as answers to the questions
As for the amount of times i've beaten FInal Fantasy VI, I beat it 12 times out of bordum. I feel that there are very few RPGs that have a well written, thourgh story that needs explaining to young ones. Not that im all that old.ive gotten everything i could out of that game untill VII hit the market. i know most of wat there is to know about that game considering i havent played it in like 3 years, on the playstation.
I give Kefka a 9 out of ten. I think most FInal Fantasy fans dont give him the respect he deserves. Kefka not only killed his emporor and destroyed the world. he became a god no other ff villian can say they accomplished that. he was a grand master of treachery and a formable enemy. he was the only boss that gives me trouble every time i face him except the time when i was 16 and lvled up to hi 70's then went to face him. with his intellect and ability to trick just about everyone makes him the greatest villian in all RPG history.
After seeing the graphic drop of 2 for ps, i desided to hold out on it. but i am looking forward to seing it on the ds that does intrest me. If i try to play games on an 8-bit i get headaches for some reason so i stay away from it.
LIke my previous statement i get headaches from 8-bit generators and old school anima. so im sorry i avoid 8- bit anything for that reason. and honestlly ive never heard of a theater.
I played FFI on the gameboy and FFII on ps. I played FFIV,VI on the snes and I played V on ps. but nvr III so if that crystalis is a referance to III I wont find out about it tillit comes out on DS so if that knocks me of ur list of possible members so be it. I take no ofence i tried to answer these questions to the best of my abilities. unless that was the name of the crystals in FFII or the FF crystal chronicals im not sure.:confused:
ok i hope im sober enough to answer this
i am a evil person, as sad and horrible this is it does prove it. my best friend was dating a girl i liked so one day i locked him in a closet and slept with her while he was locked in there on his bed in his house. i got mad at a kid in school so in our wreastling organization, he challenged me and out of pure hatered i broke his knee with a bat. As for your princess im more likelly to be the kidnapper, then the rescuer. i got more but id like to go to sleep soon so if you want to know wat else i have done to people in my past let me know .
the only time i have ever heard that phrase"eggman" was in the animated series. When Tails got mad for freezing sonic and the girl but never heard it in the game. and answer to the next question, man i dont know anymore wat do you want included even the remakes and rerelaeases man if i knew there was going to be questions on sega i would of done my home work. i know its somewhere around 25 or so including the bad ones that shouldnt count.
Do you mean the vegetable? if so i would say no it does not pollinate that way. i got nothing else im either to young to understand or im to stupid.
Sora is gay, but not for tidus. Sora had it hard for riku if he didnt i would have left his ass behind and said screw him i got kairi, im happy with that.
tidus was straight as gay as he looked. he just needed some one to take him shopping then it would be ok. you could tell he liked yuna from the start and if anything he had rikku on the side.
Dont be mad i never played ne of sonics side games. i played only the old school ones and thats it. i do like sonic i have his game on myspace to prove it its check it if you dont beleive me.
im complete lly hopeless should i know how gilbert is or what. wats with the really wierd questions there scare me .