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Thread: You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up

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  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up

    Take a look around you. All this stuff that's in your room. How much of it do you actually need? How much do you think you could part with? Gun to head, if you could only keep about 25% of the stuff in your room, what would you keep?

    I have a lot of CD's. And toys. And DVD's. And Books. And video games. And a bass. And a bass amp. And clothes. And a bed. And a lamp. I got rid of half my DVD's and some CD's recently. Tried to narrow them down only to the movies and tv shows I absolutely love. I bet I could narrow it down even further though. Probably could get rid of all my cd's (just rip 'em) and probably a lot of my books too (never read 'em anyway.) I'd probably want to keep the TV, all the video game systems and most the games, most the DVD's I have now, my lappy, my amp, and some of my clothes. Stereo could probably go. Probably should keep my alarm clock though. Give my toys to my nephews, or keep a few that I love. Get rid of most the paper stuff, except a lot of the comics I've collected.

    ...I just confused myself as to what I'm keeping and what I'm not. I think I am a bit of a pack rat. There's a lot of old papers I never look at, books I never read, games I never play, clothes I never wear... It's all just stuff. I'm starting to realize this now. Yet a lot of it, I'd probably feel a pang of remorse in getting rid of it. So I didn't really answer my own question. TV, PS3, Duo Retro, video games for those systems, Lappy, guitar, bass, some clothes, some movies, comic books. Oh, and also my kitty. I dunno if that's roughly 25%. Oh well. She'll probably tear everything up that can be torn up eventually anyway Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  2. #2
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up che's Avatar
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    Re: You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up

    I don't really have shit. Clothes, computer, ps3, tv, like 3 ****ing lamps. All the media I use is digital. I guess I need my soccer cleats. I don't need much to be happy. Furniture, clothes, my plant which is named Sam. My grill is probably my favorite thing besides my computer, but I don't keep my grill in my room.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  3. #3
    Asking all the personal questions. You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    I don't really have shit. Clothes, computer, ps3, tv, like 3 ****ing lamps. All the media I use is digital. I guess I need my soccer cleats. I don't need much to be happy. Furniture, clothes, my plant which is named Sam. My grill is probably my favorite thing besides my computer, but I don't keep my grill in my room.
    That's for sure

    Well when you get married s*** tends to find it's way out of the bedroom and into other parts of the house, all we have is a bedside cabinet which I made in highschool and a lamp table which I also made at highschool, on my side of the bed I have three books that I am currently reading and my alarm clock my wife has a lamp and some assorted s*** on her side.

    I also have a telescope for looking at the.....moon.

    Then that's it besides the bed of course.

    If i had to keep only 25% it would be the four walls and maybe the roof it might be an exception but definitely the walls.
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  4. #4
    Registered User You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up
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    Re: You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up

    I'm not really much of a pack rat. There's things that I like having around, sure, but most of my stuff is easy to replace, so I don't mind parting with a majority of it. If I had to choose what to keep though, I'd probably keep my laptop, games and gaming systems with TV, iPod, and a few pieces of jewelry that was given to me from my grandma.
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  5. #5

    Re: You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up

    Actually, I do have to reduce my stuff to about 25% in the next few weeks as I'm moving away from my parent's place into a small appartement.
    Last year, as well, I cleaned my room and threw away all the stuff I didn't need anymore. It wasn't as much as 75% of the stuff, but still much.
    Also I decided to do that every year, starting last year. Well, this year, I really have lots to pack .-.

    I WILL keep all my gaming stuff, my computer, most of my books and probably most of my CDs. Of course I'll keep almost all my clothes - except the ones I never wear anyways - but all the rest will probably at least go straight to the attic. I don't need much in my room, most of it is just there because I got it as a present. ^^"

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  6. #6
    #LOCKE4GOD You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up

    List of things I own:

    Desk ($160)
    4-year old laptop (worth <$1000 now)
    Like 5 different bags
    5 pairs of shoes (2 converse, 1 other kind of casual shoe, dress shoes, running shoes)
    Bike + accessories
    Books (incl an ass-load of textbooks)
    Video games
    PS3, PS2, PSP, Gameboy Advance, DS (but no TV... I use a flatmate's)
    Assorted pots, pans, cups, plates, cutlery
    Bed linen (but no bed... It was already here)
    Bass guitar
    Bass amp and other accessories
    Small shelf and CD/DVD rack

    ...and that's literally it. I have the value of all this twice over in cash though. I'm already asset poor.

    If I was to get rid of things, my game systems would go. I never really use them.
    Last edited by Alpha; 03-17-2012 at 05:08 PM.

  7. #7
    Registered User You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up Halie's Avatar
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    Re: You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up

    This song came into my head when I saw the thread title...

    I have a lot of crap in my room, it's pretty darn messy. I'm a little bit of a hoarder, until every couple of months I get pissed off with stepping on crap that's left on my floor so I end up chucking out bags and bags of stuff. If I had to choose I'd definitely keep a lot of my make-up, my TV, PS3, laptop, memory box, clothes and my blanket/pillows. I'd also keep all my DVDs. I'd get rid of my CDs, my guitar and my PS2 probably (which would be disheartening )

  8. #8
    Memento Rhapso You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up

    The only unnecessary things I own are an extra deck of cards. My room is thrashed, however, because I share it with my brother, and he is a hardcore packrat. There are old CD's, clothes, kicks, toys, pretty much everything already listed in this thread.

    Also, Winter Wrap Up will now be stuck in my head for the rest of the day. Damn you, Telegraph.

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  9. #9
    TFF's Resident Messenger You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up

    I keep old bicycles in my room. Mainly to keep all the parts in good condition. I never know when I may need something from one of them. Like last week, when my front tire blew.

    Stuff I don't use get tossed in my closet. Old clothes and toys are in there right now, as well as shoes, my trophies, typewriter, word processor, and several boxes that we never unpacked when we moved here (nearly seven years ago).

    If I were to get rid of stuff, most of my clothes would go. I still play my board games and still use most of my stuff. My bed is something I could get rid of. The thing is very uncomfortable. Plus it would free up some space in my room.
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  10. #10
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up

    I think I'm a packrat. I find it difficult to chuck things away sometimes. I still have some of my old secondary school books for Art, English, Religious Education and Drama, mainly because I'm proud of the work I put into them. Hours and hours worth of writing and sketches I'd like to keep. I chucked away pretty much everything else though. Saw no need to keep my Maths book - it was just a whole bunch of equations I'll never remember again haha.

    I still live in my childhood room, so I don't really own the furniture. I do own the small, wooden chest on top of my wardrobe though. I've just filled it with junk (some old comics, a black and red wig, a football medal, an oil burner that I made, etc) at the moment, but it'll have a better use one day I hope.

    I own the majority of the video games in my room (90%+ of them), some of the DVDs (30%), college books (70% - mum helped me by buying some of the ones I needed), fiction books (either I bought them, or they were gifts... so 100%). I also own the television (my mum's gift for me for my 18th birthday), the PS3 (bitch took me almost two years to save for, and now I can buy it for a third of the cost. 40GB upgraded to a 640GB), the Xbox 360 (250GB), DSLite, DSi, PSP Base (gift), my iTouch (32GB w/ camera) and my mobile phone (SE W810i I think). My laptop was a gift from my mum and nan when I got into the college I wanted, and I needed a computer.

    I recently sorted out my wardrobe, and chucked out a whole bunch of clothes. Normally I take them to the charity shop, but most of my old clothes were stained or destroyed in some way (like my favourite jumper that the washing machine chewed up two years ago lol).

    I could probably live without most of it if I'm honest. If I move out with my boyfriend, we're going to have a lot of duplicate games, consoles and televisions. Realistically, I need a bigger room. It's too cramped for all the stuff I have.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  11. #11
    Ellipsis You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up

    Well, in one corner of my room, there's a bunch of craft supplies that are never, never used, let alone touched. There's a basket full of felt and a bigger basket full of paper and old paintings from last year, and a large piece of flat, rectangular wood that used to have legs, and a large framed photo of a house by a lake in Japan. Everything else in my room, I actually use enough to pay attention to in my room.

    I could just stuff them in my closet since it's bothering me, but I store some old blankets and boxes in there, too.

    ....I could go for a Winter Wrap Up now. Except, it's already spring here...
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

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  12. #12
    Hewerya love...? You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up seanb's Avatar
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    Re: You a PACKRAT?! :OR: Winter Wrap Up

    I keep loads of things, and find it hard to throw things away, I always say to myself 'oh this could come in handy sometime'

    so in my room in my parents house, its crammed with boxes of things (I don't even know whats in most of them) but I feel good knowing its all there

    And I hate all this minimalist furniture that isn't even designed to store things... all white clinical crap. I want nooks and crannies and shit

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