Best Staff Member-Alisyn and Cesar
Best New Member- Gypsy Elder
Most Popular-Pete and Unknown Entity
Most Helpful- Daisy and Kirsty
Most Intelligent- Daisy and Sassy Sasquatch
Best Lurker- S and Dawezy cause he's been a mod the whole time I've been around and aren't sure he's even alive
Most Old School- I guess Fuzz cause he made the site and he around still?
Biggest Camera Whore- Cheesevixen and Froggie
Nicest Male- Me (Ha! no really you should though) Rocky defenitely
Nicest Female- Gypsy Elder
Funniest Male- Pete and Walter Sobchak. Not ha ha funny, they just don't care about what people think of them. And that's commendable.
Funniest Female- Uhh I don't know
Most Sarcastic- Pete and Walter again. If I could only vote myself in....
Most Attractive Male- Tom Brady and Christian Bale
Most Attractive Female- Froggie and Alisyn
Most Bizarre/Random- Storm and Unknown Entity
Music Guru- Daddy is still the only person I'll give knows more about it than me here...but he's not active so yeah!
Best Roleplayer-
Best Writer (Literature forum)-
Best Graphic Artist-
Best Traditional Artist- Gypsy and Daisy
Member with Best Avatar/Signature Combo-
Most Interesting Journal-Alisyn and Meier Link
Most Creative-James Polk. Cause the dancing cat makes me laugh.
Best Club
Best TFF Couple- Martin and Priscilla