View Poll Results: How Do you feel about Sex in public places?

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  • I think its Fine, nothing wrong with getting it on at Macy's

    11 29.73%
  • I think its Disgusting

    12 32.43%
  • I don't know, I'm torn

    8 21.62%
  • No Comment

    6 16.22%
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Thread: Sex In Public Places

  1. #1
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    Question Sex In Public Places

    Just as its title suggests people. What do you think of Sex In Public Places? For my view on it, I think its wrong, I mean who wants to see you have sex in public places like JCPenny's or inside an Olive Garden? I want to share a story with you.

    "Yesterday, I was coming home from applying to a job, I had to take the underground terminal trolley home. When I got down there much to my disgust, I saw this straight couple partically on top of each other making out and and this dude slapping this chick's ass, it was disgusting. And it made me really wonder why NO ONE did anything about it. I think back on how when a Gay couple is holding hands in public or making out it public people see it as wrong, disgusting, but when a straight people are partically f**king in public no one gives a damn. What is the world coming to? I wondered it, as I shaked my fist in anger and disgust."

    This chick was between this dude's legs, and the dude was slapping her ass. Come the F**k on, that's just going way overbroad, plus there were kids down there!

    Please read this article entitled: Why do People have sex in public places?
    Single Shot: Why do people have sex in public places?

    My point is, is it ok for a striaght couple to have sex and make out like that in public places but gay couples or a Interracial couple can't? Does the majority rule in that case? I'm not trying to make this out to be a flame thread, but I want to know to know everyone's honest opinon about how they feel about Public Sex.
    Last edited by Phantom; 01-16-2009 at 08:41 AM.
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

    XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!

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  2. #2
    Lady Succubus Sex In Public Places Victoria's Avatar
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    I'm not one to really comment on this, but honestly I see nothing wrong with it. Just be sensible of your surroundings. Obviously inside of a restaurant and a mall or something like that, is wrong and no one wants to see that.

    Making out isn't really sex, though, but I can see where you're coming from. I also have to ask, if it was two girls, or two guys, Phantom, would you have still found it disgusting? Or would you have not said a damn thing about it? I'm curious about that part of it.

    It's not a matter of straight vs gay/lesbian. It's a matter of sex in public places. Besides, you should know by now to just ignore the naysayers. Let them think what they think, etc. But you've been down that road before, probably.

    Anyway, bottom line.

    There's nothing wrong with it, just don't be a dumb ass when doing it.

  3. #3
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I don't agree with any form of public affection apart from hand holding, or hugging. I don't want to see any couple, gay, straight, black, white slobbering over each other publicly, and I'm fairly sure most people are the same way.
    As for sex in public places... it's obviously wrong. What I will say though, is that if the couple were clothed, it wasn't sex. There's a difference between sex and dry humping, but I still don't think either are appropriate for public viewing.
    In any case though, I'm moving this thread along to General Chat, reason being that this thread could attract shorter posts than other threads lately.

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  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena View Post
    I'm not one to really comment on this, but honestly I see nothing wrong with it. Just be sensible of your surroundings. Obviously inside of a restaurant and a mall or something like that, is wrong and no one wants to see that.

    Making out isn't really sex, though, but I can see where you're coming from. I also have to ask, if it was two girls, or two guys, Phantom, would you have still found it disgusting? Or would you have not said a damn thing about it? I'm curious about that part of it.

    It's not a matter of straight vs gay/lesbian. It's a matter of sex in public places. Besides, you should know by now to just ignore the naysayers. Let them think what they think, etc. But you've been down that road before, probably.

    Anyway, bottom line.

    There's nothing wrong with it, just don't be a dumb ass when doing it.
    Obviously you don't have children. Having sex in public is wrong, I don't care how open minded you are. When children are around, elderly people, even young adults, you just don't do that! Not to mention the lack of respect to those around you, hence the children, the elderly, etc.

    If you are that 'worked up', get a room, find a car, bathroom, whatever it takes, but don't do it in public for the entire world to see. It's not only in bad taste and disrespectful, but it just shows the lack of intelligence some have.

  5. #5
    Lady Succubus Sex In Public Places Victoria's Avatar
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    Mmhm. Nor do I want any, though it seems you didn't read my post clearly.
    Notice how I said "Don't be a dumbass when doing it." and "Obviously inside of a restaurant and a mall or something liek that is wrong and no one wants to see that."

    Which means I was saying, don't actually do it in front of everyone. A bathroom stall counts as a public place. >_>;

    I'm fairly intelligent, thank you. I'm not that stupid, nor that horny, to even attempt the naughty form of public affection in front of children or the elderly.

    I'm not that bad of a whore/slut.
    Last edited by Victoria; 01-16-2009 at 10:47 AM.

  6. #6
    I invented Go-Gurt. Sex In Public Places Clint's Avatar
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    If you get caught having sex in public, that's indecent exposure. You will be forced to register as a sex offender, and that will be on your permanent record forever.

    It shouldn't be a problem for people to not have sex in public, but unfortunately, there are immature ****tards out there that can't control their id.

  7. #7
    Lady Succubus Sex In Public Places Victoria's Avatar
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    Yes, I'm aware of the indecent exposure law. That's why I say not to be a dumb ass about it and actually do it in public. (If you even really have to.)

    I'm sure that some sort of public sex is always part of someone's fantasy, though.
    I'll just say right now that I'm an exhibitionist, so that's why the thought doesn't really bother me.

    If however, I was a stupid moron and let my libido control me... well, then I can see the problem. But I'm not. ^_^

    I'm just a stupid moron in other things, that's all.

  8. #8
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Oh yea. I voted yes to it. If you want my reason to why? It's not much, I can care less about the situation, I have found people having sex in public, not much you can just acknowledge it or try and join in, whatever you feel like, or you can go on with your business. It's what I did at least.

  9. #9
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Actually in the example that you gave Phantom, none are right for the most part; given there are a few exceptions to limited PDA and certain situations where forms of sexual activity are allowable.

    For instance: weddings or civil unions. What would they be with out the kiss at the end?
    Also to clarify sexual activities I am going to reference night life, now adays a common thing to see in clubs is grinding (or what ever it is called now) which is really nothing more then dry humping. I see nothing wrong with holding hands, sneaking an occasional peck, walking down the street holding you arm around your partners waist with a hand firmly placed on their buttocks.

    Keep in mind I am no angel and don't claim to be, I have done things and had things done to me in public and it really doesn't bother me. But the difference between what your example is and my circumstances is the fact that there was no one around or the people that where around didn't really care. (Example: parties)

    And before anyone quotes me on my last example, when you invite a large mass of people into your residence it is technically no longer a private place. Also there are parties that take place outside of homesteads.

    I have no problem if I walk by a couple (straght or gay) and they are showing light affections twards each other, but I really don't care to see it and really don't want to see it taken any further then that out in public places. I would hate to have to try and explain what was going on to my son.

    On the other hand as a self proclaimed Nympho, I would have to state something for the people that do things like this. Sometimes the urge is just to much and needs to be acted on. But then again there is the fact that there are places outside of the public eye that things like this could /should be done.

    Really I see no differences when I see a straight or gay couple doing this, to me there is not a valid excuse for it.
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  10. #10
    Sex In Public Places Jin's Avatar
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    How public do we consider public? If you find a storage room in a library that has a lock on it for example, is that considered a public place? I mean by definition it is, obviously, but in this context, is it?

    If so, I'm guilty. Here's what I don't get though, why does anyone want to have sex in a public place? It's not comfortable at all. And Christ, women, you need to learn how to yell quietly.

    Until now!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena View Post
    Mmhm. Nor do I want any, though it seems you didn't read my post clearly.
    Notice how I said "Don't be a dumbass when doing it." and "Obviously inside of a restaurant and a mall or something liek that is wrong and no one wants to see that."

    Which means I was saying, don't actually do it in front of everyone. A bathroom stall counts as a public place. >_>;

    I'm fairly intelligent, thank you. I'm not that stupid, nor that horny, to even attempt the naughty form of public affection in front of children or the elderly.

    I'm not that bad of a whore/slut.
    I never said you were a whore/slut, and would never imply that. I'm simply stating that, as you said yourself, inside of a restaurant and a mall or something like that is wrong and no one wants to see that.
    There is a time and a place for everything, but unfortunately, there are those that don't care about the surroundings or who is there.
    So put simply, as others have already stated, I see nothing wrong with showing simple affection towards someone in public, hand holding, arm in arm, a simple kiss, etc....but beyond that, everything else should be kept private without an or straight.

  12. #12
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mistress Sheena View Post
    I'm not one to really comment on this, but honestly I see nothing wrong with it. Just be sensible of your surroundings. Obviously inside of a restaurant and a mall or something like that, is wrong and no one wants to see that.

    Making out isn't really sex, though, but I can see where you're coming from. I also have to ask, if it was two girls, or two guys, Phantom, would you have still found it disgusting? Or would you have not said a damn thing about it? I'm curious about that part of it.

    It's not a matter of straight vs gay/lesbian. It's a matter of sex in public places. Besides, you should know by now to just ignore the naysayers. Let them think what they think, etc. But you've been down that road before, probably.

    Anyway, bottom line.

    There's nothing wrong with it, just don't be a dumb ass when doing it.

    I also have to ask, if it was two girls, or two guys, Phantom, would you have still found it disgusting? Or would you have not said a damn thing about it? I'm curious about that part of it.

    Actually I would still find it disgusting to do that public regardless of who it is. Why should the public have to see you either dry humping or just plain going at it at all? Reason I was so angry about that couple yesterday was because, those that Prop 8 to ban gay marriage in Cali, as well as those that dislike gay affection in general fought to protect heterosexuals civil rights, so they can walk all lovey dovey hands joined, but people look differently at a gay or lesbian couple with hands joined walking down the street. Much like that lesbians kicked out of baseball game thread a while back, they shared a passionate kiss and got kicked out by some overerlyhyped parent.

    Nearly the same with this, a Straight couple surrounded by the public are basically getting prepped to get it on but no one says nothing, or do nothing about, but let their kids watch it unfold. Not only does it disgust me but it offends me that things like this is what prop. 8 supporters donated a million bucks to defend but of course as always gay couples got shafted.

    To sum it up, I dislike sexual actions in public places regardless of who does it. Besides last thing I want to see when I walk into Borders Book Store is to see people f**king in fiction >_>. Me being gay doesn't change my stance on sex in public places, even if I think about the gay couple more at home in front of my computer.
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

    XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!

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  13. #13
    I've done a lot of serious making out in a variety of public transport stations, because I was meeting my beau in them and hadn't seen him for months. **** the world, we wanted to kiss properly. Kids will see it in films. As for adults, what's the problem with people getting happy in public? I'm not talking full sex here, by the way. That should be kept indoors lest all hell break loose.

    But really. I like kissing. I don't really watch people in public if they're gettin' in on, but at the same time, it doesn't offend me. It makes me smirk, because they are happy and reminds me of the times I was kissing and happy and the times when I will again be kissing and happy.

    Unless it's jakeys. That's just horrible.

    I don't care if it's men, women, transgenders, whatever. Just not jakeys. I would like to keep my right to make out in public, so they can keep theirs too. As for having sex outwith the home, as long as no-one can see you and you keep it down, long as you're not in some kind of AIDS infested toilet, what's the problem?

    Spread the love.

  14. #14
    Kou's Avatar
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    There is a time and a place for different levels of affection in public. It also depends if you mean a location that is heavily populated, or say an empty beach in the middle of the night - which is a public spot.

    Kissing in public does not really bother me unless the amount of drool being produced is comparable to the amount of blood Tarintino puts in his movies, If that is the case, then that is a bit over the top.

    The more adult activities, well there is a time and a place, like my deserted beach at midnight example. Part of it is the thrill that you may be caught but seriously, how many little kids are going to be wandering empty beaches past midnight? Sure, a bedroom is by far a more suitable place for sex, some people just like to get a bit outdoorsy and as long as they're in a spot that wouldn't be seen/not easy to stumble across and they don't leave any materials lying around, it does not bother me.
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  15. #15
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    It's ok regardless of people involved if it's out of sight and if Jerry Springer has taught me anything, it's always ok if it's lesbians. Yeaps...

    But in all seriousness, people can go for it all they want. It just leaves them open to me making smartass comments, winking and doing things that would generally creep them out more than they'd have creeped me out.

    Also, children have to learn about sex eventually. Better seeing the real thing than weird highly interpretable allusions to it in emo songs or seeing two gorillas going for it at the zoo or something.
    victoria aut mors

  16. #16
    Bananarama Sex In Public Places Pete's Avatar
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    I'm not big on public displays of affection, period. It's one thing to want to show the world how much you're in love with your (whatever), but I think it's more important to show that person.

    That being said, the farthest I go in public is wrapping my arm around a girl/ holding hands and the occasional peck on the lips. For hellos and goodbyes it's a little bit more, but not a whole lot.

    When I'm drunk, it's a whole other story, but for the record, making out in a Kennedy Fried Chicken is both a fun and interesting experience that I recommend.

    That being said, my definition of public is with people around. On an empty beach, I would have no problem rounding the bases, or on my rooftop for that much. I feel like it's kind of indecent to do that in front of others, almost like you're putting on a show.

    I don't care about your gender or your preference, just keep it to a minimum in front of me.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  17. #17
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Sex In Public Places Polk's Avatar
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    I'm a classy guy, so I only sex my girlfriend in the comfort of my home. Although I do make a point of keeping the window open and screaming loud enough out the window so that I'm sure it bothers my neighbor because **** her she doesn't invite me to her barbecues. So I scream "Oh Jenna Fischer!", and then in a slightly higher voice scream "Oh, Polk! You're a machine!" My girlfriend can't talk, so I just say whatever I think she's thinking. Nobody even notices that it's me talking for her.

    In public, we don't do a lot of affectionate stuff, the most intimate stuff we do is, like, me sitting on her. She's totally into that. But people do stare, and I feel like I have to defend my relationship.

    YES my girlfriend is a pillow, and YES we're in love. Don't like it? Tough.
    Last edited by Polk; 01-17-2009 at 12:36 AM.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  18. #18
    Arachnie Suicide Sex In Public Places ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    It's okay in the right spot. I've been with several people that are quite exhibitionistic, but I certainly wouldn't go all-out and do it where there are people walking around.

    I think it's okay in the kind of 'thrill of getting caught' context, if that makes sense. As in 'maybe could get caught but likely not to'. Think down on a beach or in a park in the middle of the night, in a walk-in storage closet or behind a desk in an office where everybody's out for lunch. Cleared out spot in a wheat field, maybe? Bathroom stall doesn't really bother me, but I don't get why it's so common. I mean... Seriously. They smell. Badly.

    But not on a train with other people directly around. Not in the back of a bus [this is dangerous, anyway. One of my friends ended up with a bleeding penis after participating in oral on a bus that [shock horror] went over a large speedbump.]

    So it all depends on the area.
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  19. #19
    I get creeped out if anyone does anything with anyone else that is more than holding hands or hugging. Maybe a quick peck on the lips or cheek, but not any real kissing please. Every time I pass by a couple making out, I have to run by and ignore it. It's just awkward to see people doing things that are more than intimate in public places. It doesn't matter to me if it's a gay couple, straight couple, or trio. Just please don't get touchy feely with each other out on a street.

  20. #20
    Sex in public places? Why not?

    Think about it. The people we have sex with usually are not candid about our performance. Pornography does not really give you any useful tips either, because it is just a stage show and most of those acts would end the fun for normal couples. You could observe them and learn something.

    And why is everyone using words like right and wrong? Are we on the Power Rangers?

  21. #21
    Registered User Sex In Public Places winterborn86's Avatar
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    I don't really know what I think, I suppose if its sex in a place with loads of people like, in the back of the cinema and on the bus, then I would have a problem with it, but if it was somewhere like an alleyway or park at night and there is no people around then I say go for it, I personally have always wanted to have sex in an alleyway at night, i hear the suspense on getting caught and being daring is a turn on and makes the sex more exciting. I don't agree with it if there are people around tho, I think you should have respect for others, especially if it's in a park and there are kids around.

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  22. #22
    I think as long as you know no one will walk in on you then it would be ok

  23. #23
    I don't see what's wrong with just having sex in the privacy of your own homes, why would you want to do it in a public place? It must turn people on I guess, but i'll never understand it personally.

    I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the Planet, the Promised Land...I think I can meet her...there.

  24. #24
    Imperius Rex Sex In Public Places Storm's Avatar
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    I'm genrally an each to their own kind of person. If people were having intercourse or any other sexual acts in an open public place, with people around I would definatly have issues but would let them get on with it without throwing an all-out wobbley. I'd probably just do my trademark loud comment to a friend made to embarass those involved!

    As for kissing, hugging, mild gropage, i'm fine with people doing that. Hell I even exchange gropage with one of my friends as a joke when we go to the pub in the evening. I agree that couples snogging very loudly like a washing machine mildly disgusts me, but as long as I can't see what someones had for lunch, it's fine! Though again, the best thing to do in awkward situations is to laugh about it than to get offended over eejits.
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  25. #25
    Rider on the Storm. Sex In Public Places sonicisrad's Avatar
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    I don't really mind whether or not some people choose to express their sexual pleasure for the world to see or not. They just have to think about what they're willing to do beforehand, and make sure they won't get in any sticky-predicament for it because there are always people who will see it as a 'thing' to take to court or whatever, so be out on the look if they want to do it out in the open, and be smart about, that's all I'm sayin'.
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  26. #26
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Time to jump back in and add a little fuel to the fire.

    Really if you truely take a look around sex is EVERYWHERE weather or not it is some guy getting it on in the train station with his GF (Sory Phantom but it was a good example, this is not directed at you.) It's not an odd site to see it in movies, hear about it on the radio, see KY billboards next to the highway. Hell you can even see sex in childers cartoons involving sexual inuendos, "he must be compinsating for something" Shrek, this day and age sex is not the behind closed doors thing that it was 20 years ago. There are swiggers parties and porn conventions all over the world. I was listening to the BMMS the other day and they had Lindsy Hohand on there and she was touching a male member live. Hell as the old saying goes; sex sells.

    Even privacy of ones home is no longer a safe place to have relations, seriously how many people here have not seems some type of amature porn where some douche hides a camera and rails his girlfriend and next thing you know it is all over the net?

    As the social standard veiw twards sex and sexual acts change, you are inevitably going to see the reprocutions out in public.

    The point I am getting at is that as long as sex is publicized via anytpe of media you are going to run into it.

    The few times I have partaken in sexual acts in public it has been a trip. I loved it, the thrill of getting caught just added more to the excitement. Was it the right thing to do, no. But it was one hell of a time in the process.

    [/end random rant]
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  27. #27
    As long as I can't see it, then I don't care. As a Security Officer inside of a casino in Vegas I sometimes get called to situations where people are having sex in places they shouldn't. It is usually in the bathroom, but one time I caught someone outside the casino walls, which was still our property, just not inside the casino... anyway, I asked them why they decided to do it outside the casino when they pay like 200 bucks a night to stay here and have sex. The only answer I got was "She was horny." Which I guess is more than I expected since I was talking to them while they put their clothes on.

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  28. #28
    Courage, Character, Confidence. Sex In Public Places Lunasa's Avatar
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    I know my poll option was adverse to my post right now, but eh, don't sue me!

    Sex in pubic places is so disgusting. Reminds me of every orgy filled high school. One time some chick and her boyfriend were sitting at a table, eating with a hand down the back of each others pants. That's completely disgusting. Our table came to consensus to tell them to stop (when they have doing this shit for a week). So I delivered our lovely message. "Hands + Pants + Lunch= EXCESSIVE PDA". They told us not to look, but how could you completely shield your eyes while they suck on each others faces and give each other chills and immature high school BS. Well, I learned to never be a messenger again, because all your little high school friends rather run with their tail between their legs and deny everything they ever said than stand up for you. That little bitch told her older (and absolutely HUGE sister. She was about as fit as your average MALE superhero, with a mustache to boot) and I got cornered in the locker room later. I can't stand high school romances. You don't need to make out with every pole to get out the point that you LOVE each other. I don't care if you only see each other in school, blow/hand jobs are done at home when your parents are at work. Or if it's really serious, then let's put fifty thousand hickeys on each other. *gag*

    Honestly, I think adults should know better than that PDA shit. Holding hands is cute and all, but let's put "LIMITS" on our id. It's about the grimiest place to have sex, possible, because for all you know, some kid puked in that photo booth you took over. Or something even more gross. Let's step past high school. No more public places.

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  29. #29
    Asking all the personal questions. Sex In Public Places RamesesII's Avatar
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    While it is wrong and illegal in some countries it does turn some people on the fact that they may get caught in the act really boosts their sex drive lol While i have not actually done it myself thats my opinion.
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    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

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    CHE- "I pee sitting down after I have sex because for some reason after I have sex and I try to pee, it goes everywhere."
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  30. #30
    I will finish the hunt Sex In Public Places Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    Oct 2006
    Satans Anus
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    Public sex: I am not for or against a lot of things in this world unless they effect me or someone else negatively. If people are having sex in public area's without being heard or seen I am perfectly fine with that. I am not going to stress out about it. However, if I see and hear the sex I am probably going to try and stop it. Not because they are gay, or straight, or smelly ugly people different than I because I don't want to walk down the street and see people "doing it". Might give my three year old the wrong impression about sex, and if not will probably scar me for life.

    Gay and Straight: I really don't care. I have personally been scared by the lesbian life, and even though those types of couples bother me, I am not going to stop them from making out. Even straight people doing it gives me the creeps, just f.y.i.. You can't really control what people are going to think...just have to live life on your own terms and deal with your choices. I date guys, and some of my lesbian friends hated it. I dat"ed" girls and my straight friends hated it. You can't please anyone, and you can't stop them from thinking. That's one war you'll never win.

    And just to clear the air lesbians can be just as closed mined as straight people. I can't even talk about penis around one of my friends and her girlfriend. She would literally make a gagging noise and get goose bumbs. And I once dated a girl that would control me to the point where I had to act like a full blown lesbian all the time, and if I didn't I got yelled at and hit. So, it's on both ends of the spectrum. I realize this thread is not about just that though. Just thought I would point that out.
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

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