Quote Originally Posted by Christ Eastwood View Post
You're right, Episode I really was the only good Star Wars movie. I especially liked learning about the trade federation. Separatists disputing about trade routes to outlying star systems was a very important key aspect to the evil empire taking over the galaxy. Three hours learning about the intricacies of intergalactic trade law was indeed an enjoyable three hours.

You can't like the idea of something, but not like the execution, because the original three Star Wars movies are the heart and soul of the other three movies, the video games, and any other media out there relating to the Star Wars franchise. If the only one you liked was Episode 1, then you were more concerned with trade law then actual Star Wars lore, because that's all Episode 1 was.

I'm not even going to mention how insulted I am that you find Luke annoying, though by writing this, I kind of just did.
I have no problem with the first three movies, they just aren't something I personally enjoy. However, I do like the idea of the force, jedi and sith, the lightsabers, and the different alien species. That being said, I've never taken to the characters or the plot of the first three movies, they aren't bad, they just aren't for me. A lot of the epicness of a story is lost for me when the hero is some "chosen one" because as soon as that happens, I no longer feel like the struggles matter. I've found claiming a character a "chosen one" is essentially saying "they will win no matter what because it's what they are destined to do. One of the things I like about Phantom Menace is that because Qui-gon and Obi-wan are not immediately destined to succeed, their struggles feel more significant. I have also enjoyed several of the games born from the Star Wars franchise, namely Kotor, Kotor 2, and the old republic mmo. I am able to respect that none of these would be here if not for the original trilogy, but that doesn't mean I have to like them. It's possible to appreciate the impact something has left, even if it spawns from something you don't enjoy. Please don't try to tell me what I can and cannot think.