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Thread: Problems people are having with TFF.

  1. #31
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the feeling Thief was talking more about older members rather than mods. The mods bit was just a line at the end agreeing with previous posts.

    I don't see a problem with the moderating team myself (hell, the ones I've talked to via MSN or communicated with somehow have all seemed cool), but I think the issue there might partially just be just how things come across to some people. I've had one warning, I saw it as fair, I was happy to wear it. Others might see a warning as unfair if a double standard of some kind seems to exist (even if it's merely a mod missing another similar post. Mods are only human after all. ) In the end, I've seen nothing that really looked intentionally mean on the parts of the moderating team, just a few incidents which a member could take as being unfair. Ultimately though, if a person breaks the rules and the rules are clear, they should be warned...

    And Thief's right about the members thing. There does seem to be different levels at times. Hell, even I've gotten crabby at a few members from time to time for something they do, and inadvertently started something I only wished to tackle alone. It really does escalate things. I figure I'll try to hold any of my grievances in the hopes that some others might do the same. It's likely the best way to encourage new members to stay, aye? That and just plain making everyone feel at home.
    victoria aut mors

  2. #32
    TFF's Token Imp Problems people are having with TFF. Martin's Avatar
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    To be honest the split seems to be pretty apparent I would have thought... maybe in my tangled state-of-mind I'm seeing something that isn't there, who knows. And I'm not speaking out of personal grievance here, I'm trying to stick up for a forum which I do believe is about a gaming series for goodness' sake. I don't think there's any animosity between the staff members and the regular members, just a hiccup in the general scheme if things. My concern is it's escalation.

    EDIT: The reason I would like to see it closed is because... well I have a bad feeling about this (excuse the whole SW reference) but should it actually provide a solution then feel free to keep it open. As I've said I just want to help, if this will then so be it.
    Last edited by Martin; 08-03-2008 at 07:25 PM.

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  3. #33
    The Old Skool Warrior Problems people are having with TFF. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    There have been a couple of requests to close off this thread, one of which comes from FFGuru. While I respect that request, I want to leave this open for just a bit longer.

    If anyone else has anything to say on the matter, do so within the next couple of hours.

    Maybe the OP will change his mind between now and then.

    Maybe we'll learn some new things.

    Maybe the end of the world will arrive and we'll all be dead before midnight.

    You never know!

    Holy crap, three of you posted in the two minutes I spent figuring out what random crap to write.

    MERGED POSTS (I expected someone else to chime in before I finished)

    Quote Originally Posted by FFGuru View Post
    My concern is it's escalation.
    I can certainly understand why you were compelled to bring this thread into light.

    Look at Member Business.

    Aside from people leaving for vacation (Chez!), you have to look at the growing number of threads from people who are leaving the forums. If they're leaving because they're just not feeling it, that's cool. It's not my job to impress anyone, or convince them otherwise.

    But that's not it.

    It's all because they're pissed off. Pissed at other members, pissed at moderators, pissed because they got warnings for breaking the rules... even if the other party ALSO got warnings... apparently we SHOULD be one-sided or someone's ALWAYS going to be pissed off. </sarcasm>

    And look at the welcome threads.


    Yes, that's an excellent message to send to people who want to join what I'd still like to think is a wonderful community.
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    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
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    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  4. #34
    Bananarama Problems people are having with TFF. Pete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Setzer View Post
    You can't please everyone in the world and if a marker on their warning guage on a video game site of all places is gonna foul up their moods then they need to get some priorities in check.
    You're my new favorite person.

    I just want to say that I think this is getting a little ridiculous. It's the internet. Really, it's the internet. That should speak for itself.

    Secondly, If I, of all people get a warning from Cesar, then you know that the mods are doing a good job. There is a set of rules, and if you disobey them, then you get a warning. There's a context for everything, and if you feel that you're being unjustly targeted, then you can bring it to the admins. Just be sure to state your case, and things will be assessed.

    I also have to agree with James (El Wray) on this. If you can figure out how to sign up, you can pretty much handle TFF. All you have to do is look at the different categories, since they're self explanatory, and post accordingly.

    Lastly, I think that a lot of it has to do with people seeming unapproachable. This might not be the case at all, but people see members who've been here for 5,6,7 years and I could see why they might be a little hesitant to approach. Hell, when I first joined in April 2001, I was nervous to start talking to people who signed up 2 months before me, back when TFF was just starting. Case in point, newbies, don't be afraid to PM or even IM older members. If their screen name is in their profile, I wanna say that chances are that they're gonna be approachable. Just tell em who you are and they'll prob give you the time of day. No shocker there, people are people.

    Oh and I kinda feel partially responsible for this, being one of the older members and all. I don't personally hate anyone, I'm just not a fan of hypocrisy or just plain bad logic. So if I wound up ripping into anyone and that offended anyone, really, it's nothing personal, I'm just very opinionated.

    That's all I got.
    Last edited by Pete; 08-03-2008 at 07:39 PM.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  5. #35
    TFF's Token Imp Problems people are having with TFF. Martin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04 View Post
    And look at the welcome threads.


    Yes, that's an excellent message to send to people who want to join what I'd still like to think is a wonderful community.
    I had read that. While I don't particularly agree with the sentiment, I can certainly understand why it was put though. I don't suppose it helps much but then again I'm sure there's not any malice or anything intended within it.

    I just think all in all we're losing some of our better members and my thoughts were if there was a reason, or someway we could help then instead of leaving it in a goodbye thread, then the purpose this thread served would be to address it directly. I didn't think it would cause so much of a fuss, that's my regret. I feel that the attention has been drawn away from my intended reason somewhat. I don't make threads on a whim. I'm sure you all know that by now really.

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  6. #36
    Gingersnap Problems people are having with TFF. OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    As usual, I'm with Cesar. I'm posting from a phone (technology!) so I'm keeping this short. I just need to add that I don't see this escalation that FFGuru is concerned about. There have been some unfair and general statements made, but I haven't seen anything that looks like it could turn into a flame war. Have a little faith in TFF members.

    I too would rather not close this for a while longer. If members have resentment toward the staff, warranted or unwarranted, it'll be good to get it out in the open so we can resolve it.

    Read more.

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  7. #37
    The Old Skool Warrior Problems people are having with TFF. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Pete, I had completely forgotten about that trolling warning I gave you.

    Oh well, I was good on my word, right?

    Quote Originally Posted by FFGuru View Post
    I didn't think it would cause so much of a fuss, that's my regret. I feel that the attention has been drawn away from my intended reason somewhat.
    I don't know, I think we're still pretty spot on. You wanted people to express some of their concerns, and it's simply taken a turn in the RIGHT direction by becoming a discussion of these things. I wouldn't call this a fuss, either.

    Alisyn - I don't know if I'm misinterpreting what you meant, or if you've misinterpreted what FFGuru meant; we're not talking about escalation of this thread, but of the apparent animosity between some of the members and the older members or staff members. Sometimes I see it and sometimes I don't. I don't think it's as big of a rift as he sees it, but he's not the only one who recognizes that it's there.
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    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
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    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  8. #38
    Yeah I agree it's best to keep it open. So far nobody has gone off the handle so why bother closing it?

    I've noticed something about tff in general. Unless you're here to post porn and tell everyone to **** off then you have a really good shot at not being banned. I know people who have been warned and told to stop over and over. Mind you newer
    members I'm speaking about and still if anything people cut corners to slap them on the wrists and say to not do it again. So I really can't see how people might see others as unfair.

    I came here when I was 16 and didn't know anyone just like everyone else who joins. Yet it worked out for me. All I did was be respectful and not do anything stupid. Which really isn't hard. I never got the feeling that others had it in for me or hated me. And they didn't. Same as then, things haven't changed. Old members aren't out to get anyone or make new people look stupid. It's almost like people are afraid of talking to eachother anyway. I see the new click of people who won't talk to the old click who used to dominate the aim chat, not the current msn chat. So things change but always remain. Yet all people need to do is communicate and you'll see the others don't bite.

    The only 2 other staff members I talk to on a regular basis are OceanEyes and Chez. They're friends now but back in the "Day" neither ever was too hot on the other. BUT they didn't speak to eachother either it was just what he said she said or who he was with who knew her and so on. Finally they actually both spoke to eachother and now they're friends. See my point? Just like gravity all it takes is a little...push (Yes I know)

  9. #39
    The Quiet One Problems people are having with TFF. Andromeda's Avatar
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    I don't know if my post was ignored or just not read completely, but I did offer a possible solution to ease future tensions. I suggested the revival of the mentoring with the newbies. Loco knows what I'm talking about. I know that the TFF Family tries to help link people together, but it is usually just friends. This actually puts people together and in some ways gives you someone to talk to and someone you are responsible for. It is an idea.

    Now a crazy one from the peanut gallery. (selfish plug alert) We could always make one of those RP Balls or Summer Cookouts to get people together. I'd lighten up on the rules and let people just casually have some fun and do something with others. I know that Loco and probably Oceaneyes are familiar with what I'm talking about. They usually end up with someone breaking up by being drunk, but it is usually harmless fun and a way to explore other areas of the forum. (end plug) ^^;

    Well either that's it from me. I left all of the things that were more important in the last post at the end up front this time. Hopefully, it'll produce fruit. Apples...
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  10. #40
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Setzer View Post
    ...They're friends now but back in the "Day" neither ever was too hot on the other. BUT they didn't speak to eachother either it was just what he said she said or who he was with who knew her and so on. Finally they actually both spoke to eachother and now they're friends. See my point? Just like gravity all it takes is a little...push (Yes I know)
    I like this quote from Setzer because I feel that many people on these forums tend to judge others just because of a "he said/she said" situation or simply because of a person's opinion from their posts. The major downfall of this is that because maybe FFGuru (using you as an example only because you are the OP.) has judged another TFF member/staff solely because of what one said in a forum and not taking the time to get to know him/her. You never know, you and another TFFer could become the best of friends, but I feel that in general, people tend to remember the bad more than the good, mainly because it was more endeared into someone's head than that of a good post.

    I know I have been the culprit of this before, on two memorable occasions. The first occasion was back in the day when I met a crazy aussie by the name of Dawezy! Although I consider myself a devout Christian, he is a straight-up Satanist, and you know how those two things mix together... Because of this, I never took the time to really get to know him that well and I tended to steer clear of talking to him, until I realized he was a pretty cool guy, and a BIIIIIG FF4 fan, like myself. Now, if I would kept my judgements about someone before even getting to know them, I would have been missing out. Another (more recent) occasion was with Silver. I didn't care for him much because he was bashing the .hack series when I was comparing them to the FF Series. This was a big deal to me because I am a big fan of .hack, and I felt that he was ripping up my statements, sentence by sentence, as he was talking about how the FF Series is ultimately a better franchise. Now little did I know about Silver is, he breaks down what other people post and delivers his statements to match up with the previous posts. After I was able to get over myself, I ended up talking to him on MSN and stuff and found out that Silver is a really cool guy. Again, another example of how premonitions on the internet can get us into trouble.

    Anyways, the point I am trying to make is that, if you have a problem with someone, go up and get to know them first before you decide that you really do have this problem with him/her. No need to feel uncomfortable with everyone here; the reason this site exists is because it is a place for fans of the Final Fantasy and SE franchise to go to and to discuss, meet and talk with others. Keyword: MEET!

    Also, Sig Check!!!
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  11. #41
    The Old Skool Warrior Problems people are having with TFF. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    That was my favorite thing ever. It was so terrible, I loved it.

    I think having some events like that again would be a good thing, so long as we kept it at a decent level of writing. I'm not talking RP-level, but it would need to be much greater than chatroom-level.

    As silly as those were, they always did garner so much attention and activity, and it was a great way for me, as a newbie, to interact with the veterans of that time.

    Yes, believe it or not kids, I was a newbie once.

    Damnit, you all need to stop posting at the same time I do.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  12. #42
    The Quiet One Problems people are having with TFF. Andromeda's Avatar
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    Ah the Valentine's Ball. Those were fun times. It was indeed one of the few casual RPs I took part in. It was certainly fun and got to play around with others that you usually did not. Now where is Quistis to put this together and make it awesome.

    But yeah, I think it could work if done well. I know that we will end up getting a lot of people new to RPing in there not certain. But as long as it is nothing too short I'm not going to complain or say anything. It is shame we stopped doing them. I've tried to encourage them to come back, but not much happened.

    I think something casual could help bring people together.
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  13. #43
    Gingersnap Problems people are having with TFF. OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04 View Post
    Alisyn - I don't know if I'm misinterpreting what you meant, or if you've misinterpreted what FFGuru meant; we're not talking about escalation of this thread, but of the apparent animosity between some of the members and the older members or staff members. Sometimes I see it and sometimes I don't. I don't think it's as big of a rift as he sees it, but he's not the only one who recognizes that it's there.

    Haha oh. Well shit, neeevermind. I thought we were still talking about the thread and we were worried it was going to explode. Outside the thread? Well, who knows. I haven't gotten any reports or complaints, and I haven't heard of any from anyone else, so I assume we're all still being reasonable. But yeah, it's definitely there. The animosity, I mean.

    AHEM! I'm all for Valentines balls, Holiday balls, masked balls (Halloween!)..... chocolate salty balls....

    I'll need a date.

    And my point is, I agree with Andro that it would be a fun way to get people interacting. You know, as long as people participated.

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  14. #44
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    Somehow, I feel totally out of the loop. But I do remember the Valentine's Ball, can't remember what happened.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say I try to be as nice and fair as possible, although no good people trying cheat or sneak by the rules gets me quite riled up. In fact, I think that's why Thief is a bit paranoid. I came down REALLY HARD when I discovered he/she was posting multiple accounts just to alter a poll. And I probably shouldn't have. But like it's been said we try not to be too soft and not too hard, and sometimes we just miss the mark. We're not perfect you know.

    I do think we're a little too hard on this place sometimes in regards to one liners. At least I think we come across that way a lot of the time, but a big reason is, we don't want this place to be another Gaia or Gamefaqs.

    Well anyway, if there's anyone mad at me, I'm here to be your punching bag go ahead, I'll take it like a man!

  15. #45
    Banned Problems people are having with TFF. Jesus Christ's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, and another problem I have with TFF is the lack of representation of my favorite characters in the site's layout.

  16. #46
    Registered User Problems people are having with TFF. Halie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thief View Post
    Being a noob myself, I'm gonna go ahead and speak out for all the other noobs. You see, people aren't really fair to us noobs. They treat us differently just because we're new. Other more experienced people should be helping us noobs, which a lot of them do, but, other people, instead of helping, instead try to make our time here harder. This can be quite an issue seeing as how when a noob gets insulted, he starts arguing with the other more experienced members. Soon, it leads to flaming and very rude visitor messages and private messages being sent. Once one of them gets so mad, they decide to leave this site. And it wouldn't have happened if not for the argument. And that wouldn't have happened if the more experienced members showed some respect for us noobs. Again, I'm not saying this has happened to me, but I'm sure we are all aware of the Gunslinger issue. I'm talking about stuff like that. That's the only issue I can think of. Sorry in advance if anyone is offended by this post, but it's really just me speaking the truth. This is suppose to be a friendly site, yet people show a lot of disrespect to new people.
    That situation only happens due to disrespect from the new person. Why should the the older members respect them if they the guy is disrespecting the older member? That wouldn't be fair. Members here, whether they're mods or not, try and help new guys whenever they need it. But they have to do their part too, reading the rules. It's as simple as that. It's not hard. You just click, and read. Easy. That way, I believe much of the problems people are having would be solved.

    I don't think 'older' members are disrespectful to newer ones. They do as much as they can to help, even though they shouldn't actually need it.

    Anyway, like Entity said, perhaps the rules could be put at a clearer place when signing up?


    To be honest, though, I don't really follow the whole too strict or too...non-strict mods thing. I think the warnings they give out are pretty fair usually. They could be a little less hard on new people, but then again, before the new guys could even cause problems, they should read the rules like I've mentioned. Then they wouldn't need a warning in the first place. If they blatantly broke the rules and got a warning, then that's fair. They shouldn't complain.
    Last edited by Halie; 08-04-2008 at 04:27 AM.

  17. #47
    Full Time Glompasaurus Problems people are having with TFF. Raider's Avatar
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    One other thing i noticed was that in the list of moderators there are some which haven't been on-line since last year, such as Zell Dincht or BeBo. I just don't see how they can moderate if they're never on. =P

    I personally don't have a problem with the Mods even though I've got a warning level of 54. I know i did things wrong and they took due action. I agree 100% with their actions, now I've just got to work out why i went wrong. I see it completely as them doing their job. So i feel that I'm on the mods side for this cause its like there's a huge discrimination of the Mods going on. As Ceaser said:

    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04 View Post
    I know that a LOT of members will tell other members what to do and what not to "or else the bad old moddies will ban them." I've seen shit like that all over the place and it tears me up.
    I agree cause you see it all over the place. sometime it is just people joking around but sometimes it just gets out of hand as mentioned before. and when people just Bitch on and on how they got warnings and it s always unfair and sometimes i also think its unfair but as setzer said:

    Quote Originally Posted by Setzer View Post
    You can't please everyone in the world and if a marker on their warning guage on a video game site of all places is gonna foul up their moods then they need to get some priorities in check.


    Oh and i think that the idea for a RP ball would be amazing cause i wasn't here when that valentines ball happened but i think it would benefit the whole TFF community a lot.
    Last edited by Raider; 08-04-2008 at 11:30 AM. Reason: major hug error
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  18. #48
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I don't know if my post was ignored or just not read completely, but I did offer a possible solution to ease future tensions. I suggested the revival of the mentoring with the newbies.
    I was not around for this apparently but I think this is a wonderful idea, I was actually going to recomend this myself until I read your post. I have tried to make as many greeting posts as possible to welcome the new members (Sorry I hate the word noob, it's kind of childish), and make them welcome and give them a familiar face to look for, and at times offer my assistance to them. I would volenteer my services for this.

    But would this mentoring program be dedicated team of staff/members, members alone, or just anyone that wants to take someone under their wing?

    One of the problems I could see with this would be the mentors looking bad because of something their understudy did, or possibly being repromended.

    The other thing I see that might be intimidating for new members is when they open up a hello thread, they get hit by 20 people telling them to read the rules, I personally think once is enough (I know I have been guilty of this). Entity had a decent idea a few pages ago to put the rules into the sign up, I really cant remember if it actually already this way already, and make the new members have to click the accept button prior to registration completion.

    I would also like to re-bring up the issue about memeber "wearing the mod hats" (quoted from another thread) I know I am guilty of using the "watch yourself or the mods will get you" when trying to help a newer members, I personally don't see anything wrong in doing so because it is the truth in most cases. I don't agree with some of the selectiveness that people use when doing so though, refering to putting words in other peoples mouths. Like in this totaly made up first person that comes to mind senerio:

    Meier Link: "You better not do that because Toph doesn't like it and she will ban you for doing so."

    That kind of stuff irriates the crap out of me and I personally try to avoid specifically picking people out. I see the style that I use as a premptive helpfulness (don't ask how I put those 2 words together.) that could be used in the above mention mentoring program.
    Last edited by Meier Link; 08-04-2008 at 07:07 AM.
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  19. #49
    Full Time Glompasaurus Problems people are having with TFF. Raider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    I would also like to re-bring up the issue about memeber "wearing the mod hats" (quoted from another thread) I know I am guilty of using the "watch yourself or the mods will get you" when trying to help a newer members, I personally don't see anything wrong in doing so because it is the truth in most cases. I don't agree with some of the selectiveness that people use when doing so though, refering to putting words in other peoples mouths. Like in this totaly made up first person that comes to mind senerio:

    Meier Link: "You better not do that because Toph doesn't like it and she will ban you for doing so."
    The forum i was on before TFF there was lots and lots of backseat modding and it drove me round teh bend cause everyone though that they were just more important, its hard to describe, you know when someone walks round with their head hung high cause tehy think there better than you, it puts you down. But this program would help!
    ♥The Morning After Crew♥

    Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.

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  20. #50
    The Old Skool Warrior Problems people are having with TFF. LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Another Chance To Live View Post
    One other thing i noticed was that in the list of moderators there are some which haven't been on-line since last year, such as Zell Dincht or BeBo. I just don't see how they can moderate if they're never on. =P
    Well, ZD could probably be removed. Family seems to run itself. As for BeBo, he and the others who moderate over the Alliance forums aren't really mods and don't have access to the staff forums. They're on there as placeholders, as they are the administrators of the websites in the Alliance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Another Chance To Live View Post
    So i feel that I'm on the mods side for this cause its like there's a hug discrimination of the Mods going on.
    I don't discriminate with my hugs. C'mere.

    Quote Originally Posted by Faith View Post
    Anyway, like Entity said, perhaps the rules could be put at a clearer place when signing up?
    I think I messed with the user agreement all of one time forever ago. I don't even remember how to access it on a vB forum, but it shouldn't be hard to find. I was thinking of putting a very large link up... but I need to find a way to do that without it being intimidating. I think I should clean up the whole thing and make it friendlier.

    The problem is, no one reads those anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    But would this mentoring program be dedicated team of staff/members, members alone, or just anyone that wants to take someone under their wing?
    We've actually been discussing this for a day or two now. Back before your time, Neo Necron had set up an "adoption agency" of sorts, where new members who wanted a mentor could go and get a parent to show them around. This was before the whole TFF Family thing was popular again. It worked for a while, but fizzled out due to disinterested new members and/or mentors.

    We're still figuring out how we're going to go about it this time, but for the moment it looks like we'll start it out as staffers only, and then open it up to some of the more established members later. We haven't decided what will define "established" in this circumstance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meier Link View Post
    I would also like to re-bring up the issue about memeber "wearing the mod hats" (quoted from another thread) I know I am guilty of using the "watch yourself or the mods will get you" when trying to help a newer members, I personally don't see anything wrong in doing so because it is the truth in most cases.
    You have to pick different words though. The way a lot of you put it, it makes us sound like menacing, careless machines who are only out to get you banned.

    We're not. We actually discuss things, and if a warning is called into question, we talk about it and figure out what to do. Sometimes it might seem like I ignore the PMs that you kids send me, but consider this...
    Inbox contains 1,503 messages.
    These are from the past three months (it does not include any messages I keep, as those are in another folder). Only four of those are unread. I do so much reading that I don't care to respond half the time. Wow, I need to clean out my inbox again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Another Chance To Live View Post
    The forum i was on before TFF there was lots and lots of backseat modding and it drove me round teh bend cause everyone though that they were just more important
    Back in the day, we used to issue warnings for backseat modding.

    I really don't want to resort to that sort of thing again.
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
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    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  21. #51
    Definitely not 6:10:50 Problems people are having with TFF. Kaiser Dragoon's Avatar
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    Hey, someone said something about the visitor messages, if that is a problem, people coming in harassing people in VM, then why not make it so that only friends can VM? I am not fond of the VM system, but I am not totally against it either, I am just saying that would be one less way for people looking to pick a fight to antagonize.

    Also, I am quite disappointed that when I came back, 12+ people quit -_-;;. Not much of a welcome if you ask me . I just hope this all gets resolved and some of those people who quit start coming back, because I get an awful feeling that they may not :/.

    ~Kaiser Dragoon

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    YES, I Have obtained the power of "Lurker Status"!

  22. #52
    Registered User Problems people are having with TFF. Dimi's Avatar
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    Actually, there is a way to prevent people that are not on your contact list from VMing you. What you do is you go to "Edit Options" in your User CP and once you scroll down you'll see something that says this:

    You may limit the usage of your visitor messages to just moderators and your contacts.
    Limit usage of Visitor Messages to Contacts and Moderators
    Next to it is a checkbox so check it and save.

  23. #53
    Full Time Glompasaurus Problems people are having with TFF. Raider's Avatar
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    god idea

    we should make this a nexessity new rule update
    ♥The Morning After Crew♥

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  24. #54
    Arachnie Suicide Problems people are having with TFF. ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    I think TFF is just sad.

    If you don't like it and aren't prepared to put up with what you don't like, don't post having a bloody sook about it, go find a forum elsewhere =/.

    You're not going to make it any better. Give up. Find something better to do.
    Last edited by ChloChloAriadne; 08-05-2008 at 05:13 PM. Reason: Left out a word. Tired.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  25. #55
    Lady Succubus Problems people are having with TFF. Victoria's Avatar
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    Wow.. that's epic.

    If that doesn't drive people away, I don't know what will. Don't listen to her. I'm sure something can be done to fix this place up. Slowly but surely. We just have to work at it.

  26. #56
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anathematised Anachronism View Post
    I think TFF is just sad.

    If you don't like it and aren't prepared to put up with what you like, don't post having a bloody sook about it, go find a forum elsewhere =/.

    You're not going to make it any better. Give up. Find something better to do.
    If it's so sad and without hope maybe you should leave? (More hypothetical than actually asking you to pack your e-bags and skip off elsewhere.) What I mean is your attitude just recently is the kind of thing we're trying to avoid these days. We're trying to better the forums, and if you think it's a no-hoper, just don't post in the thread. It's simple.
    I'm not trying to get personal, but this annoying little thing you've got going lately [OMG DRAMA. DUN POST HERE] is becoming really boring and is likely to be pushing potential members away.
    I'm not asking you to NOT post your opinion, but some of these latest posts have been pretty ridiculous.

    As for the rest of the thread, I believe the idea we've been discussing elsewhere in the forums of the brother/sister/mum/dad thing would be useful. Help teh noobies along? Sounds good.
    Last edited by Chez Daja; 08-05-2008 at 05:23 PM.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  27. #57
    Registered User Problems people are having with TFF. Halie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anathematised Anachronism View Post
    I think TFF is just sad.

    If you don't like it and aren't prepared to put up with what you don't like, don't post having a bloody sook about it, go find a forum elsewhere =/.

    You're not going to make it any better. Give up. Find something better to do.
    Yeah, I honestly agree with Chez.

    I just don't understand this new thing you've got going on, but it's not really helping. Plus, you say it's sad and to be honest I've never seen anyone cling to an internet forum as much as you, like, ever.

    I'm not trying to offend you, by the way. I'm just saying you're really being no help.

  28. #58
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I must say I agree with Chez and Faith on that one AA. I like you and everything, but you have changed a bit since the time you kinda left and came back...

    Erm, maybe a problem with this site is that not enough is being done for people to get to know eachother. Maybe the place needs a new sence of community? From what I know, there is only one tournement a year, one compo, and stuff. Maybe more can be done so people have a little more to do here. I know we have lotsa forums and threads, and people can make new threads, but half the time the threads are in the wrong place, or the thread dies too fast... blah blah.

    Another Chance To Live came up with a brilliant idea for a tourement a little while ago. Maybe people should step and say what they would like to see around here like ACTL?

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
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  29. #59
    beep boop. Problems people are having with TFF.
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    Well, shit.


    Honestly, I remember those RP/B things being full of poorly written posts and dead at a rapid pace. I could be wrong, though. Things might have changed since I was actively posting (HAHAHH). Tournament of Arms was pretty epic, but that's mostly because of Spike, Syd, and whoever else was in it. I mostly remember Spike. Hahah. Wasn't he going to Brown University? Man.

    The activity problem.. /shrug. It's always been a problem. It's going to be tough to deal with especially with our snarky members disappearing. I mean, even the douche bag members w/ sarcasm always made talk or active topics. There's got to be the annoying member that no one likes. The "Obby", I guess (Dane Cook quote, thanks.). Or, you know, going through a time where I have to no life, just moved, and wasting time (Like right now, =X). Complaining isn't going to get anyone anywhere. You can either do something about it with a few members.. or just sit back and talk about it as if someone else is going to do something. I always do the second because being on the computer is pretty rare thing for me lately. It's up to the members vs. the mods, s-mods, or admins to jump up the activity.

    Eh, there's probably more I could add, but I've got studying to do =/.
    turd burglar.

  30. #60
    Arachnie Suicide Problems people are having with TFF. ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    I haven't got any 'new thing' going. And I know I'm being hypocritical. I realised that when I posted it. I was sharing an opinion, that you can do all the shit that you want but in the end you're not going to improve the place. Change what you like, the personality of this place hasn't ever changed, and never will.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

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