lolz hmm mebbe ur rite im srry. didnt mean to be so insulting. ive been stressed u kno bf stuff and crap. plzz forgive me.
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lolz hmm mebbe ur rite im srry. didnt mean to be so insulting. ive been stressed u kno bf stuff and crap. plzz forgive me.
These forums are very nice, it's just that some people aren't. Just ignore them, but I can tell you this is a very friendly forum and people are always usually willing to help out.
Oh and Gobble Vamp, lovely pictures like usual. You are very pretty. :)
Hahahaha okay, okay. Stop.
Ashley, let's try to keep bf stress out of the picture thread. If you really want to keep telling tebian he's old, you can do it in a PM.
Tebian, I apologize for your less than desirable welcome.
Back to pictures please!
No no these are forums and we come to chat. I put the picture up cause I truly dread them but well its worth a few comments, chuckles and whacks. Nothing like meeting the gang in one post. :)
hehe is there picture of ms ashley coming soon ?
I noticed that there are no pictures of myself on here, and there are people with less than red hair trying to claim the role.
I don't take pictures of myself, and I don't let people. This one happened by accident.
Things to notice:
1. I am about to flip the chair over in a drunken stupor.
2. I have a bald spot.
3. There is a ho trying to get in on my fame.
Haha I'm not sure which redhead you're smack talking, and that's okay. I know the truth.
But that girl is feeling the inside of her thigh and that's silly. Then there's her gigantic..... smile. And you have certainly seen better days. But considering how drunk you probably were, I'm sure you could have taken a worse picture.
So good job, James. ;7
I'm not gonna lie, you really do look like Robin Williams, albeit a bit younger.
For 46, you're looking pretty solid man.
Also, there are guys in my FPS clan (Call of Duty 4 is the game of choice right now) who are pushing 70, and they're some of the best players I've ever known. War vets and the like. As far as I'm concerned, there's no age limit on videogaming.
I've been playing games since I was two, and I'm 22 now. It's been such a major force in my life that I don't ever foresee myself stopping.
XD I see the Robin Williams resemblence too, haha. But then again.. Isn't he pretty sucessful? =0. And why should there be an age limit on gaming? =/ That's not right, Ashley. Calm down.
Kirsty - Thank you. ^^'
El Wray - Not so bad, considering your blatant drunkness =0. And indeed, hoe is stealing your fame, oh noes. It took me a few seconds to take my eyes away from her big smile. [thank you Alisyn. =P]
El Wray, you must be one of those really photogenic people. You're totally plastered and STILL look good. I must steal your talent.
And zomg, red hair. Must steal that too. But that ho.. Indeed, a fame-stealer. D=
Lily shall now forever be a floating head in my mind. ^^ Nice pictures and nice shirts.
Yay! Froggie picture! Nice hair, though I'm sorry it's no longer purple.
Tebian, you really do look like Robin Williams in that picture. Maybe it's the beard....and the smile. Nice picture though.
El Wray...where did the ho come from and why is no one stopping you from tipping over? ~.~
Pictures from the Costume Room of Old Parliament House.
When I was in Canberra.
I have heaps of other photos but I have to get them off a friend.
So they will do for now =]
Aw, they're awesome, Cilla. You look like you had lots of fun. =D Ooh, Old Parliament House. Pretty. ^^
I love the second one, you look so cute. I likes the dress. =] The third one's nice too. I wants more! =D
Finally decided to this.
Me proving I CAN raise one eyebrow to a friend, myself and cousin, me alone and with a friend.
Here are a few photos of me on vacation xD
Here are a few close-up shots of my nerdy face:
And these are out of... well, boredom.
And this one's kinda surprising (I was surprised too xD)
You look awesome, Rocco. Love the third one, and your cousin is cute! Aww.
Haha, Rasler. That third one is a little.. Suprising. xD And there ain't nothing wrong with your face. You look great. ^^
another one for the ladies
easter! (i know a little late)
My dad is now 58 and has played FFXI (50BLM was his highest) and has played WoW since launch (58 paladin, 44 druid, rerolled, 60 mage, rouge, preist, then BC came around and he now has a 70 warlock, mage, priest, rogue, paladin.
70 is the level cap, by the way.
Sooooo, old guys can play video games too. =D
James: what the **** dude, I thought you left the forums, but then you post this trash? Sober up noob! (Please note the sarcasm there)
hehe og i started something with that last picture...
Well when i was young i did not look like Robin Williams. This would be the Adam Ant phase and many ppl are very glad I got over this .. >.>
Tebian - Oh my goodness! Indeed an Adam Ant phase! Haha, I can still see you in there though, the face. ><. Goodness, goodness. Digging the hair. XD
Meier - Awwww!!!!!! >.<. Unbelievably cute. I wants to hug ;_;.
Rasler + - Nothing wrong with your face, hun. >< Quite a nice face, I do think. Cute ^^. And O_O They's some terracotta boobs!
Rocco - I can't raise one eyebrow v_v. And *whispers* Your friend is doing funny things behind your back =0=0
Cillah - Cute cute, you're always a beauty.
Whoa... cute??? I haven't heard that in a while... cool. :cool:
Lol thanks.
Here're some more xD
Note: this one is from the Honor Guards training a year ago xD
Hey! Tebian looked different! The most noticeable thing in that picture of you is the hair. Blue and pink is very bright...
Pricilla, are you a pirate? All the hats are nice.
Hey! Doc Rocco, I can do that too! ^^
Rasler+...why do you think you look nerdy? You are cute....and I love the faux hawk.
Here's one from just earlier tonight, right after our movie got out. Windblown and a bit overexposed, but that's how it goes when you're outside in the middle of the night. Man, I need a shave.
I don't take many pictures of myself. Usually I'm behind the camera.
Umm, here's one from my birthday party back in February if I didn't share that one before. I think that was right as I was returning to teh intarwebz after being sick, so I don't think I did.
Erin is my hair buddy.
That's what you look like?!? I was not expecting the hair to be like that...I kept imagining you with red, spiky hair for some reason... You look good though. ^^ Game party?
Thanks! And yeah, it was something like that. 12 hours of people running in and out of the house, crazy times. Had three systems set up, and half of the people brought handhelds as well. One of my employees brought over his JP Wii system with his JP copy of Smash Bros. Realize that this was a full three weeks before the game launched Stateside -- it was a huge hit.
I'm not in the picture above, so don't strain yourselves trying to find me. ;!
A friend of mine made Portal cupcakes. <3
This just in: James is not the palest member of TFF. I repeat, James is NOT the palest member of TFF. It is in fact Cesar, the admin who lives in a state where it is hot all the time and the sun sits right over, grinning menacingly.
How do you do it? I want my title back.
Note the bold part.
I never go outside.
Actually, that's not true at all... I go outside in the summer. I've NEVER been able to hold a tan though, even when I was younger and outside every day of the week. My complexion won't do it. I burn horribly, turn red for a few days, get a single day of tan, and then it all peels away. And then more freckles show up.