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Thread: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

  1. #1
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    The scary non-scary game thread inspired me to make ask y'all this question: what are some enemies in video games that outright intimidate you. And to narrow it down a bit, let's exclude final bosses or other baddies where there's like only one in the game. Also, let's keep it to baddies you can actually kill; no Skel Monsters, plz.

    I mentioned before the Fokkas from Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. I also mentioned Metroid II, but I didn't single out any enemies. Stumbling in on Zeta and Omega Metroids in that game can be pretty intimidating. I remember seeing one at the edge of the screen and not wanting to go any further.

    I will move on from Zelda to mention deathclaws-particularly the alphas and brood mothers-from the Fallout games. I remember once that I thought I'd taken all the deathclaws out in the area, and I turned around and this giant one came running at me-filled up pretty much the entire screen-and killed me in like two hits. I was like "Oh yeah, that's awesome!" I also never fought a securitron. If the option were to fight them or run, I'd run.

    In Earthbound, practically any fight with an alien or robot is guaranteed to be a rough one. Particularly at the end of the game, although not just there. It was a tough game, really. But yeah; the aliens were the worst.

    Can't really think of anything else right now. Maybe I'll edit later. Anyhoo...

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  2. #2
    Registered User Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Well, when I first encountered the Big Daddies in Bioshock, I was terrified of them...especially when I didn't have very good power ups and weapons. However, they do pretty much leave you alone unless you pick a fight with them, but I still personally wouldn't want to encounter one in a dark alley somewhere. I would hate to be at the business end of their arm-drill things...

    I hate Big Boos in Super Mario World... Can't do anything against them except run away. Well, when you look at them, they get shy and cover their faces, which is kind of adorable. :3 EDIT:: OH crap... That goes against the thread rule... Oh well. SCREW THE RULES.

    I'll agree about the aliens, robots and UFO monsters in Earthbound, but I also hated fighting the trees that burst into flame when you defeated them, which would really knock down your characters' HP. I avoided every encounter I possibly could.
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  3. #3
    Memento Rhapso Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley. Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    These bastards.

    I can never kill them before they self-destruct, and they always blow the hell out of my party, so I usually run when I encounter them.
    Also these

    I dono if it's how they look or how deadly they are to new OoT players, but I have a deep fear of them. The moblins with the clubs are the most terrifying to me
    Other than that, those blob things or medusa heads in Castlevania. Not scary but really bothersome

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    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    If I know the enemy can be killed and know it is there, it's not all that scary. At most they'll become annoying if I die. But if I don't know either or, it's tough. I'm not good at FPS to begin with, so when you make it a horror FPS with Dead Space where you are anxiously awaiting for something to appear it makes it sort of hard to play. My imagination is probably my greatest enemy. I was able to scare myself in Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne before everything went to hell just because there were a lot of very quiet, vacant halls.

    Though really, the scariest thing is something you know you can't kill and do not when it'll appear. Like that one game, Amnesia. Shit that game is freaky. I could only watch someone play it. For a while you can't even look at the thing without everything going to hell, so you're basically forced to walk blindly through a good portion of the game without knowing what's happening unless you take advantage of various glitches.

    If I had to name something that was scary and could be killed... I guess the things in that one forest that RhapsoBlarg mentioned would qualify. More than that however... those stupid, huge hands that would appear from above and cart you away to the beginning of the level if you didn't dodge in time. I think they were Wall Masters? If the overall ambiance of the Forest and Shadow Temples didn't get to me back then, those did.
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  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley. Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Cherubs from Doom 3, easily killed, still intimidating though. Those little buggers give me the creeps, everything, from design to their voice is disturbing to say the least. I still can't get that sentence out of my head, right before the first encounter you can hear sad female voice, "they killed my baby".

    I was terrified of Wallmaster from Zelda series, Ocarina of Time version in particular. Quite often they would surprise me, and there was something creepy about zombie hand falling from ceiling.

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  6. #6
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley. Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Ohhhh, i would say Freakin Wallmasters From The legend of zelda, OOT or MM.

    Wait wait, i take it back, Likelikes... Freaking hell man.

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    Oh and for a really serious answer... Closers... Helll.... No....

    Not sure if Pyramid head counts but him too... O.o

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    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Necromorphs. I don't want to be stabbed through the chest with their oversized blade-like claws, die, and then turn into one of them. Especially seeing as they pretend to be dead, and then jump up at you.

    And all of the WEAPON's from FFVII. Over 1,000,000HP? **** that shit, I'ma outta there!

    Truth be told, you wouldn't catch me down a dark alley at night.

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    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
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  8. #8

    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Any game with huge animated spiders scares the crap out of me....

  9. #9
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley. Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Quote Originally Posted by FF9isthebest View Post
    Any game with huge animated spiders scares the crap out of me....
    You must HATE resident Evil then huh

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    Death Before Dishonor Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley. Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    The first is the Deathclaw from Fallout 3. They were a bitch to kill. My main gun throughout the game was the Hunting Rifle. A good little gun yes, but against them it was bad. In fact there are very few weapons that I recall being good against em'. It was mainly melee.

    Dr. Salvador from RE4. I don't really like anything that has a chainsaw. Whether it is him or the chainsaw majini in RE5. They just piss me off.

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  11. #11
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Pyramid Head

    yes, Pyramid Head.

    Well since somewhere, some magazine or something had some poll or whatever. Anyways, Pyramid Head has been dubbed the scariest Monster/creature whatever that you don't want to see in a dark alley or something of the like.

    Still, even with all the other games I played, I still wouldn't wanna see this one in a Dark Alley. Not to mention there is actually 2 Pyramid Heads and apparently 3 if you count the Movie version but lets not.

    Also you never kill Pyramid Head, he(both) actually end up killing themselves. But you get it all with the twists and truths whatever.
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  12. #12

    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Pyramid Head

    yes, Pyramid Head.

    Well since somewhere, some magazine or something had some poll or whatever. Anyways, Pyramid Head has been dubbed the scariest Monster/creature whatever that you don't want to see in a dark alley or something of the like.

    Still, even with all the other games I played, I still wouldn't wanna see this one in a Dark Alley. Not to mention there is actually 2 Pyramid Heads and apparently 3 if you count the Movie version but lets not.

    Also you never kill Pyramid Head, he(both) actually end up killing themselves. But you get it all with the twists and truths whatever.
    Pyramid head was only scary cuz he had some long ass reach. Otherwise he looked like a big ***** you could just push over....

  13. #13
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley. Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Quote Originally Posted by FF9isthebest View Post
    Pyramid head was only scary cuz he had some long ass reach. Otherwise he looked like a big ***** you could just push over....
    well, unless you are guilty, you have nothing to fear haha.
    Oh and, ever seen the movie? Yea... don't touch him.

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  14. #14
    Just kind of there. Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley. Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Deathclaws, From Fallout obviously. And it's been described as to why by must people who've posted above me.

    Super Mutant Behemoths, from fallout 3. Gigantic mountians of death coming at me with an up rooted fire hydrant. I'd say, FRIGGIN RUN!

    The Butcher, Diablo- Now keep in mind that i've never played Diablo II and i'm just going by Diablo 1. Sure he gets easier as you level. But when he speaks before you fight him, "AHHH! FRESH MEAT!" When I first played Diablo at 14. Jesus Christ, that quote was burned into my head for years to come.
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  15. #15
    I'm like a sexy female Darth Vader Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley. motscroises's Avatar
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Redeads from Legend of Zelda...they always made me jump :/

  16. #16

    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Quote Originally Posted by motscroises View Post
    Redeads from Legend of Zelda...they always made me jump :/
    Mot you got one in your avatar I'd never wanna meet anywhere... Velociraptors own.

  17. #17
    Banned Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley. IdiotWithHair's Avatar
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    You know who's REALLY scary to meet are THESE ****ers

    I run away EVERY TIME I meet one.

    Then, there are THESE bastards.

    How do you beat these bastards? I've never been able to; I always run away.

    Last, but not least, are THESE terrifying monsters:

    Oh wait, I've never played these games because their graphics are so archaic and ugly...

  18. #18

    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Regenerators from Resident Evil 4, the sound those things make just creeps the hell out of me ¬ ¬'

  19. #19
    The British Guy. Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley. Robbo's Avatar
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Anything from a resident evil game would probably be a prominent one.

    Also the Slime's from basically every Final Fantasy ever, Vincent would probably scare me too.

    Alien from the Alien games would definitely get me running.
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  20. #20

    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Quote Originally Posted by Squall View Post
    Alien from the Alien games would definitely get me running.
    Damn I forgot how scary those were! The movies were enough to scare me let alone knowing one of them f***ers was chasing you in the games when I was younger. Meeting one in a dark alley? No thanks.

    Oh yeah probably seen this as it's old but fits the thread


    Alien vs Predator vs Batman, sickeningly good. IMO.

  21. #21

    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Flame Bombs from the Final Fantasy games always give me a rough time. Mainly because i can't defeat them in three hits. If i ever saw one in a dark alley, i would s**t myself - although i suppose it would be good since they could light up the alley for me with their radiant heat and light xD
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  22. #22
    I will save the world Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley. Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Seeing Bahamut in a dark alley....I would run foir the hills. You don't mess with the King of Dragons!

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    Registered User Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley. Vogue Star's Avatar
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    Re: Wouldn't want to meet THAT in a dark alley.

    Yunalescas's gigantic blood-snake head

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