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Thread: Dry Winter Skin

  1. #1
    Registered User Dry Winter Skin
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    Dry Winter Skin

    I get it around this time every year. Mainly, it's on my hands and parts of my face. My hands sometimes get so dry that they'll crack and bleed. My face just looks like it's falling off (ew.).

    I try all kinds of lotions, but I really have yet to find one that works as well as I would like it to. My latest purchase is the Quench body lotion from Olay. It's says on the bottle that it "breaks the cycle of dry skin". I thought that sounded pretty promising. I bought it and tried it out. It burned a little when I put it on, and I looked at the ingredients. There's like 2 types of alcohol in it, which is what was probably burning my skin. I stopped using it.

    For my face, I use Clinique's step 3 lotion that I get when I buy thier 3 step skin care line, but even that isn't doing so good right now.

    Does anyone else get really bad dry winter skin? What do you do about it?
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  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I don't use any lotions for my face, I just wash it everyday when I take a shower. I will use vaseline on my nose if I see it drying but that is it. I must be lucky and rarely get bad dry skin. Never seen my skin bleed from dryness.

    I have however had to regrow the skin on my left thumb one time, it got so dry I ignored it and then my high ass kept gnawing at it and eventually messed it up so bad I actually covered it with multiple bandaids to prevent me from messing with it. Took a long time to regrow about almost an inch of the skin on my left thumb.
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  3. #3
    The Bad Boy of TFF Dry Winter Skin Block's Avatar
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    I don't get dry skin really all that bad, but my lips are always chapped. So I use Burt's Bees to take care of that... maybe Burt makes a lotion as well? His products are awesome!

    Just checked Burt's Bees Site they have lotion there!

  4. #4
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Same here! My hands feel terrible in winter. It can be painful to clench my fists and relax my hands because they get so badly chapped. If I put cream on it, it burns and irritates because... well, it's chapped. =[

    My mum gave me some cream the other week to help my hands, and it didn't burn or irritate me at all. It's a L'Occitane Hand Cream with Lavender essential oils. Not only does it smell great, but my hands were smooth again in about three days if I applied twice/three times a day. The beauty is that you don't even need to use much of it - I have a 75ml tube, and I've hardly used any of it since it was given to me.

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  5. #5
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Oddly enough, I seem to get really dry skin on my elbows. Yeah, I don't know either. My mom swears by Eucerin, says it's the best stuff out there. That may be true, it may not. All I know is it's a greasy creme and that's gross, so I don't really use it.

    I did get a little trial thing of a Dove lotion that seems to work pretty well. It smells nice and it's not greasy, which is good in my book. The one I have is a body lotion though so you probably wouldn't want to put it on your face...they probably do have a face one, I just haven't tried it.

    I do have a mild bit of psoriasis (undiagnosed, but that's what it is) on my scalp and this dry winter air makes it 10x worse than it usually is. I'm still trying to find something that'll work for it. Head and Shoulders only semi-works and only if I use it every day. Next is to try the actual psoriasis shampoos, I just didn't want to cause then I have to admit I'm diseased. x-x

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  6. #6
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Dry Winter Skin Joe's Avatar
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    I've had it happen a number of times, though this year hasn't been nearly as bad as previously (maybe because it isn't as cold down here in 'bama). I found one thing that seemed to work ok, though it wasn't all that easy to find. Cetaphil = God. There's a soap, lotion, and I think a face wash too. From what I remember, instead of drying out your skin, like regular soap does, it helps seal the moisture into your skin, while still cleaning it. I might be wrong about that, but it works regardless.

    Try your local drug store, and ask about it ^^

    I've never tried Eucerin though, so i can't really comment either way on it. I've heard good things though.
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  7. #7
    Death Before Dishonor Dry Winter Skin Josh_R's Avatar
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    The only dryness on my body that occurs during the winter is my elbows. During the spring, summer, and even fall it isn't to bad cause I swim all the damn time. My doctor said the chlorine in the water prevents the skin from drying out. This is good during those times of the year, but afterwards my elbows get pretty bad. I use a Suave lotion it is non-perfumed and doesn't burn at all, really great stuff..

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  8. #8
    I definitely get dry skin during Winter, I always use lots of lotion regardless, I hate dry skin. If it's really cold and windy I sometimes get dandruff. I hate it, I know this is gonna sound strange, but I do vinegar rinses for my scalp during the winter, like now. It keeps your scalp from getting all dry and gross because it balances your PH. You don't need a lot of vinegar like one tablespoon per 1 cup of water.

    Ta DA!!!:

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  9. #9
    Bananarama Dry Winter Skin Pete's Avatar
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    I would try keeping the windows cracked a little bit. Stuffy rooms always seem to dry my hands out hardcore in the winter, like to the point where they'll crack and bleed. Moisturizers and creams work, and if it's really bad, sometimes a little bit of vaseline before going to bed (**** you all I'm not making a joke about whacking off). That should help to preserve the moisture in your skin overnight.

    Also avoid things with any alcohol in them, since they will dry out your skin. Those are really only meant for people with like super oily skin.

    In the winter, I also use all soaps and whatever for sensitive skin. Hope that helps
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  10. #10
    Sir Prize Dry Winter Skin Sinister's Avatar
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    I DESPISE dry skin. The one thing I hate about winter. Fortunately I keep a humidifier in my room for my Orchids. So long as I can make back to my room, I end up okay. Heating blankets are absolute evils though. =/


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  11. #11
    This ain't no place for no hero Dry Winter Skin Tiffany's Avatar
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    For really dry hands and feet (or elbows) using anything with Shea Butter will help. You don't want a lotion, you want something thicker. Don't use it on your face though. For face stuff I don't know... I've got super sensitive skin and if you look at it the wrong way it'll break out with zits.

    So far I've used a cream by Vichy, I think it's Thermal Type S or something to that nature. Its helped, but with my skin being as oily as it is I don't need to use it very often.

  12. #12
    Registered User Dry Winter Skin
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    I appreciate all the responses and advice!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    Heating blankets are absolute evils though. =/

    I sleep with a heating blanket. Is that what could be contributing to some of the dryness? That's not good if they do...

    @ Gypsy- For your vinegar rinses, how often do you have to do it? I may start doing that.
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  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    For your vinegar rinses, how often do you have to do it? I may start doing that.
    I do mine about once or twice a week, you can do it as often as you like really, It doesn't smell either. You can leave it in and once your hair dries, no smell

    I usually leave mine in, I don't think it matters what vinegar you use either, I'm a fan of apple cider vinegar.

    Ta DA!!!:

    Alright, who censored my rocketship?

    From The Clint Eastwood
    I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
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    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  14. #14
    Vagabond Thief Dry Winter Skin Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    Since i work in beauty products i'll give you some tips to what i do for dry skin lol.

    always exfoliate,light exfoliaters for your face and a thick scrub for your body. Exfoliating gets off the dry skin, and it cleanses too.
    Also using a thick cream or body butter on your body is good(yes males can use these too) cream and body butters are thicker than lotion,and they absorb better in the winter versus summer.

    for my hands i use a hand scrub then some shea butter hand cream

    shea butter works wonders for dry skin also anything with vitamin e and paraffin works well too. parrafin locks in moisture so it sinks into your skin and actualy stays there,vitamin e well i hope you know what that does lol it just keeps your skin strong and moisturized.

    oh and for your face try a moisturizer made for dry skin,and usually ith sunscreen it. sunscreen you're supposed to use year round to help your skin too.

    i hope this helps!!good luck!!
    Last edited by Rikkuffx; 01-05-2010 at 08:04 AM.
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  15. #15
    Sir Prize Dry Winter Skin Sinister's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    I appreciate all the responses and advice!

    I sleep with a heating blanket. Is that what could be contributing to some of the dryness? That's not good if they do...
    They definitely don't help. The hotter they are set, the worse the damage. And you know those heating blankets made of that woolen and scratchy material? Put those blankets on high and it's the equivalent of laying in a bed of hot salt.


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  16. #16
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    I normally don't get dry skin, but I have chapped lips all the time, especially during the winter. Any remedies for that? I keep hydrated with water frequently enough to the point where that wouldn't be the problem, and several different kinds of chapstick have no real effect.
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    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  17. #17
    Vagabond Thief Dry Winter Skin Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    I normally don't get dry skin, but I have chapped lips all the time, especially during the winter. Any remedies for that? I keep hydrated with water frequently enough to the point where that wouldn't be the problem, and several different kinds of chapstick have no real effect.
    You can buy this stuff called eucerin ointment at a drugstore. i use that on my lips,it can be used on your lips,hands,feet anywhere you have dry skin!
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  18. #18
    I think it can be caused by taking really hot showers and then drying off like you would in the summertime.

    In winter you have to take less hot showers (or at the very least turn the water temp down just before you get out), and then pat yourself dry instead of rubbing.

    Helps a bit, anyway. **** cold showers though.

  19. #19
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Dry Winter Skin Polk's Avatar
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    My hands got really dry in the wintertime when I was just a wee Polk, and they bled a lot. I just used lotion, and about 5 years ago, I'd say, it just stopped. Same with my lips. They got really dry, and I have sort of a scar on my bottom lip where it would crack every year...

    WAIT, NO. I got that scar from fighting a murderer in a hospital! Yeah! Actually, he was a BABY murderer as well! And he was also a monster! A monster with a rocket launcher! And then when I killed him, I delivered a baby for a pregnant woman! Then everybody thought I was a hero, and applauded me!

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  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by James K. Polk View Post
    My hands got really dry in the wintertime when I was just a wee Polk, and they bled a lot. I just used lotion, and about 5 years ago, I'd say, it just stopped. Same with my lips. They got really dry, and I have sort of a scar on my bottom lip where it would crack every year...

    WAIT, NO. I got that scar from fighting a murderer in a hospital! Yeah! Actually, he was a BABY murderer as well! And he was also a monster! A monster with a rocket launcher! And then when I killed him, I delivered a baby for a pregnant woman! Then everybody thought I was a hero, and applauded me!

    (heh heh heh... There's no way they won't believe that! There isn't a single plot hole in that story!)
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  21. #21
    アズテオル Dry Winter Skin Azuteor's Avatar
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    Do you have eczema, Dodie? I've had it for about seven years. I had eczema problems around middle school, but nowadays I'm growing out of it and it's almost non-existent except during the winter season. (I think one of the main reasons for the cure is that I got injected by a small dose of steroids by my doctor. xD)

    My skin breaks during Winter too. Mostly small patches on my cheeks and around my neck. You should try using Aveeno's skin relief body wash. You might want to try their other products too. I also use Galderma's Cetaphil moisturizing cream. After you take a bath and dry off, make sure that your dry spots are a little wet and apply the cream on them.

    You don't have to worry about any burning sensations. If I didn't get any, you shouldn't get any either.

    If you're still having problems, you gotta go consult a Dermatologist. Eczema/dry skin is a b^tch. ><;

  22. #22
    Registered User Dry Winter Skin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azuteor View Post
    Do you have eczema, Dodie? I've had it for about seven years. I had eczema problems around middle school, but nowadays I'm growing out of it and it's almost non-existent except during the winter season.

    My skin breaks during Winter too. Mostly small patches on my cheeks and around my neck. You should try using Aveeno's skin relief body wash. You might want to try their other products too. I also use Galderma's Cetaphil moisturizing cream. After you take a bath and dry off, make sure that your dry spots are a little wet and apply the cream on them.

    You don't have to worry about any burning sensations. If I didn't get any, you shouldn't get any either.

    If you're still having problems, you gotta go consult a Dermatologist. Eczema/dry skin is a b^tch. ><;
    I don't think I have eczema, but of course I never went to a doctor to get it checked out before either. I do have some irritation on the side of my scalp that has been bothering me, and I do sometimes develop rough patches of skin on my neck and other parts of my body that itch a bit. I've been putting Hydrocortisone cream to help with the itchiness, but it doesn't really help with the dryness.

    Maybe I should have a doctor take a look at what's going on.

    (I think one of the main reasons for the cure is that I got injected by a small dose of steroids by my doctor. xD)
    Oh dear God, please no needles. I don't do well with injections.
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  23. #23
    アズテオル Dry Winter Skin Azuteor's Avatar
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    o3o; I think I got the shot when I had this really nasty lesion against my leg. It was the size of a circle made by attaching your middle finger to the tip of your thumb. I had to got the shot about 5 times around the lesion and you know what? It healed!

    I think the steroid I was referring to are called topical steroids, which is common in most skin products and works to reduce inflammation of the skin. You might want to use the weakest possible steroid that can do the job and use a stronger one to make sure your dry spots are cleared completely.


    Take a look at those and get some reinforcement from your doctor! Hope that helps! *thumbs up*

    Let me know how it goes, ey?

    edit: I used hydrocortisone in the past as well. It didn't help me either. I hate any ointment that has that weird texture as vaseline. Lol.
    Last edited by Azuteor; 01-07-2010 at 03:49 PM.

  24. #24
    Do the elements trust you? Dry Winter Skin bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Hey dodie I used to have that problem a couple years back it stopped once I started taking really hot showers in the morning before I took cold showers in the afternoons and I think that's what caused it hope this helps
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  25. #25
    Air from my lungs. Dry Winter Skin Violet's Avatar
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    I get dry skin when I get out of the shower. I have to put moisturizer on my face before it dries and gets flaky. Same goes for my hair.. I have to put conditioner in it to keep it all healthy. My lips get very chapped and I nibble on them quite often, but I found that carmex is the best chapstick out there.. it's the only thing that's worked for me. Not even olive oil worked for me..

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