Ocean is right. Lipton teas are mediocre at best.
I spent quite a bit of time in the South, so I love sweet tea. Unfortunately, nobody outside of the South knows how to make it. And it's not something found in cans or bottles, either -- the Arizona "Southern Style" sweet tea isn't bad, but it's nothing special. I hate when people make tea and just pour lemon juice into it -- lemon is supposed to add a hint of flavor to sweet tea, not overpower it.
But that's iced tea. As far as coffee or hot tea, I'll drink both. I usually drink coffee more, just because it's more common everywhere I am, but I don't have any problem with tea. But with coffee, I either drink fu-fu drinks or incredibly strong. I like a good ol' white chocolate mocha for the taste, but if I want coffee to help me wake up, I like it strong. I take my coffee in slices.
I haven't had much for hot teas, but what I've had, I like. The Afghans drink hot tea, but they do it pretty crudely -- heat up some water and throw some leaves in it, let it sit, stir it up, pour it out. I've had a cup of still-boiling tea poured for me. But when they make chai, wow, that stuff is good.