You really do have the most pretty eyes, Lily.
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You really do have the most pretty eyes, Lily.
i know its not a picture, but heck we made the news! i am in this one a couple times haha
heres the typed story
Meier.....saldy I wish me or my town at least would grace the weather luck, lol.
Lilly, you really do have beautiful eye's, and I love that shirt. Blue is one of my favorite colors. That an Cerulean. :) Which is a type of blue. :P
Pricilla, Love the tee. That's some kind of charity right? Or am I just retarded? Or both >>
Here are just some random pics I have taken w/ my bar bud. :cool: One of the pics is the most awesome pics in the world....
*Still digging for old photos*
lol here are some new photos of me:
And here are old ones:
Daydreaming... again.
Good thing I didn't blush ^_^
Kinda scary xD
Me and my beloved baby bro
A little serious here...
Little drummer boy xD
Me and my cousin xD
Me in our retreat in Mary Hill, Antipolo at junior high
My buddy Dennis and me
Hahahaha...That's all for now! ^_^
What is this?! I'm posting pictures! I figure about six years of semi activity here you can get a little look see of me.
This first one is my head coming out of the stage at school. I looked through some folders and noticed I do this pose a lot. The good ole gaze into the sky.
Next we have a nice little picture I took myself as a group of friends and myself were pulling out of MacDonald's.
The next two are from the same night, we had just finished the banquet the juniors put on for the seniors so everyone was taking pictures and such because school was almost over. First the classic deep thought pose. A bunch of us were showing off our sweet modeling abilities which resulted in this.
So there you go!
Haha, here's a pic from a show i went to a few weeks ago. I'm on the right, with the grey shirt. I always laugh at the dude on the left, with the red shirt.
Leroy: lol, that dude in the red looks constipated XD
Atma-Noah, that modelling pose is hilariously cool, haha. Reminds me of when the mod trend was around.
Oh aye, speaking of modelling poses, here are a few of me and my friend Amy. I'm usually not one to pose, in fact I'm the one usually taking the photograph. But I'm actually doing model impersonations in these ones XD. I was bored? :P
This one was actually taken on a phone, because Kris ran out of film on the camera. The focus isn't too good >.>
One that Kris took of me on me own, doing the same pose.
One of me on my own again. *CAM WHORE!!!* But I don't really like it thta much, to be honest >.>
And these two are RaNdOm pics that I took with my webcam.
Baggy eyes, haha.
I'm getting ready to scold my brother in this one. :).
Dystopia, you're really pretty!
He's right.Quote:
Originally Posted by Leroy
Lily, you have awesome eyes. I do see those rings of hazel around your pupils, and a darker blue tint around the edge or your irises. The middle sections are the mixed colors of green, blue, and gray. Sadly, I still won't be able to tell the difference until I see a good clear one of Froggie's eyes too. ):
Rasler+ has a baby brother that looks like him! Cute. I still dig the hair. :O
Hello to everyone.
I guess ill post a few pics
Me and my girlfriend Bunny
Bit of an old pic as i dont have the hair anymore as i finished my army service a couple months ago.
Me and my group of friends at Tuska music festival
Me and Alex
Ill third that!Quote:
Originally Posted by Leroy
Dystopia, you're really pretty!
You, your outfits in those pics were awesome. And that one where you're jumping in the air with Alex looks really cool O.O Haha.
Dystopia, you're really pretty!
He's right.
Haha, thanks, but I'm gonna have to disagree lol. But I already argue with quite a few people over it, so I think I'll just let this one slide and take the compliment >.> lol.Quote:
Ill third that!
Oh shush, Halie. I think you're gorgeous. And if I were a guy, or an angry lesbian, I would force you to date me, or something of that nature. ;7
Probably not the best compliment you've ever had, but you get what I mean. :p
Alisyn, looking lovely as always. You have the greatest face. Even when you posted those crazy jokey ones, you still managed to look awesome. Lauren kind of scares me but she's not nearly as attractive as you.
Priscilla and her trademark smile. Your hair always looks so soft and light. That's amazing. Mine is naturally curly so I can't really achieve that.
I'm sure there were more people to comment, forgive me if I didn't. It's been a hot day and heat fever has me running circles.
Alright guys... big warning... COSPLAY photos ahead. XD Proceed with caution, lol.
This is me cosplaying Rosa and my friend cosplaying Rydia from Final Fantasy IV:
And here our whole FFIV group:
You and your pals look delightfully dressed up, Rosa. I'm not going to pretend i know what you are, but your top looks lovely.
Here's two of me looking relatively sane, and one of me looking extremely drunk. See if you can guess which one (clue: it's the one you can count the chins in).
Bleachie - Lily's are really more multi-tonal than mine, she has gorgeous eyes. Mine are basically grey, but every now and then they turn quite blue, or quite green. In my sig is probably the best representation of my eyes in light, that was just with the camera flash on. Here we go.. -
[Old, back when I still had black hair, buuut not a bad thing of my eyes]
[This is them at their greenest, I'd say. I was also experimenting with purple mascara, sorry about that, not a good look.]
Okay, so Froggie has eyes that look different colors at different times. In those two, they're green-ish and in your signature, they look pretty blue. They're kind of more speckled with darker shades of blue and green throughout the whole iris. Lily's have rings of color.
Haha Pablo, those are adorable/lovely/hilarious/endearing. And I think I have it figured out. Mm hm.
Thank you, Daisy. :) Haha considering most of my pictures are ridiculous, that's reassuring. Hope you have more super cute you-and-Andrew photos soon. Because that means you see him again soon. Mm hm.
Ooh, neat cosplay, Rosa. You guys look fabulous. And yeah, neat top.
Haha neat jump picture, You.
I do not have any new pictures of me. Nope.
EDIT: GAH! You beat me to posting, Froggie. Pretty eyes. :)
You, your outfits in those pics were awesome. And that one where you're jumping in the air with Alex looks really cool O.O Haha.
Thanks. The jumping one took a bit of timing...Nice cosplay outfitsnRosa. They look really good. And you have nice eyes Gobble vamp...Quote:
Haha neat jump picture, You.
Yay for drunk pictures from beerfest!
Rosa, that's some nice cosplay pic. It's cool ^_^ And those are lovely eyes, Gobble Vamp xD
Anyways, here's a new photo of me and a *friend*
Rasler+, That picture looks really sweet! Although it is a bit blurry, but still, it's really nice!
Froggie, BOTH of you have gorgeous eyes. I like the first picture because your eyes look quite greenish, very pretty. But yeah, there is some sort of resemblence to Lilys' eyes in there ^.^
lol, Pete, you both look like you're having a great time :lol:
Rosa, your costumes are absolutely fab! Looks like a good cosplay, you also look like you were having fun.
OceanEyes, I really love your hair. The colour is gorgeous :) and the waves in it are really nice.
Oh and Chez, that sentence >Oh shush, Halie. I think you're gorgeous. And if I were a guy, or an angry lesbian, I would force you to date me, or something of that nature.< , tickled me to the point where I almost peed. I'd rep you, but "You must spread some more rep around before giving it to Chez Daja again". That rule really cheeses me off >.>
Here are some products of Boredom:
Haha, yeah. My mum bought me these weird hair extentions for a laugh, to try and cheer me up. How sweet of her ^.^ lol.
Pig nose.
WAKING THE DEMON!! <<That song was playing whilst I was taking these photos, so I decided to write it down =D lol.
The making of 'WAKING THE DEMON!!! >=D" - Me writing it down. lol.
You will obey the Pentagram!
I really do do the silliest things when I'm bored.
Hmm too many cute girls are around here apparently nowadays O_o;
Uhmm..yeah bored, old pic at some yakuza themed party from university.
Yes I was drunk, idc.
Peace out
Haha ooooh looking sexy, Otto-bot. (Did I just use you to reference Transformers? Yes I did)
Well hello there, Dys! And thank you. :) You're very pretty and from what I can tell, you have lovely petite features that make your larger eyes really striking. I LIKE YOUR FACE.
Ooh, Rasler's "friend." Oooooh.
Pete! You are so attractive, even when drunk, that it just pisses me off! Blind rage! Raaaah!
Fag paper game. I was Homebase and the Yellow Power Ranger. Woo.
Yes! I now know what Pable Honey looks like! *goes back to stalking all the members*
@ Dystopia: Hehehe... Thanks! It's blurry `cause she's the one with the camera xD
@ OceanEyes28: I emphasized the word friend `cause most people think we're dating ^_^
We're just friends, really.
I am going to be a camwhore again. I've a whole load of photos from when I was a-whoring with my purple-again hair and some from when I went to the city with Froggie and Merry. =3
The City::
Lily wearing an OOC top.
Merry in stiletto boots.
Merry walking.
Froggie's end of the deal: I wore that top, so we got to pick slutty clothes and make her put them on.
Froggie and Lily have hair mustaches!
Some boys were playing a retarded ball game. So we stole the ball and put it in the leftover flavoured water from my noodles. And put a mandarin on it.
Walking to school. I thought the shadows looked kind of cool.
Bored, and I needed pictures of my hair. (Got plenty. xD)
Miscellaneous Pictures of my Hair::
One, two, three.
Four, five, six, seven.
Nine, ten.
Some from before I dyed again::
On the couch again.
A couple of my eyes. I thought this looked cool.
I look kinda evil. Think it's the eyeliner.
OMG! My Miffy shirt! It was so awkward trying to get a photo of that. xD
And a few random photos.
I'm very seasonal - pity it's the wrong season. ><
Night I dyed my hair. And my eye again. xD
From the shops with Froggie and Dylan::
Froggie and her girlfriends.
I'm done for now, guys! Peace out!
Wow too many pics. All I can say is that everyone seems to be having alot of fun recently, so bring on the summer. Except for me, im still waiting for snowed again today :( In the middle of may!
Dystopia: "Waking the demon", Bullet for my valentine right? Great band!
I just noticed I missed a whole butt load of pictures that I could have commented on....I WILL REDEEM MYSELF HERE!
@You: That jump was cool! How you timed it though was pretty nice.
@Pete: Looks like you had a good time. You're the one on the left in the second picture, right?
@Rasler+: Your friend is pretty. ^^
@Dystopia: Oh the miracles of boredom! The first one caught me off guard though, so while I was reading it, I laughed.
@Usagi: You didn't look it. Nice pose though, slick.
@Lily: Oh wow. The hair looks different when it's freshly dyed. :O And you three dressing up was funny. Merry looked like she had a hard time in those shoes...