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Thread: Rude kids.

  1. #1
    It's the Jecht Shot, Babey! Rude kids. LaCkyy's Avatar
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    Rude kids.

    Hi there,

    Just been out to the CO-OP (U.K Supermarket) and walking on the way back, i noticed a few little kids around 12-13 giving a elderly couple abuse.

    Shouting at them, calling them rude words, calling them 'Scumbags' to be honest this makes me so angry . I had to intervene and tell the kids to shove off.

    The thing that makes me angry is, What would of happened if that was my gran or grandad?

    With today's society you can't reply to these young kids because they will proberly pull out a knife or something.

    So what punishment do these kids get? Ye thats right sweet naff all. What do you think should happen to kids like this?

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  2. #2
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Kids eh? It was only yesterday that I was waiting at the bus stop to go to college, when out of nowhere, I heard this child shouting abuse at someone on the other side of the road. Now, I know I'm not innocent when it comes to swearing, but... for flips sake, he was half my age screaming: "F**k off you w**ker! Motherf**king piece of sh*t!" I was shocked. I took my head phones out and looked at him with total discust, and said: "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" He was startled that someone was going to talk back at him like that, and after saying something under his breath at me, ran off. Chicken. Sure does make you proud to be British. *rolls eyes*

    Kids have no respect for their elders. My nan keeps telling me about how it was in the "old days", and how they made you wash your mouth out with soap if you so much as said "Bloody hell!"

    I think its down to kids who have kids, AKA the parents. People with children like that must be children themselves - they know no morals, and have no respect, and their children will pick that up and use it like I said above. I guess you can't always blame it on kids with kids but, its definatly the case in my area. All the teens are either pregnant, or have been on their backs since they were 12. Its sick.

    There isn't much you can do, unless you want to kill all the little mites. ASBOs don't work, and tags... well, they don't stop the kids from doing bad stuff do they? Haha, maybe people should get a licence to have kids! If you don't pass the dolly-parenting test, then you don't get the licence! AND you have to be of a certain age to take it! That would be fun...

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

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    Hm, no one's here...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  3. #3
    It's the Jecht Shot, Babey! Rude kids. LaCkyy's Avatar
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    I totally agree, the ASBO's are a waste of time, majority of the kids on the estate where i live are all on ASBO's and so on, but it doesn't stop them terrorising others.

    I Think all parent's should be fined to be honest, that way they will show and learn there children respect to others, and other's property.

    Or Alternatively... The kids should go to a Behaviour camp? or something like that, To improve there behaviour.
    Last edited by LaCkyy; 03-11-2009 at 11:39 AM.
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  4. #4
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Last time a kid started swearing at me I just walked next to him, bent down to his level and roared, 'DO YOU KISS YOUR MOTHER WITH THAT MOUTH YOU LITTLE ****ING

    He ran as fast as if he was naked with a target painted to his ass getting chased by a horny donkey.
    victoria aut mors

  5. #5
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Rude kids. Polk's Avatar
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    These damn kids today. No manners I tells ya! Why just yesterday, I asked the Johnsons' youngest boy, Charley his name is, to mow my lawn (my back hasn't been so great since the War). So I says to him, I says, "Hey Charley! Why don't you come over tomorrow and mow my lawn? I'll give you a dollar to do it!" And that little bastard, you know what he did? He gave me the finger! I had half a mind to go over and beat his ass, I did.

    Back in my day, if I had disrespected an adult like that, I would've gotten my little ass beaten so hard, I wouldn't have been able to sit for a week. So's I went over there and I told his parents what he did. Did they reprimand their kid? OF COURSE NOT. They gave him an hour long time-out in his room! The damn kid's so spoiled that he probably has a television and one of those damned, oh what do you call it, nintendo boxes in there. Kid probably had a ball! I can't fault the Johnsons though, the husband is a banker, and he keeps his yard respectable. Parents these days can't hit their kids! As soon as they do, social services come and take em to jail. Kids need a good ass whoopin!

    And don't get me started on this rock and roll and hippity hop music! Hippity hop? What kinda idjit likes this stuff? These damned kids driving around with their radios turned up as loud as they can go. HEY. KIDS. IT'S ELEVEN O'CLOCK AT NIGHT. PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP. One time I saw some of these gangster rappiting types in my neighborhood, taking out the Smith girl, who's a nice enough girl, she just associates herself with a bad crowd, and I says, I says to him, "Hey! Turn it down! This is a respectable neighborhood!" And he pretended like he didn't hear me. But I know he did.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  6. #6
    Registered User Rude kids. winterborn86's Avatar
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    Kids are like this in schools aswell, and I feel so sorry for those teachers that have to deal with it evryday. My little sister is one of those sods tho, she called my mobile and when I answered she told me she was in class and was bored so decided to call, I could her the teacher in the background telling her to get off her phone, and my sis said to her "f*ck off, I am having having a personal conversation you b*tch" I honestly could not believe what I was hearing, I heard the teacher say she would take her phine off her and my sis replied with "just you f*cking try it, you touch me or my phone and I will slap you in the F*cking face and get the social on your arse for child abuse" I mean what the hell are kids turning into, I use to give my teacher lip every now and again, but what my sis was saying was a bit over the top.
    I saw a few 12 year olds the other day near my local garage and a middle aged looking person walked past and these kids started shouting at her saying this like "what yo f*ckin lookin at b*tch" "cum ere and ave a go if ya think ya ard enough" I decided to go the looooooong way round to the garage, you cant trust kids these days, as TIDUS mentioned you never know if they are carrying weapons or not. Kids need to learn respect I think a belt to the backside is what they need, good hard old fashioned discipline.

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  7. #7
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    It's terrible in New Zealand for this especially since they introduced the anti-smacking bill shit. You can't do nothing to kids without the threat of being put in jail. Social welfare are a right back of jerks, they're always taking kids off their parents and putting them into abusive foster homes where they get taught nasty habits.

  8. #8
    Rufus Shinra Rude kids. Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    It's not so bad here luckily sounds bad where you lot are
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  9. #9
    Full Time Glompasaurus Rude kids. Raider's Avatar
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    we get it but, you tell them to shove off and they do.

    the best answer = chainsaw + pliers + hammer = very upset children
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  10. #10
    アズテオル Rude kids. Azuteor's Avatar
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    There were these group of teenagers in a car driving by just after I got off the school bus. As I walked home, these guys started flicking the birdie and slandered me with any possible insult towards Asians. The dude behind the driving wheel isn't old enough to drive yet, so you could easily believe that he will get a spanking when he gets home, hehe.

    I didn't expect something to happen like this because the neighborhood I live in is practically clean, quiet, and well managed.

    I just looked and I didn't show any reaction towards their bag of insults. They left dissatisfied and moved on to the next kid they see. When a kid doesn't have the balls to talk smack to your face by him- or herself, they hang around in groups so they don't feel insecure. *sigh*

    Maybe it's not just the parents, but the media as well.

  11. #11
    Full Time Glompasaurus Rude kids. Raider's Avatar
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    Nah its not the media, no offence but all of this crap about how violent games affect the young mind, WRONG, violent games affect people whoose minds aren't exactly stable. THe media does nto affect how chavs or yobs behave.

    They are like this because of the way that they were brought up, while the mind is still learning, like father like son, like mother like daughter.
    ♥The Morning After Crew♥

    Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.

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  12. #12
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I work with children and a fair amount of them are very rude. Some don't give a shit about anybody else and they swear like sailors. They are just very ignorant and misbehaved. They won't listen to a word you say or anything. When you see the parents of these children, you're never surprised as to why these children are the way they are.

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  13. #13
    Asking all the personal questions. Rude kids. RamesesII's Avatar
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    I would have knocked the little buggers out lol no just kidding

    At work we get some little terrors being in a primary school and all but it is equaled out by the good ones
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    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

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  14. #14
    Just kind of there. Rude kids. Calvan's Avatar
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    One day i was walking home from the library and the enxt thing you know this little girl about 8 ride by one a bike. AND THROWS A (Expelative)ING ROCK AT ME hits me between my eyes casing me to collapse. Not only that but thens she stops calls me a (Expelative) because I fell, Gives me the finger, And Threw my library book in a muddy ditch thus making me 50 bucks in the hole with the library.

    I hate the kids in this neighborhood. ALL OF THEM.
    Last edited by Calvan; 03-19-2009 at 05:01 PM.
    -My Tee Eff Eff Family-
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    And then just like that i'm gone again.

  15. #15
    forever alone in hell Rude kids. final fantacy_tifa's Avatar
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    ow well im 14 soooo...
    well first i get in lots of fights with jerks like that!!and i win!i think its ****ing messed up they do that ...and where i live they get away with it!so when i beat the living day lights out of them i dont get in trouble for it! but i still dont like how they acked!
    __________________________________________________ __________
    Last edited by final fantacy_tifa; 03-19-2009 at 05:10 PM.

  16. #16
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom Rude kids. Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    I was at the servo the other day with my mate and these guys called us "Gay" becasue i was driving a deawoo lanos (Ok it's not the most manliest car in the world but its fuel efficient and it's quite reliable) anyway and we were coming out they started agin with the "Gay" comments, so instead of going Balistic and effing and blinding i turned around and said " Are you kidding me your calling me gay look at you, theres 1,2,3,4 of you can anyone spell "gay orgy" and before you lose your temper and start attacking me let me point out this i have a car and your on a push bike so at least i can afford somthing with a motor in it you elizabethean feral"

    Swearing and violence is never the answer kids


  17. #17
    Rufus Shinra Rude kids. Rufus shinra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Calvan View Post
    One day i was walking home from the library and the enxt thing you know this little girl about 8 ride by one a bike. AND THROWS A (Expelative)ING ROCK AT ME hits me between my eyes casing me to collapse. Not only that but thens she stops calls me a (Expelative) because I fell, Gives me the finger, And Threw my library book in a muddy ditch thus making me 50 bucks in the hole with the library.

    I hate the kids in this neighborhood. ALL OF THEM.
    Kids sound hardcore where you Live

    She got you right between the Eye's as well


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  18. #18
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Rude kids. Joe's Avatar
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    Holy hell I must be getting old. If I ever have a kid I'm going to be disciplining him or her the old fashioned way. Groundings and various things taken away for smaller things, but for the really serious offenses a swat or two to the backside. I swear if kids don't learn discipline, then they'll turn out like the little shiats that nathan, winterborn, and others were mentioning.

    Games and TV may very well link to violent behavior, but only if the parent is a poor one. Games and TV make things convienient, but whatever happened to playing catch or romping through the woods? Or even the joys of reading.

    I honestly don't remember if I'm on topic or not XD
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  19. #19
    The British Guy. Rude kids. Robbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azuteor View Post
    Maybe it's not just the parents, but the media as well.
    I Disagreee with this beacause The Media all have Age Appropriate Certificates its the parents That Allow A 11 Year old To Play Grand Theft Auto I Am 14 Myself it is younger teenagers giving all the attitude and attacking for no reason i have actually been jumped by three lads but hippocritically of me i found out who they where and got 16 of my friends and me and we found them and just scared them i dont like Confrontation but also i dislike being pushed and i dont consider myself to be foully brought up i dont go around shouting abuse but if someone is unreasonable and rude to me i dont take it too kindly i consider these Anti- Social children Chav's and beacause of the AMount there are if anyone is wearing a trackie and arent playing football i sterotype them as a chav a bit predjusice i admit but 7/10 im usually right
    Last edited by Robbo; 03-20-2009 at 12:09 PM.

  20. #20
    forever alone in hell Rude kids. final fantacy_tifa's Avatar
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    if i was in ur shoes(Squall~Dissidiai )i whoulda just beat the crap out of them but u prouble did the more humain thing!

    **1 tequila,2 tequila,3 tequila,floor**

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    DO NOT HURT MY PET LEMON lemons have feelings to you know !!

  21. #21
    Rude kids. Faustus's Avatar
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    I live in a fairly conservative little shithole and I still get cocky children all over the place. Now when wannabe gangsters or 13 year old tough guys rarely pick me for a target since I look like the next big serial killer walking around in a black trenchcoat and combat boots everywhere. Now when they do I make sure the police aren't anywhere near and yell right back at them. Something like "GET OVER HERE AND SAY TO MY FACE YOU SCRAWNY LITTLE ****" makes them wet themselves and run back inside.

    The problem is bad parenting. No discipline, no consequences, nothing. The little brats get whatever they want and do whatever they want. As far as I'm concerned a good beating or two would do the brats good.
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  22. #22
    forever alone in hell Rude kids. final fantacy_tifa's Avatar
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    ya i agree becuse theres this one girl i know her parents let her do anything and evcery thing!
    and shes such a messed up kid.....

    **1 tequila,2 tequila,3 tequila,floor**

    time your wasting just your do to better anything have you don't this reading you r why <-- read backwards,

    DO NOT HURT MY PET LEMON lemons have feelings to you know !!

  23. #23
    It's the Jecht Shot, Babey! Rude kids. LaCkyy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by final fantacy_tifa View Post
    ya i agree becuse theres this one girl i know her parents let her do anything and evcery thing!
    and shes such a messed up kid.....
    See what i mean, i'm suprised she isn't taking drugs or something. It's disgraceful.

    Parent's should be to blame, for letting thing's get out of control, obviously i'm not a parent at the age of 16 so i wouldn't know what to do.

    Me personally, i have been brought up to respect my elders, and i know i'm not perfect all the time. But if i see a Old women at the other side of the road, who need's a hand, i would help whilst these others, would stand the other side of the road laughing. it's a disgrace.
    Last edited by LaCkyy; 03-21-2009 at 01:05 PM.
    Favourite FF Characters - Tidus, Wakka, Red.
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  24. #24
    forever alone in hell Rude kids. final fantacy_tifa's Avatar
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    yaa she prouble is!
    but ive been raized up by my mom"only"
    im a preety good kid i think........but im only 14 so i still younge

    **1 tequila,2 tequila,3 tequila,floor**

    time your wasting just your do to better anything have you don't this reading you r why <-- read backwards,

    DO NOT HURT MY PET LEMON lemons have feelings to you know !!

  25. #25
    It's the Jecht Shot, Babey! Rude kids. LaCkyy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by final fantacy_tifa View Post
    yaa she prouble is!
    but ive been raized up by my mom"only"
    im a preety good kid i think........but im only 14 so i still younge
    Yhyh, i was raised my mum, until i was 14 and then i decided i wanted to live with my dad.

    but back onto topic,
    majority of these rude kids, could be raised by single parents? i know when my mum was raising me and my brother, she had a hard time.
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