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Thread: You don't want to make me angry

  1. #1
    Asking all the personal questions. You don't want to make me angry RamesesII's Avatar
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    You don't want to make me angry

    What are your methods for dealing with anger and frustration?

    Do you bottle it up and unleash it at random moments at friends and family.

    Or do you have a special cool down method that works for you.

    I like t sock a few rounds with my boxing bag but sometimes that makes me worse, reading also works for me because I can get lost in the story.
    But sometimes I am just so frustrated that I have to just go and lay down in the dark and listen to nothing but the quiet noises around me.
    Last edited by RamesesII; 09-23-2011 at 04:24 AM.
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  2. #2

    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    I usually try either meditation or listening to soothing and calm music. There are times where i just talk aggressively and people get the hint and leave me be.

    Another way is to just go in the bedroom and have some alone time. Or possibly try a nap.
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  3. #3
    Hewerya love...? You don't want to make me angry seanb's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    I always need to lie down when things get heated with me. Or just leave the room and gather myself.... I usually am quite relaxed and patient but when something pushes me over the edge I get hot tempered really quickly. Sometimes I wish I had sleeping pills or something that would knock me out so I don't have to deal with whatever is firing me up.

  4. #4
    TFF's Resident Messenger You don't want to make me angry Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    Now, I am technically not diagnosed as crazy, but everyone says I am. When I get mad, I choose the most violent video game, and I play it.

    If I play Grand Theft Auto, I will equip a knife and go on a killing spree. Racking up the wanted level doesn't faze me a bit. Killing the law enforcement puts a smile on my face.

    If MGS, I will go to the area with the most people, get as high up as possible, then take my Rocket Launcher and blow everbody up. Each person gets one. A little shiny present from me.

    And sometimes I will just put in Virtua Fighter IV, and melee everybody. Mortal Kombat is always fun too.

    Again, I am not diagnosed, but killing people makes me happy.
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  5. #5
    Death Before Dishonor You don't want to make me angry Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    I used to have many anger issue's, but after some therapy I have learned to channel it into productive things. Also playing video games helps me quite a bit. Except for fighting, and driving games they cause me to rage when I lose.

    I do alot of MMA fighting so that is a good place to put all my anger. I often feel bad for my sparing partner though cause he can't deal with me when i'm pissed.

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  6. #6
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    In keeping with my usual answers to these kinds of questions... I kill. Indiscriminately. It's really a wonder how anything continues to live around me/I am not in jail/haven't been euthanized yet.

    Sincerely, it depends upon the thing that made me angry. Sometimes I will vent my frustrations to others who are willing to listen. Other times I go for a walk/run. Still other times I yell, swear, and handle objects around me roughly (this is usually when I am watching a sports game/playing a video game/am at work. The things I've said to random vacuum cleaners/cords/furniture... they'd make you cry.) Sometimes I've wanted to get into a fight, but that's stupid, and I wouldn't actually go out and look for one. Anyhoo...

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  7. #7
    Bananarama You don't want to make me angry Pete's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    When I get pissed, I hit the gym. I'll blast some Metallica or anything that can get me a little more amped up, and I'll have a good, ass-kicking workout. If it's later in the day, and the gym isn't an option, I'll probably have a few beers, pass out watching TV and wake up not really being as mad about whatever it was.

    I've gotten a lot better with my anger over the years. Back in the day, I would get pissed about stupid shit, and be mad about it for days. Now it takes some bigger things to really get me, but the reaction is usually spectacular... and then I usually look like the asshole. Unless, of course, I'm justified.
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  8. #8
    Whistling Songbird You don't want to make me angry Asectic's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    Whenever I'm angry, without thinking I blabber how I feel to my parents. Which usually gets them surprised, thinking "why are you doing this to me?". But they understand afterwards.

    OR, Playing a good round of piano helps. One or two few good long songs makes me feel refreshed afterwards. It helps especailly when the source of the anger came from family in the first place XD

    I'm the type of person to not go showing it to the people who made me angry. I vent it out when they're not there. It's as simple as that.


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  9. #9
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom You don't want to make me angry Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    i don;t really get do Boxing, Mauy Thai, Brazilian Jui juitsu and my anger is beaten the shit outta me anyway..but on the occasion i feel the sudden urge to turn green and rip my shirt off (happens more often then you would think) i listen to alot of happy ska music and calm my ass down!


  10. #10
    All evil will see the light You don't want to make me angry Assassin's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    Well what I do when I get angry is very wrong. I get angry et every1 around me n then my anger gets out of control and I scream n shout at the person who's trying to help me.

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  11. #11
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! You don't want to make me angry Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    You know, I've been a lot less angry since I split up with my boyfriend. He was a really angry person with a short fuse. I suspect it rubbed off on me, as I wasn't able to deal with stress at work. For example if someone was sarcastic and nasty, co-worker or customer, I would let it get to me, and would find myself being mean to people at work, which is not good in my line of work. However of late, I haven't let myself get so wound up so easily and so quickly. Like today there was a customer being vague, and she got all sarky with me when I got her order wrong. I was all like "whatever..."

    I tend to put angry thoughts to the back of my mind, think about something else (I have always been told I am good at putting things to the back of my mind). Usually when I wake up the next day, I feel a lot better about things, and by the next day I usually completely forget what I was mad about.
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  12. #12
    Gingersnap You don't want to make me angry OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    Funniest part of discussing anger, imo, is usually how proud some people are of their anger. I get angry sometimes, but I don't think my freaking out makes me cool. In fact, I'm usually embarrassed or amused by it, because I probably looked goddamn ridiculous.

    I'd say it's rare that I actually get full blown angry. Usually it's better classified as irritation or frustration, and I can usually calm those things by understanding a situation better.

    I wait tables at a health club, so I deal with hungry, cranky, entitled, snotty people on a regular basis who feel like they can shit all over me because they paid for their membership and I'm only a waitress. It's easy to get pissed. But I've learned that the instant I can understand them better, I am left with sympathy for them and their general unhappiness. And then relieved that I can laugh it off and go back to my awesome life while they're stuck in one that makes them unhappy enough that they act like assholes.

    Frustration with someone I love is different and can sometimes be more difficult. But remembering that I love them helps. And I have a rule that if someone I care about apologizes and means it... we're good. Sometimes I'll have to calm down for a bit, but I'll consider the issue resolved. I hate trying to apologize to a person who continues to yell at me for something I keep saying sorry for. So when I'm the offended party, I accept apologies immediately if they are genuine.

    I'm not afraid of confrontation but I do not enjoy it at all.

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  13. #13
    Registered User You don't want to make me angry Halie's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    I don't get angry easily, and I can only remember one incident in my life where I feel like I really boiled over and saw red. I was about 10 or 11 years old, and my best friend was being picked on by two older girls and they started hitting her, so I ran over to her and told her to run home, and then the two girls started hitting me instead. One of them pushed me off a wall and I landed on a bush. It's the only fight I've ever been in, and I could barely breathe because I was so pissed off. I walked home to see if my friend was okay and her and my mum were looking at me funny 'cause I looked like I wanted to kill someone lol. Anyway, my mum made sure I was okay and then gave me my favourite ice cream to calm me down and it worked.

    So, I guess my favourite things make me feel better when I'm frustrated and or annoyed. Being alone helps too, like others have said. Also watching make-up tutorials, and singing clears my head too.

  14. #14
    Registered User You don't want to make me angry Diyala's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    I usually try to act cool when something frustrating happens to me especially in front of people that make acting formally in their presence is a must . But sometimes I can't control my anger and would act impatiently and a bit bluntly which wouldn't bring both of us the good ending , that is why I try to avoid speaking when I am angry as much as I can.

  15. #15
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth You don't want to make me angry Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    Music does wonders for me, it helps me relax and control my anger, whenever I'm angry I just lay down and play me something smooth. It doesn't work always though, on rare occasions when I'm really furious I need to brake something, so, I take an old PC mouse, anything of no use really, and smash it.

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  16. #16
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    I cry, mostly. I don't like being angry because I'm ashamed of the things I can say or do when pushed - and I never mean it. I don't see crying as being weak either - it's the way I release the tension the anger builds, much like how a kettle releases steam when the water is done boiling.

    I hate myself when I'm angry. I've said and done a lot of things I'm not proud of.

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  17. #17

    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    Normally, I put on some music and that sometimes helps. I find listening to Nirvana in particular helps most for whatever reason. Not sure.
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  18. #18

    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    I have to just breathe, I try to talk in a calm voice and figure things out in my brain. I Over analyze everything...thats my Problem. So music or just running really helps me out with my frusteration. If I let things brew...thats the usually ends up worse then before. So I try to get them out as soon as I can.
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  19. #19
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    If I'm angry at home, I usually rant to Jord. When I'm angry at Jord, I go out for a walk. When I'm angry at work (which is difficult to do, but it has been acheived), I either rant to Steve or lock my office door for a short time to regain myself. I'm not an overly angry person, but I am passionate, which is mistaken for anger on occassion.

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  20. #20
    Memento RK You don't want to make me angry Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    I used to be a really angry person when I was younger. I'm not proud of the things I've said/done in my past, nor do I really want to share them. Some of that anger has spilled into my 'adult life', but it isn't as evident as it used to be.

    My methods of dealing with are still a work in progress though. Often times, sleep does help. I don't get enough sleep as it is. I find as long as I get some sleep at night, it keeps those emotions at bay.

    If I can't get sleep, I go for a walk. It really depends on the time of day and the mood I'm in though. I would either put on some dance music, or some sort of rock music (I lost most of the music I liked from my MP3 player, now I just listen to what I have on my phone), but a walk works in most situation. When I start to reflect on what happened and what I'm doing, I know it worked.

    When I'm at work, I need to keep calm. It's blatantly obvious when I'm angry though. My face goes red (If you saw my skin colour, it's bloody obvious). Since my place of work is currently around planes, I would usually take a long walk down to either the Domestic or International lounge and spend some time watching planes. That usually calms me down pretty quick.

    If all else fails, I usually go on a rant to some friends (Online and in person) That usually helps. The friends I talk to in person will in most cases involve some sort of drink. Alcohol or coffee works best depending on the type of atmosphere I want. I usually like to type out my feelings, but that doesn't work as well as I'd like it to.

    IF even that fails, and it has, I just need a cigar and some time to myself away from everything. This doesn't happen very often though. That's when my anger has gotten so bad and just can't take it anymore. It mostly happens when I'm frustrated/stressed out and have been pushed past my limit about 5 miles back. People know not to go near me when this happens.
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  21. #21

    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    Best thing to do is to just think over what it is that makes you angry and look inside yourself to see if you have a problem, and if you do, deal with it. Mostly people get angry because they're frustrated or can't cope with something. I just analyze things and try to work things out. If it's really people's fault, I just try to explain them them they're wrong and if that doesn't work, I ignore them. If ignoring is hard, I try to steam off by working out, going outside and stuff like that. It helps to just walk out of the stressful place, go outside and cool off.

  22. #22
    Boxer of the Galaxy You don't want to make me angry Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    Working out makes me feel better. Or a good tug.

  23. #23
    G'day You don't want to make me angry NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    I tend to say things in a mean or sarcastic way. I usually bottle things up. If I'm extremely angry, I'll have a nap.

  24. #24
    All is One.One is All. You don't want to make me angry Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    When I get really ticked off..I cry,its just..idk..I can't control it . If I get a little mad,I stop talking to those around me for like 10 minutes and then I am back to being happy,I just can't stay mad for long ya kno?
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  25. #25
    Passing fair judgement You don't want to make me angry Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    Well, I can get pretty angry sometimes. My family says they're afraid of me when I get angry. I usually go up into my room and punch my pillow or stare out the window. It's a medieval method of dealing with anger to be sure but oh well.
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  26. #26
    Crash Boom Bang You don't want to make me angry Lily's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    i usually just have a rant at whoevers to be in ear shot... i tend to get myself wound up though, then il just have a snapper over summat minor thats pushed me over the edge and either storm off or lose my temper and shout

    one such example being my walking out of work on thursday. some gental coaxing and a nother strop or 2 from me eventually got me back to my desk yesterday

    dont bottle things up, the boss said, if im pissing you off just tell me. noted

  27. #27
    I will finish the hunt You don't want to make me angry Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    Re: You don't want to make me angry

    I don't allow myself to get angry often. I tend to ignore stupidity as best I can. I get annoyed a lot, but if something is bothering me than I generally leave it alone or express my anger in a mature fashion. You can't fix stupid so I rarely try to. It's best to leave things alone when they get to be too much. When I was younger I did have an anger problem, but that stemmed from having ignorant deranged parents. When I got older I solved it by knocking the crap out of my step-dad and leaving it at that. It may not have matched the pain and agony he put me in as a child, but I got my point across and showed him what it's like to be scared and hurt. After he apologized and we moved on. We are now actually kinda close. After all I can't stay mad at a man who fed and clothed a child that wasn't his. It takes a man to do that. Some men just get lost along the way and need to be put in their place. Just sad it was I that has to do it and not the mother that should've done it.
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

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