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Being a noob myself, I'm gonna go ahead and speak out for all the other noobs. You see, people aren't really fair to us noobs. They treat us differently just because we're new. Other more experienced people should be helping us noobs, which a lot of them do, but, other people, instead of helping, instead try to make our time here harder. This can be quite an issue seeing as how when a noob gets insulted, he starts arguing with the other more experienced members. Soon, it leads to flaming and very rude visitor messages and private messages being sent. Once one of them gets so mad, they decide to leave this site. And it wouldn't have happened if not for the argument. And that wouldn't have happened if the more experienced members showed some respect for us noobs. Again, I'm not saying this has happened to me, but I'm sure we are all aware of the Gunslinger issue. I'm talking about stuff like that. That's the only issue I can think of. Sorry in advance if anyone is offended by this post, but it's really just me speaking the truth. This is suppose to be a friendly site, yet people show a lot of disrespect to new people.