hello all
yes it is I the long lost saio returning after a three month absence from the forums
i see the site has been remodeled
i'm not sure if it's better or worse having only just returned....allright I guess that's enough of an introduction
on to the thread!!!
today being the eve of resident evil 6 I figured i should make a zombie thread (even though the last one wasn't a success)
assuming your skilled enough to escape at all
who would you choose to bring with you,
you can choose any acter past or present living or dead
you may if you wish include a reason though it isin't manditory,
I suggest you include a photo of said acter,
so here's a basic example
i would hate to be stuck with:
#1 owen wilson
reason: well...
"come on man you can't do that to a zombie he's a person too
how would you feel if someone come up to you and shot you in the head
you'd feel angry and humiliated and......"
#2 adam sandler
reason: obvious
#3 david spade
reason: not to say anything bad about the guy but if i had a choice between him and a raccoon i would pick the raccoon
#4 nathan fillion
reason: I just can't stand that guy
#5 ben afleck
reason: have you seen this guy
anyway that's what it should look like
you can also add who you would like to teem up with using the same method shown above inverted