This is me at ma best friends house, showin off my new bape hoodie
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This is me at ma best friends house, showin off my new bape hoodie
This is all you'll get. And take into account I be drunk. You can see it in the pupils :lol:
Attachment 15993Attachment 15994
Second time pink hair. It's not as bright in real life, but I had flash and nightvision on, so it looks superbright.
Sorry for bewbs/MySpaceness, I was initially trying to show how I stained my scalp and have a pink part, too, and this seemed the best way to do it.
I like the colour of ur hair it's pretty
last time when i coloured my hair I feel it damage.
Wow, Froggers, that's bright. Meelikey. ^^
But like, how come in those other pictures it's all purple, and then in that one, it's brown and pink? o.o
It's really not that bright at all, I dunno what the flash was doing >.<.
This is more like it [yes, stained scalp.]. And unfortunately, with one wash a lot of it has gone red =(. Oh well.
Nice colour but I wonder If I colour my hair like yours I'm afraid to damage what do you think should i or not?
I would only worry about colouring if it was a constant thing starting from a young age. I don't care what anybody says, recolouring your hair throughout youth and onwards isn't good for your hair and will leave it brittle.
That said, if you don't constantly colour it, it should be fine to do it a couple of times. I've dyed my hair a couple of times, the first time, stupidly when I was a fourteen year old kid. Thankfully, my hair is thick so the only damage done was that it stained my hair red for longer than I wanted and ended up growing it out for two years.
I personally think you'd suit a nice dark strawberry blonde, or a deep red. That's just my opinion of course. :P
You just have to be careful with it ^^.
I tend to go for very unnatural colours, and I've noticed that 'permanant' dyes of the colours I like actually don't last long at all, a week at most. So I use semis, which actually last LONGER. They're conditioner based, which means they don't hurt my hair AT ALL. Glad I discovered them too, because my hair was getting a little nasty. It's lovely and soft now.
From what I can see, your hair is quite dark. If you put the type of thing I do for my hair over yours, it wouldn't get any lighter, but you'd get a really lovely sheen on it in the sun. If you wanted to keep it as dark as it is now, In my opinion, I'd suggest a really bright red permanant colour, it'd shine lovely ^^. My suggestion anyway, haha.
What Chez said, a dark strawberry blonde, also sounds nice.
I'm not sure if your hair is natural or not... You might want to try bleaching it with a 20 or 30 volume bleach [ask any salon or store that sells professional dyes, they'll have it], and it WILL turn your hair a nasty yellow most likely, buuut, if you're dying over with strawberry blonde or red it wouldn't matter. For red, a nice supermarket box dye in some Auburn would do well, but for the strawberry blonde you're best off going to a salon.
So this isn't ENTIRELY off topic of the thread, I went out today, with Cilla [Priscilla on TFF]. We share a birthday, and I got ice cream all over my face -
Speaking of going out with Cilla, I've got an album of photos. As last time, too many to put in a post. Videos should be up tomorrow, not enough time to upload tonight.
Froggie, Cilla, Craven, Ben, Jacob, Milly, Marky and myself went to the city. Why? For the hell of it, and to eat cake for Froggie and Cilla's birthday. Was fun. ^^
There be the link for yesterday's venture. For people who are interested, here's the link for the album we made last time we went out...
My hairs faded again.
About three hours ago -
Congratulations Syd! I myself have recently gotten married. Well, my husband is really shy so I am just posting my pic (for now =P). We're going to have another wedding next year in my home country.
Froggie, you're such a cutie, it's unreal!
Quistis, you're also really cute!
Here's a pic of my soccer team, i'm the 3rd guy from the right, and standing. Our team is called the Mario Bros. United and we own!
Its been months since I posted a damn photo of me...but you still remember my uglyness.
These photos are about a month and a half old soo....
This is me with my girlfriend...and my friend is there too...dumbass haha
My friends...idiots...hehe
Tina and Mr. Ugly
The rest of family...
that is want more?
You are one handsome dude...and that first pic is the most action i've seen in days....
Seriously, stop being so negative, it pisses me off!
Well, I'm back.
Here's a picture of me shaving. Because you know you've wanted to see it.
Less rugged, but more handsome.
I've got some pics from the Pimps and Hoes party I just held.
Me as a pimp
Me and Bunny
Me and my friends
If you want to see more of the party its here, but im not in some of them so I wont post them directly here.
Seeing as I've missed so much ill just ccomment on this pages photos:
@Gobble Vamp: How DID you manage to get that ice cream everywhere?
@Tiger Lily: Lots of nice photos there. Looking good.
@Quistis: Congrats on for getting married^^
@Shadow Of Darkness: Looks like you were having fun.
@Rasler: Man I should really shave also...
@ You
Is that a Rufus Shinra jacket?
Zomg I haven't shown my face here in weeks D:
First off, nice pics everyone ^_^
And now some recent ones of me ^_^
Taken this weekend at the local Anime con:
My friend Wolf as Leon S. Kennedy from RE4, myself as Jill Valentine from RE3 and a random Umbrella Scientist. *Taken with Wolf's cell thus the meh quality XD*
And me doing the usual: choking said Umbrella Scientist
I also got my hair cut as Genesis from Crisis Core but I can't find that pic sadly =/
But there's my update :3
Nick, I'm a fan of the Mario Bros United! I think it would be pretty sick if you guys got blue shorts, and had your keeper wear a green jersey, a la Luigi, but good stuff nonetheless.
You, I'm not gonna lie, you're looking like a real pimp right there.
Almasys, nice Jill pic. It's pretty legit looking. You choking out the Umbrella guy is even better, cause he just looks so happy to have a girl touching him.
And fear not TFF, I've got one of my in my softball uniform from our league.
You're all looking lovely. Congrats, Quistis! I demand to see the rest of that dress. I can't see half the photos that others are talking about, because my internet will not co-operate. Otherwise I'd probably include something about Froggie and ice cream. Bloody interwebs.
Last stab at university. Sniff sniff, chin chin. There are only three because I have 1998 Internet.
I feel I should note that the second one is me with Drunk Face, flanked by my two favourite people from Aberdeen, Marta and Haley. I'm going on holiday soon with the former and will probably never see the latter again. But there you go.
Random photograph of what my hair looks like these days. OH YAH. I'm naturally curly, but I just brushed it and my hair and my brush don't get along at all. Seriously. My hair tends to chew brushes up.
Anyway. Lolz.
Here's the latest picture of me. People say this particular image reminds them of Ed Gein. Eek.
Yay new pics :)
NorthCarolina008.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
me and my best friend
NorthCarolina050.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Here are some pics of me and my brother working. We were bailing and stacking hay.
The Final Fantasy Forums - Flash's Album: Me Working
me and my friends in the final day in our aramco high school, I'll miss them.
this is our class in final revision days:
my friend mobile:
we were playing then we took a photo for our hands:
our foots:
our drinks and the cheeps:
The yard:
The Lobby:
Really I will miss the school and my friends too.
I'll try to Pick up the pic. from another website
I redyed the purple in my hair, bleached out some bits and dyed them bright red. I has a sad face. Maybe because I got bleach on my hands and it made my fingertips peel off. The weird hair style? Trying to show off the red bits. The weird top? Laundry day =D.
I also held Mr Four, the cutest puppy in teh worlds =0.
My dog had him and four other pups three weeks ago yesterday.