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Thread: The Wonders of Eggs!

  1. #1

    The Wonders of Eggs!

    I don’t know why but I’ve always been intrigued by the egg.
    This may seem unusual… but give me a second! I shall explain *Attempts to look intellectual and pushes glasses up a little*.

    The egg can take on many different forms. Not only this, but it is a vital ingrediant for many recipes too! *COOKIES NOM NOM NOM* <_<

    So here are the disguises that I can think of that the egg takes…


    Also, the egg white is quite fun too D=. Lately I’ve been hooked onto cookery programs on TV, and when you whisk those they just transform into that airy white fluff!!! XD For Meringues and stuff… Not that I’ve tried it. Yet *Cackles* x3.

    Annnyway ^^! How do you take your eggs? n.n
    Last edited by Kilala; 07-22-2009 at 06:19 AM. Reason: Fatal Spelling Error - corrected/pointed out by T.G.

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  2. #2
    Air from my lungs. The Wonders of Eggs! Violet's Avatar
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    Scrambled!! Mm... I love eggs. Lately, I've been having a desire for scrambled eggs. Last time we went to a breakfast buffet at a casino, I just loaded my plate up with eggs.. and bacon, of course. But man.. eggs and ketchup are heaven. So is eggs and cheese.. and rice. Yummeh.

  3. #3
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 The Wonders of Eggs! T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Scrambled, too. I just can't tolerate the flavor of fried sunny eggs, nor poached eggs since they have too strong of a flavor. But scrambled? You can season them to taste.

    Also, it's not "merings", it's "Meringue" or "Merengue" (if you take it for the Spanish original meaning). The white fluffy stuff is actually bubbles of air trapped in the whisked egg, much like what happens when you whisk milk or any other kind of fat immersed in a liquid. The swifter you beat it, the creamier it gets.

    There's also different uses for eggs. For example, not only it is an oily source of fat which humidifies flour and turns it into dough, or an essential part of breakfast, but also a garnish for some kinds of meals. For example, most potato salads are made with boiled eggs, and the same thing happens with Cobb salads. Furthermore, you can eat a fried egg over rice and corned beef (canned corned beef, tho) and serve it as a dinner meal. No, I kid you not.

    Finally, if you want to sound smart, you'd need to know the difference between boiled eggs and poached eggs.
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  4. #4
    Registered User The Wonders of Eggs! Yesha's Avatar
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    I reaLLy Like eggs that are cooked scrambLed.. of course.. for breakfast.. my father Like to make it omeLet aLso.. which is aLso great.. :-)

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  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The Wonders of Eggs! Xanatos's Avatar
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    Scrambled eggs definitely, I can't imagine a breakfast without scrambled eggs. When I wake up my system automatically needs scrambled eggs with bacon, I have used to it and I can't imagine anything different, well maybe I can but who cares.

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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar View Post

    Also, it's not "merings", it's "Meringue" or "Merengue" (if you take it for the Spanish original meaning). The white fluffy stuff is actually bubbles of air trapped in the whisked egg, much like what happens when you whisk milk or any other kind of fat immersed in a liquid. The swifter you beat it, the creamier it gets.


    Finally, if you want to sound smart, you'd need to know the difference between boiled eggs and poached eggs.
    XD Thanks for pointing that out. I can't believe I didn't even notice that - and I'm not even going to pretend that I'm a great speller or anything. I have no excuse I'm sorry ;3

    Secondly, I'm not trying to sound smart on the subjects of eggs x3 Quite frankly I thought of the terminology. I'm wasn't about to go into the process on how to boil, how to scramble, how to fry and how to poach an egg. I could if you want... But maybe you'd be better off asking Delia (another Smith ~^) or something xP. *Glomps* <333

    As for my preference on eggs... I'll go with scrambled on toast... or fried with some homemade chips. A tie between them both <3

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  7. #7
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I like omelette. My brother makes great omelettes. Especially with cheese on. I don't know why, but even after having studied a little cookery, I can't get the hang of eggs. I rely on my brother for that now.

    It's my goal now, to learn more about the cruel mistress that is the egg.

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  8. #8
    I like scrambled. I'd been having scrambled eggs on toast alot lately, until one day I cracked open an egg and it was filled with blood. That put me off eggs for awhile, but after reading this topic, I kind of want them again

    I also like boiled eggs. With the tiniest bit of salt and buttered pieces of bread (soldiers, my grandmother would call them) on the side to eat them with. Yum!

  9. #9
    I like mine with a kiss.

  10. #10
    Asking all the personal questions. The Wonders of Eggs! RamesesII's Avatar
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    Anyway but raw, i love my eggs whether it be in cakes or for breakfast but the smell of a raw egg is quite disgusting other than that they are great tasty versatile healthy and full of protein. I like to wrap my raw eggs in cling wrap and place them in boiling water to poach them plus it gives it a nice presentation.
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  11. #11
    Gingersnap The Wonders of Eggs! OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda
    I like mine with a kiss.
    I bet I could get that at Waffle House.

    As far as I'm concerned, they're the perfect food. My favorite is over-easy. I cook them that way most often. But I also do scrambled, boiled, and I poached some eggs once. Liked it. And when I scramble them, I often eat them with goat cheese. Sometimes kale.

    I cook my eggs in extra virgin olive oil (unless I'm boiling or poaching). I like the taste of olive oil with eggs rather than cooking them in butter. And I don't season them because I can usually get local eggs or really good cage-free eggs, and I think they taste so good on their own, I don't need salt or pepper.

    And sometimes I put them in my stir fry.
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 07-23-2009 at 08:49 AM.

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  12. #12
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I like my egg to become fertilised, hatch and then grow into a succulent, preferably large chicken before I eat it.

    Otherwise? Probably scrambled. With bacon.
    victoria aut mors

  13. #13
    Tsuna Feesh The Wonders of Eggs! Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    I like fried eggs, but not completely fried, just slightly undercooked on the yolk. It gets a little crunchy on the outer layer, and in the middle, it's soft and melty, like cheese.

    If I eat too much, my stomach starts to really hurt. And the cholesterol is not that good for you. Still, eggs are one of my favorites. And you can't make tons of desserts without them.

    Now, I present to you with a question: if you take out an egg that is store bought or anything, spin it in a circle, stop it, then let go, why does it keep spinning? Ooh, isn't that interesting? (Not really; the answer is obvious.)

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  14. #14
    Sir Prize The Wonders of Eggs! Sinister's Avatar
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    Eggs au beurre noir
    Eggs Benedict
    And a nice healthy Prairie Oyster

    Other than that, I truly don't like the things. Can't stand them scrambled or omelet-style.


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  15. #15
    I like weasels. The Wonders of Eggs! MossNoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    I like my egg to become fertilised, hatch and then grow into a succulent, preferably large chicken before I eat it.
    QFT. Genius. I wholeheartedly agree. Mmm, chicken.

    I'm becoming rather partial to scrambled eggs in my chicken fried rice, though I don't usually like eggs because they make me queasy for some reason. My eggs have to be mixed in with something for me to enjoy them, like in pancakes or something.

  16. #16
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 The Wonders of Eggs! T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    Sunny-side Up
    Eggs au beurre noir
    Eggs Benedict
    And a nice healthy Prairie Oyster

    Other than that, I truly don't like the things. Can't stand them scrambled or omelet-style.

    Odd. We have different tastes, it seems. I can only eat eggs scrambled or in an omelette.

    Still, I'm intrigued by two of the choices you said. "Eggs in black butter"? Also, the Prairie Oyster (doesn't seem like an egg platter)
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  17. #17
    Sir Prize The Wonders of Eggs! Sinister's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar View Post
    Odd. We have different tastes, it seems. I can only eat eggs scrambled or in an omelette.

    Still, I'm intrigued by two of the choices you said. "Eggs in black butter"? Also, the Prairie Oyster (doesn't seem like an egg platter)

    The dish to which you refer is made with some farm animal's testicles or some such madness.

    The Prairie Oyster, however, is also a drink made with one raw egg yolk, tomato juice, tobasco sauce, pepper and vinegar. It's a common cure for a hangover.

    Eggs in black butter, indeed. You clarify the butter and then use a dollop of cooking sherry. As the egg cooks, you keep spooning the butter over the egg, which should begin turning a dark red color(the butter but not the egg). There are different methods, but this is the one that suits me. They are very rich and I've never had to cook more than one to satisfy me. But some people can stand a little more.
    Last edited by Sinister; 07-24-2009 at 11:29 PM.

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  18. #18
    Bananarama The Wonders of Eggs! Pete's Avatar
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    I can only do scrambled or an omelet. When I was little, I'd get disgusted and throw up if I had them cooked any other way. Eggs as a cooking ingredient don't bother me either, mostly because you can't taste them as part of the greater whole. True story, it wasn't until last year when I was able to stomach a bacon egg and cheese bagel.

    Nowadays, I can eat eggs prepared in almost any variety of ways, but it has to be a small amount, and I'd be doing so only to be polite.
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  19. #19
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    I love omelettes but no one in my family can make a real one lol so I don't have it very often. I can do a pseudo-omelette, just throw some shredded cheese in the mix. I can't fold it in though. I think one of my goals in life will be to learn how to make a damned good omelette. =P

    Usually I just do scrambled eggs with (not on) toast, sometimes with homefries. Boiled eggs I'll eat either as a snack or in a salad or meatloaf or something like that.

    I don't really like any other egg cooking methods. It's a texture thing. Runny, goopy egg yolk grosses me out big time.

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