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Thread: Star Wars gets milked dry... again.

  1. #1

    Star Wars gets milked dry... again.

    Check this out.

    Looks like Lucas is looking to re-make the entire 6 films in 3D. Whether or not it will actually happen is another matter, but the fact that Lucas is even thinking about it is, in my opinion, completely absurd.

    The newer three films... they won't really be affected. But the originals... no. They shouldn't be touched. They're absolutely fine as they are. Star Wars doesn't NEED to look cooler, I just wish they'd leave it alone. The expanded Star Wars universe, in my opinion, is just becoming too big. The only part of it I really enjoy these days is the original trilogy. I liked the new films to an extent, but soon tired of them.[/color]

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  2. #2
    Registered User Star Wars gets milked dry... again. winterborn86's Avatar
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    I agree, the films should be left alone. i dont think the old classics shouldn't be messed with they are already brilliant the way they are.

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  3. #3
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    I really think this utter has been milked dry long ago, but with new generations of families always being produced, and many of kids just coming to age to know what starwars is, I can see where Lucas Arts is going for the last drop. It's kind of sad they can't leave good enough alone. Episode 1 would of went straight to DVD if it wasn't starwars. Episode 2 would of flopped at the box office if it didn't have the star wars title. Episode 3 was the closest thing to what the original trilogy was and it was still far from great. So why beat a dead horse? Can't they at least give it a few more years before doing something with this series again? Gwwaaa this is kind of upsetting to me (obviouly). I truly hope this does not come to pass (at least for a long while)
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  4. #4
    Milked dry? I thought they were milked dry when Ewoks appeared in Return of the Jedi.

    Unlike Spielberg, Lucas doesn't have the talent to do other things. So he will continue making Star Wars until he does. Maybe after, too.

  5. #5
    Dude, the Ewoks were freakin' awesome.

    "An entire empire brought to it's knees by small furry creatures"
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  6. #6
    Permanently banned Star Wars gets milked dry... again. darkViVi's Avatar
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    I wouldn't mind watching them in HD.. but I can't help being sceptical...

  7. #7
    That One Guy Star Wars gets milked dry... again. dimmufan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    I really think this utter has been milked dry long ago, but with new generations of families always being produced, and many of kids just coming to age to know what starwars is, I can see where Lucas Arts is going for the last drop.
    That was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the previews on the television. I think it's kinda cool that the newer generations have a chance to get into Star Wars in their own way. It's no different than the Star Wars comics that were around for the earlier generations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    So why beat a dead horse? Can't they at least give it a few more years before doing something with this series again? Gwwaaa this is kind of upsetting to me (obviouly). I truly hope this does not come to pass (at least for a long while)
    I also agree with this statement. 1 generation is equal to roughly 20 years. It took about 20 years from the time the first trilogy was released to the time the second trilogy was released. Now George Lucas only wants to wait 10 years for a new generation? Puleeeease!!! Give it a little more time Georgie.
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  8. #8
    Here is my problem with remaking them for "future generations". The original trilogy is just fine.

    I would even say that the original trilogy looks nicer than the prequels, because Lucas made use of what he had and didn't have the capacity to put in unrealistic looking computer generation.

    Also, I was born eleven years after the original Star Wars, and I like it just fine.

  9. #9
    Star Wars gets milked dry... again. Jin's Avatar
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    I hate to play the Star Wars nerd here, but I will.
    Quote Originally Posted by NeoNecron
    The expanded Star Wars universe, in my opinion, is just becoming too big
    What in the world are you talking about? This has nothing to do with the expanded universe. The expanded universe comprises everything outside the 6 films and (arguably) outside the other works Lucas himself created.

    Relax, people. If you don't think it will be good, don't see it. I didn't see anywhere in that article that they will ONLY be available in 3D. No one is "ruining" the movies. There's no need to get your lightsabers bent out of shape.

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    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neo Necron View Post
    Dude, the Ewoks were freakin' awesome.

    "An entire empire brought to it's knees by small furry creatures"
    - Brian, from UK's TV show Spaced
    Heh, I actually liked Ewoks too, I have fond but vague memories of the cartoon series and the two Ewok movies.

    Anyway, this just sounds like another enhancement which might be pretty neat to see in theaters. Otherwise, "meh"

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    What in the world are you talking about? This has nothing to do with the expanded universe. The expanded universe comprises everything outside the 6 films and (arguably) outside the other works Lucas himself created..
    Well, there's no definition as to what the expanded universe is, but I see it as anything which isn't the original trilogy, to be honest. I see the newer films as an expansion to the original trilogy. Star Wars used to just be the original three films, that's what it was famous for and known by back then, and it was known as nothing else. Hence why I see anything else (bar the toys etc) as an expansion.

    But that's just how I see it, so leave me alone

    I won't lie. I enjoyed the new trilogy at first... but I eventually got bored of it. However, I never have and never will get bored of the originals.

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  12. #12
    Star Wars gets milked dry... again. Jin's Avatar
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    There is a definition of the expanded universe actually. You have to keep in mind that Star Wars nerds have concrete definitions for everything and everything must be uniform.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wookiepedia
    The Expanded Universe (also known as the EU) encompasses all of the officially licensed, fictional background of the Star Wars universe, outside of the six feature films produced by George Lucas. It is derived from and includes most official Star Wars-related books, comic books, video games, spin-off films, television series, toys, and other media.
    Anyways, like I said, if the newer movies bore you, don't watch them. The same goes for these new versions of the original trilogy. Some people may like them; let them enjoy it. There's no need to hurl eggs at Lucas for supposedly ruining them.

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  13. #13
    Sir Prize Star Wars gets milked dry... again. Sinister's Avatar
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    I don't know what you all expected. These movies are more than movies. The Expanded Universe is every dream come true. The books, the games ect... Lucas doesn't know where to step anymore. He created an Empire, ironically. He's a bit too old to be reinventing stuff. He just finished the new movies and though fans loved them, like myself, the general public was unenthusiastic.

    He doesn't want to let this one blinding success die, and he doesn't want to besmirch it with new non-star wars movies that were poor in writing quality. For Tao's sake it took him how long to agree on the new Indiana Jones movie script and that turned out how?

    In essence, I'm sure he doesn't know what to do other than keep replaying the same success over and over again. And at any rate I would like to make this small point...

    I for one would love to see the movies in theaters again, even if it is done in 3-d. I would just like to see them in theaters again.


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  14. #14
    I wouldn't care what Lucas did if he would just leave the original trilogy alone. When I had to see that terrible "actor" from the prequels portraying Anakin as a ghost at the end of Return of the Jedi, I almost vomited. I didn't need twenty computer-generated characters in a screen just because he could.

    And I know that, when Star Wars goes to Blu-Ray, there will be more of it. Maybe he will throw in a scene of Yoda and Palpatine jumping around like athletes again. Or some Yoda puns! Maybe Han Solo can get a new Millenium Falcon, specially equipped with flat screen plasma TV's. You know, thats what he "originally intended".

    I am letting my inner nerd out. Wow.

  15. #15
    Star Wars gets milked dry... again. Emerald620's Avatar
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    The original Three should not be touched that is cool with me. But what i think they should do, and they took a small step with making the Clone Wars movie, but i think that they should go outside the six movies. Expand their horizons a little. Lets go with the Old Republic Era or even the New Jedi Order.

    Something about the Old Republic that they should do is Exar Kun, one of the first bad ass sith to walk the galaxy.

    And with the New Jedi Order they should take Boba Fett, and just make a bad ass story of him. Now those of you who know what i'm talking about, please agree, and those of you who don't go read the book Tales from the Cantina, or Tales of the Bounty Hunters. There are really good Boba Fett stories in both of them.
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  16. #16
    Banned Star Wars gets milked dry... again. Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    If such a great creative mind wants to expand upon his creation, why not let him? I think the "Save the original three" people suffer from nostalgia a bit. You have the original 3 on DVD by now if you care that much. You have that forever, so you will always have the original three you love so much. Why do you care if George Lucas wants to re-do his old movies and give them a new 2008 edge? I say power to him.

  17. #17
    Star Wars gets milked dry... again. Emerald620's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesus Christ View Post
    If such a great creative mind wants to expand upon his creation, why not let him? I think the "Save the original three" people suffer from nostalgia a bit. You have the original 3 on DVD by now if you care that much. You have that forever, so you will always have the original three you love so much. Why do you care if George Lucas wants to re-do his old movies and give them a new 2008 edge? I say power to him.
    Because than people will get thier hopes up that "Oh this is going to be such a great remake!"

    than we all pretty much know what happens when you get your hopes up, most of the time it gets shot down.

    There are a few exceptions such as "The Dark Knight" with the Joker and also with Godzilla, which was ok, better than the original.
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  18. #18
    Banned Star Wars gets milked dry... again. Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emerald620 View Post
    Because than people will get thier hopes up that "Oh this is going to be such a great remake!"

    than we all pretty much know what happens when you get your hopes up, most of the time it gets shot down.

    There are a few exceptions such as "The Dark Knight" with the Joker and also with Godzilla, which was ok, better than the original.
    People will always do that anyway, and who knows, maybe it will be good. Maybe the only reason their hopes would be shattered would be because of broken nostalgia. What about that? Shattered nostalgia? Doesn't the idea bring a tear to your eye?

    Anyway, in short: who cares if people get their hopes up, that's their issue, isn't it? It isn't George Lucas' fault. Let the man grow his baby.

  19. #19
    Star Wars gets milked dry... again. Jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emerald620 View Post
    Because than people will get thier hopes up that "Oh this is going to be such a great remake!"

    than we all pretty much know what happens when you get your hopes up, most of the time it gets shot down.

    There are a few exceptions such as "The Dark Knight" with the Joker and also with Godzilla, which was ok, better than the original.
    That argument is a contender for "biggest tripe of 2008". If you're bitching about it already, you're obviously not getting your hopes up. You people act like he's changing the story. He's just making it 3D.

    And no, they should not/will not do Exar Kun. Lucas has stated several times that he knows nothing about the expanded universe. If he made a movie on Exar Kun, he'd overwrite the current canon and the expanded universe would have to be completely remade. It's not like Lucas to follow someone else's idea. He just licenses them.
    Last edited by Jin; 07-26-2008 at 04:52 AM.

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