Take a look around you. All this stuff that's in your room. How much of it do you actually need? How much do you think you could part with? Gun to head, if you could only keep about 25% of the stuff in your room, what would you keep?

I have a lot of CD's. And toys. And DVD's. And Books. And video games. And a bass. And a bass amp. And clothes. And a bed. And a lamp. I got rid of half my DVD's and some CD's recently. Tried to narrow them down only to the movies and tv shows I absolutely love. I bet I could narrow it down even further though. Probably could get rid of all my cd's (just rip 'em) and probably a lot of my books too (never read 'em anyway.) I'd probably want to keep the TV, all the video game systems and most the games, most the DVD's I have now, my lappy, my amp, and some of my clothes. Stereo could probably go. Probably should keep my alarm clock though. Give my toys to my nephews, or keep a few that I love. Get rid of most the paper stuff, except a lot of the comics I've collected.

...I just confused myself as to what I'm keeping and what I'm not. I think I am a bit of a pack rat. There's a lot of old papers I never look at, books I never read, games I never play, clothes I never wear... It's all just stuff. I'm starting to realize this now. Yet a lot of it, I'd probably feel a pang of remorse in getting rid of it. So I didn't really answer my own question. TV, PS3, Duo Retro, video games for those systems, Lappy, guitar, bass, some clothes, some movies, comic books. Oh, and also my kitty. I dunno if that's roughly 25%. Oh well. She'll probably tear everything up that can be torn up eventually anyway Anyhoo...

Wuv, Yer Mom