i have a pic of me. i took it earlier today.
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i have a pic of me. i took it earlier today.
Been going up and down... lately
but the Pirate's feeling great again :D
some new pics.. yeah I've become a jack sparrow fan over the years
ha, i love those pics. really nice! :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Karel
Wow, haven't posted in here for a while. This picture was taken a little while after I thinned my hair out again. I think I overkilled the fringe, way too thin.
Kind of an old one. Old enough not to have my new shiny pink phone in it...
I love the fact that I'm on the phone! And the pigtails...So amazing. Love them. : )
OMG. And South Park me, as well!
Jet looks way different XD.
Selphie you look really cute, and you do look like the South Park character.
Im trying to post one picture of mine also XD Maybe I'll have it ready for the next week.
Valentine and Joe!! Neat. That made me smile.
And CV, that really is a cute picture of you and your son. Well, both of them, actually. Yay babies.
Wyatt, I'm assuming you got laid on prom night? No good woman can resist a good gauntlet.
Yay Karel the pirate! And Jet the contrast king and queen!
So! I went to Destin, FL for a week on vacation. And it was good. As some of you may know, Daniel (Lover Boy) and I got to spend quality time together. And so I have pictures.
The first one is of me, Daniel, and my brother jogging down the beach to get breakfast.
The second is of Daniel and me sitting by the beach.
The third is Daniel, my brother, my mom and step-mom, and I waiting for dinner at a restaurant. I am taking care of a piece of grass.
The fourth is the three of us walking. Dad took a lot of those.
The fifth is Daniel and I dressed up for our anniversary dinner. One year on June 7th. So we got to celebrate at the place it all started last year.
Good trip.
Hell, I haven't looked into this thread for aeons.
Now I have blisters on my palms from the wanking.
Here's me, a little wasted.
Selphie is TOO FREAKING CUTE! Oh yes, I love those pigtails. Hehe! *Drools*
Anyways, here is me. I figure you might want something current. Mind you, this is on a junky old webcam, but yeah. It'll have to do.
This would be me :P On the left incase you havn't figured it out. The one on the right is my b/f of almost 2 years. <3 I really do intend to get myself a hair cut, n dye it for that matter, it used to be black with blue stripes, but now im too poor to keep that up lol.
Oh and as a thought, heres a pick of me (on the right) Out on my 18th birthday at the local nightclub. Fun stuff. hehe
Selphie, loving the hair!
OceanEyes, that second picture is seriously awesome. That hat really suits you.
Toro, hahaha. You look like Shaggy.
Psiko, hey, not bad. I expected you to look like some kinda crazy man! My thoughts proved correct!
Juice, wow, you look like Eileen from Silent Hill 4 in that first picture. I love your hair.
Rikkuffx, er. Hm.
I'll have a new picture for you guys soon. :) Just need to get my cam working. ^_^
don't have to say anything i knwo i'm teh ugliest on hereQuote:
Originally Posted by Chez Daja
everyone is beautiful,i'm used to being the black sheep oh well
hehe, ive never noticed Chez, but now you mention it... im gonna go get it cut to look just like Eileen's :DIm glad you like it, but you also just solved a major problem for me!! *prints photo to show hairdresser*
And chill out Rikkuffx, your beautiful in your own way. <3
whyw ould I chill out?every time I post a pic of me on here I get soem rude comments,mayeb I should just leave the forumQuote:
Originally Posted by Juice
Me at a gig the other night, we all wore corpsepaint as it was on of our guitarist's birthday:
More pics of the whole band here:
Awesome Leviathan. I am proud to say, whenever you guys get really popular I'll be able to tell people I'm a good friend of the awesome drummer! If you ever hit the states though dude, try to get in Missouri :D
Hahaha. I've always loved Eileens' hair. My brother wants his hair like Henry Townshends...How awesome!Quote:
Originally Posted by Juice
Or maybe you should stop posting pictures here if you're going to get upset everytime somebody makes a comment. =\Quote:
Originally Posted by Rikkuffx
Leviathan, hahaha. Try without the make up, dude. Still, though. You guys look like you have a lot of fun. Congrats with the band -- you dudes WILL make it big and I'm going to buy your CD's.... (actually, you're going to give me free CD's for making such a nice comment, right? :) Right?)
well I can post where I want to,and I thought i'd join in and maybe soemone would be ncie,but so far everyone on here is mean no matter what I post...whatever oh and i'm not upsetQuote:
Originally Posted by Chez Daja
A trip down memory lane!
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a29.../Image0067.jpg - this is about two years old. Yay me. Hah...I don't know why, I think I look really young there...
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a29.../elsewhere.jpg - I think I look pretty old here. It was taken last year, methinks.
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a29...cloth-chez.jpg - Hmm! My boobs look surprisingly small in this picture. Not that I'm complaining or anything. xD
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a29...slike-akid.jpg - I think I look about ten years old in this picture, which annoys me a little, but meh.
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a29...fortherole.jpg - this is a photo of something I had to wear in my friends' corny Silent Hill remake. We soon scraped this and I had to run around in sluttier clothing...That wasn't too wonderful, as it was raining through most of the shoot.
I will have more, newer pictures in the next few months, though. Promise! :D
You obviously haven't been to many forums then. Just about every place you'll become critized from a certain group of people. On another note, get past the self-esteem. Post a picture, but don't suspect people to care, nor yourself. I posted one way back and no one cared, did I bitch about it? Absolutely not. It's not like I was saying, "Hey, I'm John. A single white male who likes being compassionate and caring, along with loving long walks on the beach". That make it any clearer?Quote:
Originally Posted by Rikkuffx
You look awesomely cute Chez, I mean it too. Your hair is really cool .I hardley ever say that about short hair because honestly I don't like short hair, but it looks really good on you.
Thanks, Chez. And honestly, I tried to think of something clever to rhyme with your name, but no luck today. Oh well. And yeah! I got that hat at Target and I think I wore it... oh, every day. Good hat.
I like your Silent Hill outfit too. I have a thing for white button-up shirts. I just think they're such a pleasant look.
Juice, you are a pretty girl. And freckles! Yay for you. My arms are covered in them nowadays. Oh, and well done on the almost two-year relationship.
Leviathan's makeup is ****in crazy. I can appreciate that.
Rikku: Shrug it off. I've had people tell me all kinds of things about my looks before. One girl said I had a big nose one time. But I told her she had a big fat ass that equalled eighty of my noses. And moved on. I like my nose. Because it is mine. And... not really that big either. Ha. So hey, it's all how you handle it. So chin up, silly goose, and have a good attitude.
Oh, and I get short jokes all the time. They're cute.
And here! A picture of me and my moms! (Say somethin' :shake: :) )
Whenever Alisyn is with her parents, she has the "What the ****" look on her face. Like. "What the **** are you doing taking a picture, can't you see I'm busy?"
Seriously, just look at her. She looks ready to attack the person behind the camera. Or make she's just being snarky. That's a word. Snarky.
Uh. the rest of y'alls are hot. And I don't have a picture because I am an enigma.
Leviathan - You sire, are one of the people who can wear corpse paint and look decent in it, I've never worn it but I look evil enough without it.
Chez Daja - Still looking good like usual
OceanEyes28 - You are hot, seriously. I have freckles too and don't like them :shake:
Rikkuffx - Same as I said in PM, you're cute and well it doesn't matter to be honest what people think of you, its what you think of yourself. If somebody thinks you're ugly then thats their opinion, doesn't mean its true. I posted my pic earlier and nobody commented on me, and the same with Griffith and I think I only had 1 comment, but I am not crying out "nobody loves me!" (Well I am but in a sarcastic tone ;!).
Hey, thanks OceanEyes =) Your one good looking bird too. i always forget i have freckles, guess im just so used to seeing them on my face n arms, that i totally miss them :D they are fun tho, and hide some of my white skin hehe.
Right.I don't shrug things off too well,obviously.I've been abused all my life,and I come on here to have fun,and what do I get?absued.whatever
Will you stop fucking whining please, you can't please everyone, and you shouldn't give a shit what people think about you, if you want to moan about EVERYTHING go and write a journal or something.Quote:
Originally Posted by Rikkuffx
Thank thee kindly.Quote:
Originally Posted by OceanEyes28
i finally got the pic i wanted, this is me in my second year, outside, enjoying a rather LARGE J, i believe it was a 6 paper....god were we ever ****ed afterwards...thats also the same night we blasted MDMA (afterwards)..it was a longgggg night
Hahaha holy shit, rJ. It doesn't mean much from a girl who tried weed once and coughed all over the place ("This shit hurts!"), but you are intense.
Alex... I think I always have that expression because Dad always takes pictures when it doesn't make sense to do so.
Haha, Odin. Thanks. Seriously. :P Actually, I really do appreciate the compliment. Oh, and I've never once looked at your picture and thought, "SHIT that was a mistake!" In my opinion, you're an attractive guy. I used to have freckles all over my face, but they sort of faded over the years. Now I just get them on my arms. And a few on my knees when they've been in the sun. Silly, if you ask me.
And Juice, I know what you mean about the whole hiding fair skin thing. My arms always look darker because of freckles. And thank you.
I should have a few more pictures soon. And I totally ****ed my bumper, so you guys should see that too. I'm a real winner.
Also. Rikku, I'd like to ask that you not continue to post in this thread unless you have a picture to show or you want to comment on another picture. There are people trying to be nice, and you are shoving them aside to get more attention. It's starting to get off topic, and I would appreciate you working on that. I'd also like to ask that no one else comment on it in this thread. Take it to PM, and leave this thread for pictures.
Thank you.