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Thread: What is your favorite sports and star wars game?

  1. #1

    What is your favorite sports and star wars game?

    I been wanting to get a good sports game, also been thinking about my favorite star wars games.

    Sports I'd probably say NBA or Fifa

    as for star wars, besides the MMOs I'd say KOTOR or Jedi Academy.

  2. #2
    Professional Klutz. What is your favorite sports and star wars game? Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Erm, Pod Racers? That's if you combine the two that you asked about. XD

    Strange question.

    Sports: Fifa
    Star Wars: KotOR.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
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  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Fifa is by far the best. Hockey is fun too.

    KOTOR 1 obviously, and well yeah Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy or Jedi Outcast. I don't know what's good recently...maybe those ones with Vader's apprentice.
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  4. #4
    Professional Klutz. What is your favorite sports and star wars game? Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, Jedi Outcast was good for the NGC. I always used to get absolutely annihilated in multi-player. Still found it fun using the lightsaber.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
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  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth What is your favorite sports and star wars game? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Pro Evo series, although if I had to choose one specific game it would definitely be International Superstar Soccer 2 on PSOne. Unlike many I don't feel Pro Evo declined in quality in recent years as much as FIFA improved, either way it's still a great footy game I enjoy playing regularly.

    As for Star Wars, I only played two, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace on PSOne and the one on GameBoy. Honestly, one hour of KOTOR I got to play was far better than both these games combined.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  6. #6

    Re: What is your favorite sports and star wars game?

    I really don't have a certain sports game I like. Maybe NBA Jam haha. I usually stay away from sports including racing.

    Favorite Star Wars game would probably also be the KOTOR, though I think 2 takes a slight edge over 1

  7. #7
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Starwars: Either Starwars Battlefront II or one of the Kotor games.
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    che: rofl <3 Meier.

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    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  8. #8
    The Old Skool Warrior What is your favorite sports and star wars game? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: What is your favorite sports and star wars game?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hyzenthlay View Post
    Erm, Pod Racers? That's if you combine the two that you asked about. XD

    As amazing as KOTOR is, I think I'd still have to say Jedi Academy edges it out in terms of favorites.

    By that same logic, while the annual release of EA's NHL title is continually the best game in sports (with Sony's MLB The Show taking a close second), my favorite still has to be FIFA, even though I only buy it every other year.

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    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
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    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
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    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  9. #9
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) What is your favorite sports and star wars game? che's Avatar
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    UH HELLO???????????? I'm sorry, and I'ma let u finnish, but Shadows of the Empire was the greatest star wars game OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!

    What is your favorite sports and star wars game?-shadows-empire-cover-jpg

    And I'm kinda partial to FIFA games, but Jet Grind Radio was amazing on Dreamcast.

    edit: how do u like ur own post????????

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  10. #10
    Boxer of the Galaxy What is your favorite sports and star wars game? Rowan's Avatar
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    jedi knight academy 2. It takes a little while before you get your lightsaber, but that game was heaps of fun. The multiplayer was really fun too. And I dont have a favourite sports game, I dont like them.

  11. #11
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    The Jedi Knight games are by far the most fun Ive had online.

    and I forgot about my Elementary school Star Wars game, Shadows of the Empires.
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  12. #12
    TFF's Resident Messenger What is your favorite sports and star wars game? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    What, no tennis fans around here? I play Top Spin once in a while (because it is still really cold here and the courts aren't open yet), and it seems a bit more realistic that Sega Superstars Tennis. I just don't see any advantages to playing tennis while on roller blades. I like Hot shots Tennis as well, though mainly because I like to play as Suzuki, going against Suzuki, and being judged by Suzuki. And then, it's always fun to go to voice and outfit section and continuously click on Suzuki's voice clip.

    "Hello, I am Suzuki!"
    "Hello, I am Suzuki!"
    "Hello, I am Suzuki!"
    "Hello, I am Suzuki!"
    "Hello, I am Suzuki!"
    "Hello, I am Suzuki!"

    As for Star Wars games, I have the duo pack of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Tetris: Worlds. I have never seen any of the Star Wars films, so playing a video game about the franchise seems stupid. I like Tetris: Worlds, though. I recommend that.
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  13. #13
    I invented Go-Gurt. What is your favorite sports and star wars game? Clint's Avatar
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    For sports games, it depends on what sports you like. Wrestling is the only sport that I like, and I have quite a few wrestling games which are pretty good. WrestleWania the Arcade Game, Super WrestleMania, and WWF Royal Rumble for the Genesis are really good. WWF No Mercy for N64 is really good. SmackDown 2 for the original Playstation is probably the best wrestling game ever made. That was before the era when games had to be uber realistic. Realistic isn't fun. Over the top gameplay is much more fun in regards to any sports game.

    As for Star Wars games, the Lego Star Wars series is surprisingly good. It's made for kids, but it's fun as hell, and you get to play as damn near every character in the movies. Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II and Rebel Strike: Rogue Squadron III for the Gamecube are both fairly decent. You can't always see what you're doing in those games, which takes away some of their value, but they're good nonetheless. The best one I've played, though, is Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back for the SNES. It's just your run of the mill run and gun platformer, but it's really fun.

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