Just as its title suggests people. What do you think of Sex In Public Places? For my view on it, I think its wrong, I mean who wants to see you have sex in public places like JCPenny's or inside an Olive Garden? I want to share a story with you.
"Yesterday, I was coming home from applying to a job, I had to take the underground terminal trolley home. When I got down there much to my disgust, I saw this straight couple partically on top of each other making out and and this dude slapping this chick's ass, it was disgusting. And it made me really wonder why NO ONE did anything about it. I think back on how when a Gay couple is holding hands in public or making out it public people see it as wrong, disgusting, but when a straight people are partically f**king in public no one gives a damn. What is the world coming to? I wondered it, as I shaked my fist in anger and disgust."
This chick was between this dude's legs, and the dude was slapping her ass. Come the F**k on, that's just going way overbroad, plus there were kids down there!
Please read this article entitled: Why do People have sex in public places?
Single Shot: Why do people have sex in public places?
My point is, is it ok for a striaght couple to have sex and make out like that in public places but gay couples or a Interracial couple can't? Does the majority rule in that case? I'm not trying to make this out to be a flame thread, but I want to know to know everyone's honest opinon about how they feel about Public Sex.