Tiffany you are georgeous!!! That is a really good pic of you! You should put up that black an white one. That is a really good one too^^ how the heck did you do that thumbnail thing?
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Tiffany you are georgeous!!! That is a really good pic of you! You should put up that black an white one. That is a really good one too^^ how the heck did you do that thumbnail thing?
Anyone else see the groovy mirrors in the background? :eek: They look awesome. Great pic hehQuote:
Originally Posted by Tiffany
Firstly, I'd like to say Cesar looks quite dashing in his work uniform and relm is one of the prettiest Asian people I have seen.
Anyway, today was my last day of highschool, so the teachers organized a casual inter-form activity day on the Sport's Field to prevent rape alarms, stinkbombs, eggs etc. being thrown around in the main school building. I decided to take a less active part in the sporting events, as did my friends. I took some pictures with my phone's camera; here are a few:
These are my friends not taking part.
The guy looking at the camera is a genius. He's much smarter than me. The person just behind, slouching horribly, is also a very good friend.
He's eaten a half pound burger and two hot dogs already. Right now, he's contemplating finishing a third.
That's not a nice thing to do.
I took 0 pictures of myself with my phone, photos including me are on other people's cameras so once they send said photos to me I'll put them up. For now though, here's a picture of my friend getting a Royal Flush when we played Hold 'Em Poker the other week:
Royal Flush.
Wow. I am so impressed I have an erection. Not like a "OMG HOT I MUST BEAT IT" (See Also: Eww) but more like "WOW. I salute you sir. To show my astoundment, I shall balance myself on this erect penis."
..........That the **** did I just type?
</lack of sleep>
Lover Boy has gone insane from lack of "girly parts". And he hasn't gone that long without it. His resistance sucks.
Can I say Penis? Vagina? But not **** or *****. I am calling this racism.
XD Thanks. ^^;Quote:
Originally Posted by Karel
Yes Tiffany, you're gorgeous! ^^ That's such a nice picture. <33 You should post another one. ^^ A close up. =x
Winter! XD We wanna see you! Not your friends. ;-; But anyway, you have goofy friends. XD
I have 2 or 3 pics of me. ^^; They were taken a few hours ago. =3 But the last one was taken last night. ^^;
Close up =o
Wow. I took some pictures in class the other day. Here's my friend Kenneth and I. Some will probably recognize him from other pictures, I hope?
So, I grew back my facial hair. Sort of.
Give it 2 weeks.
For those keeping track, yes, I'm wearing the same hat with the same expression and the same looking jacket.
No. I never wear anything different, except for my beanie instead of the hat whilst working. Otherwise, I'm wearing what I"m wearing now. Except for yesterday. I wore jeans and a tshirt to a movie.
All of your pictures are the same, Sean.
Haha. Or so it seems...
Anyway, so as not to spam (again, heh...)
I got some pics...
Yes, I -am- a freak.
Sean. I am totally making a YTMND of your ass if you continue posting pictures like that. Seriously.
Will do! You're quite the hottie yourself you know :D The thumbnail thing is by attaching a picture to your post. You have to hit the "post reply" button to get it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Cheesevixen
I heart my mirrors! They're from IKEA, I think the name of them are KRABB or something to that nature. I have 4 of them and they're up on the living room wall :) I'm glad you like them.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kalisto
Girl! You're gorgeous as well! Love the pictures, keep 'em comming.Quote:
Originally Posted by Mika
Chez! I love your pictures as well! You're so pretty!!! Who'd have thought there'd be so many hot chicks on a gaming forum, eh? :D
The only other pictures I have are older ones, from last summer and christmas. Some might have already seen them, but whatev
@Chez - you r teh hawt lesbian
@Tiffany - See you're Irish, with us it means we're ever really ugly or very hot, there is no inbetween! See you obviously fit on the very hot end, were as I fit on the very ugly end.
@Odin - No way! If you're Irish, then by my standards, you are awesome. No ifs, ands or butts about it! :D
Hehe. Butts. BUTTS LOL.
Why does that first picture seem familiar? Who are you? Who are you... really?
@bunny - Your worst nightmare? :p
hahahah no. It's my profile pic on Argentos Online.... not that I post there often. >.>
Was also my profile pic on Zanguh as well! :D
I found you there too. I am stalking you tiff^^. Anyways, thanks for the adv.!!
I used a couple of my old pics to test it out on....easier to get to. I need to get mote in here^^ <dumb
Tiffany, hahaha, I want to hug you. Really tight. I dunno, your smile is so cute, and therefore... hugs? ^^;
Odin, haha. Silence, I am not lesbian!! (Publicly).
My Daddy is coming over so I got a new dress to look all fancy^^
Gotta Sultry one to for shits an giggles, <Dork I was holding my breath on the first one, LMAO!!
Damn! Your hot babeh! How's about you and me.....behind the theater parking place.......all night long........Quote:
Originally Posted by Mika
scraping sticky gum from the streets? How's that for a first date? After that we can do it of course. ;!
Jet, the last pic you posted frightens me in way too many ways. Why is it that you and the "friend" have all the windows shut and the lights all dimmed if to set a......ROMANTIC MOOD maybe!
Chez, what's up with the major clevage in the last pic? Are you trying to kill all those pubertising pre-teens before they beat the last level of --insert game name here--?
Cheesevixen, I love that dress!! I have one like that. @_@! I think I posted a picture of it in hre before. :p
Hahaha. Hey, they don't HAVE'TA look, ya'know. xDQuote:
Originally Posted by Akira
Also, your comment on Jet, hahaha. Hilarious. (And true. He told me so.)
every girl needs a little black dress^^Quote:
Originally Posted by Chez Daja
You're a shark with feet chasing me around on a beach? Crap.Quote:
Originally Posted by Tiffany
You know, you must be pretty gay to interpret that picture so badly. A multimedia room is supposed to be dark, and there's nothing remotely sexy about a room filled with chairs, computers and other young men. But hey, if you think those things set the mood, whatever.Quote:
Jet, the last pic you posted frightens me in way too many ways. Why is it that you and the "friend" have all the windows shut and the lights all dimmed if to set a......ROMANTIC MOOD maybe!
I like everyones pictures, I'll leave it at that.
Hahaha I didn't get that vibe from your pic Jet. I thought it was pretty cool. ;)
Here, a gay photo for members like Akira out there.
Yeah. For those who HAVEN'T seen my MySpace, this is my default MySpace picture.. because according to a few people, this is who I am.
Oh so sexy bubble gum.. mmm.
This is my first Mother's Day I am spending as a mommy!!! Yeah!!! Now time for chinese food!
Oh god. I am acting like Paris Hilton, aren't I?Quote:
Originally Posted by Bunny
Sean, you're the poor, dog eating version of Paris Hilton. It's okay. We think you're kinda cool anyway. (Not really :()
Just flip the damn picture and it looks different. Or hell, you know, take an ACTION SHOT. Sitting in a chair infront of your computer is not action.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sean