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Thread: Zombie Outbreak(Anti-Zombie Nation Rp)

  1. #1
    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! Zombie Outbreak(Anti-Zombie Nation Rp) Magi of Worlds's Avatar
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    Zombie Outbreak(Anti-Zombie Nation Rp)

    ~The Beginning~

    It was a normal Thurdsday morning when Iran sent nuclear warheads screaming across the sky, targeting all the major cities in the world. All was pandamonium that day. Not many were spared the death and destruction those missiles held. Atleast fifteen had hit the U.S. alone. But that wasnt the problem. No. Over six billion people dying from nuclear war wasnt the largest problem that day. The problem was the fact that it started a large zombie outbreak. By the end of the week the few thousand survivors from the warheads became zombie food. Now, a month later, only hundreds live to tell the tale...

    __________________________________________________ ________________________

    It had been a good day for Magi and his small army, the "Zombie Killers." Which consisted of five men who had stood the test of time against the zombie invaders. They had slaughtered about a hundred zombies, which was like a job now for him. He had weilded his longword and katana mercilessly. Cutting a path through the zombies so his men could open fire with their automatic rifles. Todays target had been a WalMart in downtown Fayetteville, Arkansas. The place Magi had grown up in. It was located in the U.S. Almost zombie central if Magi had anything to say about it.

    In fact, Magi was quite surprised that so few had been around such a massive store. Oh well, he'd gotten what he had come for and left in a hurry. Several two liter bottles of Mountain Dew and an Xbox360 plus games. Just because zombies were out didnt mean he couldnt hook up his personal generator and play FFXIII for a few hours, did it? He smiled at the thought as he did just that while guzzling down Mountain Dew. Life was perfect at the moment. Plenty of zombies to kill and lots of Mountain Dew and video games!

    He also happend to have found a way to hook up a laptop to the internet through his generator and entertained himself by watching manga all night. Thanks to the Mountain Dew it was hard for him to get to sleep at night anyway. It was early the next morning that they heard the bone-chilling roars. It meant the zombies had found them again. And Magi was willing to bet that everyone else was drunk thanks to the victory of last nights raid. Leaning out of a second story window he noticed a rather large group charging the front of the building they were using as headquarters.

    There must be hundreds!, he thought to himself. Grabbing his assault rifle on the table next to him Magi began thinning out the ranks so they could escape and live to fight another day. Hearing the racket above them and the roars outside, Magi's group sobered up pretty quickly and grabbed their rifles too. Leaning out of side windows they started to pick zombies off themselves while they waited for Magi to check out the rear door.

    Sensing this, Magi went downstairs and headed for the back. Reaching the reardoor he unbolted it and threw it open. There was nothing on the other side yet, but Magi would have been ready if there had been. Zombies appearing out of nowhere and surrounding him in the past had solved that problem quickly. He motioned for the guys to follow him. Running straight out and heading left along the building he almost stumbled upon more zombies. He quickly raised his rifle and fired at their heads. The one behind the zombies that was closest to Magi ducked and ran forward. Before Magi could do anything it reached down to bite Magi...

  2. #2
    The Mad God Zombie Outbreak(Anti-Zombie Nation Rp) Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Zombie Outbreak(Anti-Zombie Nation Rp)

    Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! The sound of a heavy object stricking pavement could be hear for quite a distance. "Zack! Zack! Zack!! Zack! For the love of God and all things Holy! Zack, it's dead already!", yelled a boy about Zacks age, as he watched Zack pounding what was once a zombies head into the ground with a metal bat. Zack continued to swing. Eventually the boy grabbed on to the bat when Zack raised it, preparing for his next swing. "Dude! It's ****ing dead! You can stop with the bat now.", he said.

    He looked at the corpse, and the puddle of goo that was once a head. "Yeah, I guess it looks dead...", he admitted, lowering the bat. He wiped the sweat from his brow, and looked around at all the dead zombies. "So... you get the smokes I asked you for, Kyle?", he asked.

    Kyle nodded. "Yeah... hey, wasn't Mike with you?", he asked.

    Zack sighed. "He... fell behind.", he said. He noticed a mark on Kyle hand that looked like a bite... he may have 'fallen behind' too. "Kyle. how long have we known each other?", he asked.

    Kyle stopped to think for a moment. "Shit, man, it's been, like, 8 years now? Why d'ya ask?", he asked.

    Zack sighed. "No reaso- Oh shit Kyle look out!", he yelled, pointing in the other direction.

    Kyle turned immediately, but didn't see anything... "Zack, what are you seein' ma-"he began to say, uit was interupted by a loud bang. He spun around, falling to the ground, face up. He was dead before he hit the ground.

    Zack shook his head. "Sorry, mate, but it's better you die a man, than as one of them...", he said, and he knelt down and began searching his friend's remains for supplies. After removing all of the useful items on the body, he stood up, when he thought he noticed Kyle's hand twitching. He immediately reached for the metal bat.

    Thwack! Thwack! Thwack...

    Last edited by Heartless Angel; 09-14-2010 at 12:40 PM.

  3. #3
    Death Before Dishonor Zombie Outbreak(Anti-Zombie Nation Rp) Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Zombie Outbreak(Anti-Zombie Nation Rp)

    As night fell the soldiers of Fort Knox readied themselves for battle. Night time was the worst. Soon there would be zombies as far as the eye could see. I readied myself on a large tower with rifle in hand. I looked to my left to see Alexander, my friend of 3 years. He to was a sniper in the Marine Corp.

    "Ready yourselves men!" the Colonel screamed,

    I could see the bodies of at least 1000 undead approaching the gates of the Fort. All along the gates were member of the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Army, and the U.S. Marine Corps. They were armed with weapons ranging from Snipers Rifles, Assault Rifles, and Mounted Machine Guns. There were around 100 men all ready to open fire at the drop of a pin.

    "OPEN FIRE!!!!!" the Colonel ordered,

    The sound of gunfire filled the cool night air. All around you could hear the sound of bodies dropping. directly in front of me I could see a zombie trying to go through the fence. With a chuckle I aimed my sights on him. One shot was all it took, in an out through the head. I aimed 100 yards down the road and saw a perfect target. It was a large undead that was oozing from the head. The hollow point exploded deep into the skull sending blood, and guts oevery direction.

    "20 points." I joked, "What do you got on that shit Alex?"

    "Just you wait asshole, I got this." he reassured,

    Before Alex could even fire his weapon a voice came over the loud speakers that had been positioned around the area.

    "All units report for evac. There has been a breach. At least 4000 have entered the base." the voice stated,

    "You heard him, men. Let's head out." the Colonel ordered,

    I began the steep climb down the tower. I looked to see if Alex had begun to climb down as well. We both hit ground at the same time. We looked at each, and headed off. The number of undead at the front gate had multiplied by at least 10x. We rushed to the designated evac zone. We approached the Fort Knox residential area that housed the survivors we had found in surrounding cities. All that could be heard were the screams, and cries of women and children. Disgust, and fear filled the eyes of all the soldiers.

    "Let's go men, they're gone." the colonel said,

    "F*ck that, I'm going." I exclaimed,
    Last edited by Josh_R; 09-16-2010 at 01:08 PM.

  4. #4
    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! Zombie Outbreak(Anti-Zombie Nation Rp) Magi of Worlds's Avatar
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    Re: Zombie Outbreak(Anti-Zombie Nation Rp)

    The only thing that saved Magi's life at that moment was the skill of the five men behind him. John, the guy right behind Magi shoved him down from behind and took the bite in his place. The other four opened fire on the zombies and John at the same time. When the smoke cleared from the gunfire Magi could hear more zombies making their way from around the front of the building. He motioned the rest of his band to the Dodge Ram pickup sitting to their left. Everyone raced for it and got in. Magi of course was the driver. He didnt trust anyone else with his life in a vehicle.

    It took just a second for him to start the engine and put the truck into gear. They cleared the area in a matter of seconds, with screaming zombies chasing them from behind and never catching up. After a few minutes of driving north Magi turned on the headlights so they could see. He had a feeling they might get ambushed ahead so he wanted to be ready. He motioned the two in the bed of the truck to keep an eye out and increased their speed. About three hours later they came to the town of Fort Smith. It seemed to be deserted but they knew otherwise. The zombies were smart enough to hide when they sensed a kill and only show themselves when they knew it was garaunteed.

    Magi decided to do the one thing he never thought he would do since leaving his home to escape the horror that was his undead family. He was going back to Farmington, there was someone there he needed to check on...

  5. #5
    The Mad God Zombie Outbreak(Anti-Zombie Nation Rp) Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Zombie Outbreak(Anti-Zombie Nation Rp)

    After destroying the head of his former friend, he leand up against a nearby wall, to relax for a moment. He reached into his pocket, and took out the pack of cigarettes he'd sent Kyle for. He put one in his mouth, and took out his lighter, only to discover after a few flicks, that it was out of fluid. "You gotta be shittin' me...", he said, as he slipped the cigarette back into its carton. He walked towards his motorcycle, and put his backpack inside one of the tour packs. "Well, ain't anything else worthwhile in this shithole. Time to move on...", he said, as he rode out of the city.

  6. #6
    Death Before Dishonor Zombie Outbreak(Anti-Zombie Nation Rp) Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Zombie Outbreak(Anti-Zombie Nation Rp)

    Me, Alex, and a group 20 odd men charged full force into the residential area. One house was at the entrance of the road had been set on fire. More than likely by the owners in an attempt to fend off the zombie hoard. I signaled to the men, and we split up into groups of two. Alex, and myself charged into a house a little ways down the road. We did a sweep of the house, and found no one inside.

    "We must be to late." Alex stated,

    "Let's check the next one." I ordered,

    As we turned to leave a group of 10 zombies attacked. I fired six shots dropping all of them instantly. Alex was having some trouble. All of a sudden one crept up behind him and bit into his shoulder. He let out a terrible, and bowed it in the head. He turned with tenacity and fired a shot into its head. He continued to fight off the zombies.

    "You ok?" I asked,

    "No, that motherf*cker bit me!" he exclaimed, "Kill me!"

    "What? I questioned, "F*ck you, i'm not killing you."

    "Dude I've watched enough movies to know how this shit will go down." he shouted, "Do it, or I will myself."

    "Don't be stupid." I stated, "let's get out of here."

    I turned my back to exit the room. When all of a sudden I heard a gunshot. I turned to see the body of my bestfriend with a huge hole in the face. I walked over, took his dogtags and left the house.

  7. #7
    Joe Kantar

    Re: Zombie Outbreak(Anti-Zombie Nation Rp)

    Joe was walking down the street holding a 12 gauge in his hand and a colt at his waist. His father had been a skilled hunter and he taught joe all he knew. Joe then met up with his best friend Zack "Zack its about time man" "sorry i took so long but i got the smokes and ammo" "ok lets get in that building and hold up"

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