heh ^^. I got in touch with my girl over in Oklahoma too, shes got Xfire too now :D so the flirting is quite fun on the semi-daily basis she can manage to squeeze in. But eh I'm telling her not to go out of her way and all that dont wanna comprimise her scheduale with work and such.
CP: Something squishy.. o_o
Heya psiko, welcome back bro.
Just got my FF Chronicles replaced.. never let your friends borrow your games.. Anyways, so I hurried to be Radiata stories which I was stuck in for a while.. started a new FF IV file. After playing a newer RPG, figured I needed something with a bit of a challenge!
oooooooo dawezy's got a girl friend!!!! *giggles like school girl* You stud you, congrats XD
And definately know what you mean by not lending people your games Vivi, ive lost 2 copies of FFVII that way... then again, i have picked up two copies of IX, so im not too sure how that works @_@
Psiko, i remember the dancing red mage :D Welcome back mate.
and my 500th post, whooo about time too!!! :D
[edit]: Or not, where have 14ish of my posts gone? o.O
Aye, but that's no videogame, ya bugger.Quote:
Originally Posted by Dawezy
Yes yes, I am aware that I have not yet welcomed psiko back into the Cult. Welcome back to the Cult! Okay, that's done. No more formalities. :D
Unfortunately, I regret to inform you that I have absolutely nothing oldschool to report at the time. It's a bit saddening, I know, but I too have had somewhat of a social life lately, and any time I've spent at home has been with other people over as well, and it's revolved either around the Gamecube or PC shooters. I must admit, I do rather prefer the social life, even if it means minimal oldschooling for the moment.
Currently Playing:
Mario Kart: Double Dash (GC)
Counter-Strike: Source (PC)
Managed to find myself a working PS1 mini at a yardsale for 7 American dollars. It even came with 2 games. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater and some Monster Truck game.
All I need is to get myself a copy of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and I'll be having an old school fun-gasm
CP: Please, please save me from Heroes of Might and Magic 3. I discovered a random map generator. SAVE ME!
Wow I can't believe how many of the old skoolers are coming back from the land of the lost. It's really cool that everyone is coming back into the fold. I only wish that I had more time for my old skool gaming and to post. I miss the days of posting 20 to 30 times a day. It will be good to get back to that time again. Anyway, it's good to see that everyone is doing well and I'm glad we have finally found a home.
Currently Playing
Sewer Shark: SegaCD
Herzog Zwei: Genesis