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Thread: Water Fast Journey

  1. #1
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Water Fast Journey nickness89's Avatar
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    Water Fast Journey

    I was going to make this a journal entry, but I like people to discuss things as I document.

    This is going to be my little diary that will be updated on a daily basis, and will documment my 30 day water fast.

    For those who don't know, a water fast is basically when you spend a period of more than one day with no juices, no foods, no toxic substances (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs etc) in order to detoxify your body of decades of toxic build-up. Others use the fast for religious reasons also, and it gives the digestive system a rest in order to allow your body to go into ketosis so it can dedicate it's energy to eating up viruses, bacteria, tumours, dead or dying cells, poisons and abscesses etc in order to live.

    I'm doing this fast for spiritual peace of mind, as I can sometimes be a greedy guts, hell-bent on material things I am also a smoker and drinker, and take the occassional smoke of other substances. I have low blood pressure, sore joints and am often ill, and constantly suffer from allergies, so a water fast should help, as it has been shown to cure and prevent many sicknesses, and promote a boosted immune system.

    So here we go ...

    Day 1 - 16/08/2011

    I have woken up with no cigarettes, I usually smoke about 20 a day, and so far I'm feeling the need for nicotine. I won't have one though, I've left my ID at my mum's in a different town so I won't be sold any. I don't usually eat until 5pm, so I'm not hungry as of yet. Have a 3 Litre bottle to keep my water consumption easily measurable, and have drunk roughly 1 Litre so far, and it's 1pm. I aim to drink 5 Litres per day, as when I go into Ketosis I will need to urinate and sweat my toxins out (lovely imagery, I know ).

    So that's day one, I thought I'd write it early as I know that's it's just going to be a case of craving cigarettes and being hungry. I'll probably go through a psychological soup mix as I write this diary daily, and I'm sure you'll look forward to reading my symptoms of yellow skin, nausea and light-headedness

    Feel free to comment on here.

    EDIT: I am taking multi-vitamins for those who don't condone fasting. Also, for those who will say ''your body will eat your muscle and protein stores'' ... This only happens for roughly 24 - 36 hours, when your body reaches ketosis, it is only your excess body fat that is burned and catabolised, the body keeps muscle-mass as it is essential for movement.
    Last edited by nickness89; 08-16-2011 at 05:13 AM.
    Favourite Lyric For Now:

    "Don't be insecure if your heart is pure,
    You're still good to me if you're a Bad Kid, baby."

    Lady Gaga


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  2. #2

    Re: Water Fast Journey

    How exactly does this work? I mean, no food? Or do you eat soup only?

    I wouldn't do that, sounds like it's not healthy at all. Oo

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  3. #3
    Hewerya love...? Water Fast Journey seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    Brilliant man, I look forward to following this,... I'm proud of you, and if anything it will give me a giggle. Good luck.


  4. #4
    Passing fair judgement Water Fast Journey Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    Dude, you'll get my respect if you can make it through this. I'm gonna keep track of this for sure.
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  5. #5
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    I've gone a week no food. Anti-biotics took care of the hunger.
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  6. #6
    Registered User Water Fast Journey Vogue Star's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    Good Luck, love!!
    30 days without a cig, or a beer! I don't envy you!
    Hope all goes well

  7. #7
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Water Fast Journey Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    Anybody wanna take bets as to how long it is before he posts a journal entry that just says "Itchy. Tasty." ?
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  8. #8
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Water Fast Journey nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    How exactly does this work? I mean, no food? Or do you eat soup only?

    I wouldn't do that, sounds like it's not healthy at all. Oo
    It's just water only for 30 days. No soups, not even fruit juices, no solids at all, and water is the only thing allowed. I know it sounds mega unhealthy, and I thought that it would lead to starvation, but it turns out that to be starved means to have NO body fat at all, then have no food, as your body would have no fat to burn in the body. Toxins cause body fat and illnesses, and the water fast halts your digestive system, allowing your energy to be put to use detoxifying your body, and it gets it's food from body fat and bad body parts such as blood clots, bacteria, tumours, infections etc. I made sure to get into contact with doctors and study the history of fasting, so I'm sure I'll bee okay (hopefully).

    Day 2 - 17/08/20011 - Ok, so yesterday went surprisingly well. I didn't crave the ciggies as bad as a I thought I would towards the end of the day, but I did get mega hunger pangs. I drank 5.5 litres of water, so that will be good everyday for a system flush. Ended up going to the toilet a hell of a lot, I now know how pregnant women feel

    Today will just be a carry on from yesterday obviously. No symptoms apart from a headache, but that could be nicotine withdrawal alongside no food. The water must be starting to detox me. I should be in Ketosis now, and I will edit this in the afternoon to let you know if I am, as I'm away to get some Ketostix to have a dip in I really hope I am in ketosis, as fat cells contain a LOT of stored toxins, so it'll be good to know they are being released and flushed away.
    Favourite Lyric For Now:

    "Don't be insecure if your heart is pure,
    You're still good to me if you're a Bad Kid, baby."

    Lady Gaga


    TFF WIFEY - angelmarie190515
    MY FF TWIN - Firefly

    TFF STEP-HUSBAND-IN LAW - Gilgamesh~Enkidu

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  9. #9
    #LOCKE4GOD Water Fast Journey Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    As far as I was ever taught, yes toxins are stored in fatty tissue. but that's a good thing. Can you imagine them being stored elsewhere? Which is why I think this is stupid. You're going to waste away, releasing the toxins from your fatty tissue into your body, while your other organs will not function adequately as they will lack essential minerals that your body needs but cannot create.

    You're better off eating healthy for 30 days, not starving yourself for 30 days.

    Although I'm not an expert.

    I summon thee, Alisyn.

  10. #10
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Water Fast Journey Joe's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    My only big question here is the same question I've seen asked in other forums/sites/reports about these strange diets involving ketosis. This is also the Same question that I've never really seen answered except in an incredibly vague manner, though that could simply be that most people don't know what they are talking about either.

    What the hell are these toxins? Can you identify them? Just saying you're going to sweat out toxins doesn't seem like a particular way to gain credibility, just to sound borderline mystical. I don't deny that there are probably some less than desireable substances in the body, however I'm curious whether you've identified anything that you would be actually aiming to remove.

    Dunno how much of that makes sense, I've only been conscious for 20 minutes.

    Also, here's something to make you drool: This morning I am baking 2 dozen chocolate chip cookies, and this afternoon I plan to make a phenomenal stew with beef hearts, potatoes, carrots, celery, and onions =D
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  11. #11
    G'day Water Fast Journey NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    I agree with Alpha. This seems a bit extreme, especially not eating at all.

    I think you have to be careful with all these wacky diets these days.

    Ah well, good luck to you anyways

  12. #12
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    Go visit Miss Information.
    She has alllll the info on toxins and shit.
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  13. #13
    Gingersnap Water Fast Journey OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    I summon thee, Alisyn.
    Hahaha. <3

    I know very little about water fasts, actually. I've done a short juice fast (with fresh veggie/fruit juice from my juicer), which involves a similar theory - you spend energy detoxing instead of digesting. And I was comfortable doing it because I knew I was still getting a lot of bio-available nutrients, just without the fiber. It was a pleasant, clean feeling, but I did get hungry after dark (which makes me think earlier bedtimes for fasting are a good idea).

    I can't speak to a water fast. I don't think I could do it.... or would want to. But it's your body, feel free to experiment. I certainly support your quitting tobacco. Good luck to you.

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  14. #14
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Water Fast Journey nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    In answer to your questions:

    The toxins are from pollution in the air, tap water, the food we eat, the juice we drink, even fruits and vegetables have toxins. I can't identify the names of the toxins. Cigarettes contain over 100 toxins in one cigarette, of this I'm sure, it's a fact. Lots of toxins can be catabolised by our bodies into non-toxic chemicals which can be utilised, however most toxins can't be dealt with by the human body, so they are either circulating and damaging your body, or are stored up in your liver and fat cells. The detox (not diet btw!!) flushes the toxins from your system. Having no food, like I said before, allows your body to go into ketosis. When this happens, your body will burn fat into amino acids and ketones. When THIS happens, the toxins stored are released into your body and are not harmful as the excess of water being drunk, alongside your energy not being used up by digestion, allow the toxins to be swiftly removed through sweat, breath, urination and out of your hair (and any areas that can become greasy, like skin).

    As for safety, it's technically more healthy to be on a water fast than it is to eat today's food and drinks. Your body is a self-healer, it's pretty amazing what it can heal actually, when on a water fast. Constant body energy being put into digestion and utilising the carbs, proteins, sodium etc from foods doesn't allow your body to clean itself and heal properly. Fact. This is why a basic bread and water lifestyle is much more successful health-wise than the junks most people eat today.

    I'm not doing it as a diet, just an FYI to some peeps. I'm more concerned with the health benefits. Yes, there is a huge amount of weight loss involved, something like 22 pounds in 14 days, but if it'll help with my many health problems then I'm happy. The doctors I have spoken to have told me that officially they can't condone water fasts, but unofficially they say that 99% of patients that have gone on water fasts, have either been cured or extremely alleviated of symptoms from ailments.

    Anyway, I'm away to sleep, because I got more hunger pangs (should be gone in a day or two). Chemist didn't have any Ketostix left, so I'll let y'all know tomorrow if I'm in ketosis. Live long and prosper
    Favourite Lyric For Now:

    "Don't be insecure if your heart is pure,
    You're still good to me if you're a Bad Kid, baby."

    Lady Gaga


    TFF WIFEY - angelmarie190515
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    TFF STEP-HUSBAND-IN LAW - Gilgamesh~Enkidu

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  15. #15
    Crash Boom Bang Water Fast Journey Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.

    Re: Water Fast Journey

    if i didnt eat for 30 days im certain id die

    infact unless i was ill i doubt id see the week out without keeling over or killing the shit out of someone because Im hungry and irritable

    i feel light headed after a few hours and I cant concentrate. And I also drink loads of water. So good luck on this, i cant see it being an easy ride

  16. #16
    Passing fair judgement Water Fast Journey Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    Glad this is going well for you. Maybe you'll quit smoking to as a result, that would be good.
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    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  17. #17
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    so, no response in awhile.

    verdict out, not eating for a month leaves you dead?
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  18. #18
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Water Fast Journey The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    Props man, that is one H*ll of a contentment!

    If I way add, that if you do go through with this, at least give this a thought!

    Go to a store that sells all natural herbal powder, or vitamins and look for these items (or look them up online).

    Emergen-C - Which is a health and Energy booster that contains 1,000 mg of vitamin C. It also has 24 other nutrients with antioxidants, Electrolytes and 7 B vitamins in it. You just mix it with water!

    Calm & Relaxed - It contains Magnesium & herbal blends. You also just mix it with water & to really clean you out, mix this with one table spoon of vinegar.

    Hope you enjoy!
    THE GREAT CONJUNCTION IS THE END OF THE WORLD! Or the beginning. Hm! -Aughra

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  19. #19
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Water Fast Journey nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    Eughh, i haven't had a functional laptop since my last post, so here's the update:

    I collapsed, and the doctor said it's because i needed to sort my blood pressure before i did the fast. The water fast lowers your blood pressure quite a bit, and mine was already low as I said, so it was dizziness galore, palpatations and a blackout. My blood pressure since then is improving, so when it's finally high enough, i will be coming back to this, because I am determined to see it through for a whole month.
    Favourite Lyric For Now:

    "Don't be insecure if your heart is pure,
    You're still good to me if you're a Bad Kid, baby."

    Lady Gaga


    TFF WIFEY - angelmarie190515
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  20. #20
    #LOCKE4GOD Water Fast Journey Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    Maybe that's a sign that it's simply not good for you?

  21. #21
    Boxer of the Galaxy Water Fast Journey Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    You seem to think what you are doing works in theory. But in reality, If you dont eat your body will perish. Never should someone substitute a healthy diet with supplements, thats not what they are for. Supplements are for those who wish to have an alternative to certain foods or for those that lack vitamins. For example, vegetarians will commonly lack iron since most iron is found in meats, therefor they would have iron supplements. This still does not make it a healthy lifestlye choice, but what you are doing is very wrong. Did you ever stop to think what will happen to your BMI? Your bmi will slow itself down since its not receiving any food. I know youd like to make a change for the better but change should occur gradually, not all at once. What you are doing is dangerous and you should stop immediatly. Eat healthy and in small portions. Also, dont think you can lose weight without exercising. Even though the fundemental is calororic intake must be less than what you output (usually around 2000), you would want to exercise to get the best results. Calorie counting is a waste of time. You know what foods are good and what are bad. Exercise and eat healthy.

  22. #22
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! Water Fast Journey nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    Actually, not to sound disrespectful to people's views or anything, but extensive research has been done in many health facilities, and water fasting is one of the healthiest things you can do to prolong your life. It is in no way unhealthy or bad for you. The metabolic processes during extensive fasts have been monitored, and the result is almost always the same: nothing is affected except for your digestive system, it shuts down until you eat again, however it still works as a means of waste disposal. Hormone imbalances improve, many illnesses are cured through fasting like this, and the BMI doesn't slow down, it increases dramatically for around a fortnight, then regulates itself o what it should have been before fasting. Basically, it's like stripping your body down to it's foundations and starting over. But, like I said, i'm not doing this for weight loss, that's just an added bonus. I'm challenging myself and wanting to rid myself of an addiction to food, and also for some sort of spiritual enlightenment, just as millions of people have done throughout the history of mankind. I've researched and researched and researched, not to mention having a huge knowledge on the human body and it's physiological processes (not bragging, just letting y'all know that I KNOW that it isn't harmful) the body always has a way to make up for anything you do to it. Fasting is letting your body get rid of all the shit that you breathe, eat and drink everyday, not to mention cigarettes, alcohol, skin products, hairspray, deodorants, cleaning chemicals etc.

    All in all, it's beneficial, scientifically proven, even though most regular doctors are too frightened to approve it because they are supposed to reccommend healthy eating.

    But i'm starting it again next week. I don't care, i'd rather spend 30 days every year ridding myself of harmful substances that cant be dealt with by the liver and organs, than pack myself full of chemicals.
    Favourite Lyric For Now:

    "Don't be insecure if your heart is pure,
    You're still good to me if you're a Bad Kid, baby."

    Lady Gaga


    TFF WIFEY - angelmarie190515
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  23. #23
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    or just eat right and actually exercise and you wont have to worry about chemicals.
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  24. #24
    TFF's Resident Messenger Water Fast Journey Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    Since you so adamant about doing it, who are we to stop you? We are just a bunch of gamers that are worried about a friend of ours.

    If I may make a suggestion though. Why not start slow? Only do it for 5 days and then take a break. Then, the next month make it 10 days. And so on. Allow your body to adapt to the changes you are doing to it.

    You don't see a novice weightlifter start out lifting 400 lbs. at a time. You don't see someone who has never ran before complete a marathon. They work up to their goal. You should set yourself little goals along the way to the main goal.

    Clearly your body wasn't ready for the change you made to it. You said yourself that you collapsed. You have to learn to crawl before you can walk, dude.

    Good luck, either way. I am sure that we all are pulling for you.
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  25. #25
    Registered User Water Fast Journey Pug's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    As much as I talk way too much. I generally avoid these topics because I know I dont have the knowledge to offer.

    I think what your doing is great and i envy your determination if your so sure its a good thing.

    But on the other hand you collapsed dude. Clealy body said NO. I for one can go without anything apart from water for a week, even without sleep for 5 days at a time under certain circumstances without skipping a hearbeat. But if your blood pressure went all crazy **** - sorry seemed appropriate - what science says, if it sends your body crazy it aint good for you.

    But seriously I envy you for wanting and seeming to have the determination to do this
    Last edited by Pug; 09-14-2011 at 04:35 PM.

  26. #26
    Boxer of the Galaxy Water Fast Journey Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    Noone here is arguing your determination, but for **** sake, it could be put to better use. Please site me these sources for your information which claim that water fasting (in that Fasting at ALL) is healthy. Having studied health myself, when im wrong the world makes less sense. Thats how adamant I am about my knoweldge on this topic. If you would, please source this page so that everyone can judge the knoweldge you've come to undertand as being truth.

    Although after having blacked out and being in hospital, one would think that it wasn't good for you. I understand you want to do good and its admirable that you would make such a sacrifice, but without credible sources and even on your own practical terms (passing out) it just proves that theres nothing beneficial about it and its harmful to yourself.

    Is Fasting Healthy?

    This is an article that shows practical information in reguards to fasting.

    also go to wiki for images and more information.

  27. #27
    Registered User Water Fast Journey Pug's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    I have to agree (although I hate doing so when im so uninformed) No matter what sources youv'e found it is probably pritty dangerous like most sources will say... especially since it caused you to pass out. You really shouldn't go through with this.

    Medical science is really unexplainable atm. It might be ok for some people to do this but I wouldn't carry on with your experiances, not while theres so much debate over it at least.

    Like I said I admire your conviction shit loads. But I cant help but tell you to give it up xD

  28. #28
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Water Fast Journey Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    Quote Originally Posted by nickness89 View Post
    words words words
    In all of this extensive research that you did, did you read anywhere that you're supposed to prepare for the fast by reducing your intake of fats, sugars, and caffeine beforehand? Or that you're basically supposed to go on a strict diet before ever considering fasting, so as to get your body accustomed to going without food, and to get the cleansing started? Or that most people will recommend mixing up liquid intakes between water, green tea, and fruit juices? Because I did like ten minutes of research and found a couple of really useful websites that would probably help you a lot. Because you made no mention of any sort of preparation or anything in your OP, I assume you did nothing.

    I also think that it wouldn't be wise for a self-described pack-a-day smoker, drinker, who is often ill, has low blood pressure and joint problems to suddenly give everything up and drink nothing but water for 30 days. Hell, the withdrawal from nicotine alone must be torture. Also, your blood pressure drops when you fast, so if you have already low blood pressure, dropping it even further just seems like a bad idea.

    The fact that you passed out, and are still willing to go through with this is hilarious to me. Then, you come onto here, post about it, then smugly say, "WELL ITS OKAY I DID RESEARCH I'M GOING TO TRY IT AGAIN I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS" when people reply to your thread concerned about your health. For some reason, people on this website are genuinely concerned for you. I don't get it.

    If you want advice (of course you don't, you did research ), I'd recommend trying a raw diet first. I did a month long raw diet in June, dropped about 15 pounds, and felt amazing. Fruits, vegetables, green tea, water. And exercise.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  29. #29
    Registered User Water Fast Journey Pug's Avatar
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    Re: Water Fast Journey

    [QUOTE=Polk;1316613]pack-a-day smoker, drinker, who is often ill, has low blood pressure and joint problems

    Ok I didnt even know half of this. Props to me for skimming over stuff. Dude give it up. Your gonna get youself killed stopping all that at the same time with all them problems D:

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