Me :
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KeyranSolo - looks hawt... *coughs* The snowman I mean. <3
Dark Squall - nonsence! Good pic!
Yoo-Hoo - you look like someone I know... But can't place my finger on who...
Rikkuffx - nice pics sis! <3
Meier - Aw! I like the first one! You look good in the first one! Haha, I kid, very cute! <3
CrazyVaan - You should have named John Bob. Nice going though!
Loco - Nice sideburns, but in need of a little clean up trim. Keep them!
Inagi - When I saw the first one, I thought "POWER! RAWR!" :D
Rydia - I wish I could get my hair to go like that... :S
Quistis - you are very pretty... don't ever cut that hair! XD
Jecht - massive pic! Woah... Nice hair!
Woah... I looked at loads.... *blinks*
I have some of me now... Heh, so if you don't have me on MSN, you have never met me have ya? Well, here we are...
Me taking the mick out of one of the yuppies at my old school. Not my real hair, just some hair extension thing dumped on top of my head. ^^;;
Thats how I would like my hair cut though... Hmph... >.<
Me looking very tired and grumpy... with semi-soaked hair. I took it about... 30mins ago. Hair is dry now.
Once I find some better pics of me not looking so... tired and grumpy, I'll post them... Probably with me wearing make-up to cover my eyes... My poor dark eyes... *sobs*
Thanks guys , those were taken by a professional photographer and I had make up on so...that kinda made me look better than usual I guess ^_^;;
btw, Rydia also reminded me of Tifa in that last pic she posted.
Bryan seem pretty good looking but it's hard to tell with the hat and the shades but still looking pretty good!
Hellfire this pic is priceless!
Storm - you look really cute. Those glasses look great on you!
Jecht - lol you looked pretty stressed there buddy! Love the blue eyes though.
Unknown Entity - I think dark/black hair looks good on you!
I got my wedding pics from the photographer but there's a ton of them so I'm just posting a couple for now. These two are actually from the preparations, I kinda wished I put my hair down like this instead of putting them up lol
I looked pissed in this one but I wasn't . I think the photographer just caught the pic when I was about to blink or something
Still working on posting some of the wedding pics but they're huge and I still have to resize them...not to mention sift through 2800 of them >_<
Rydia! First Cheese and now you? Good to see you back :)
Taco: Man I get the same thing for mine too and its a bitch to keep it clean but I'm gonna keep persisting with it. I haven't had a haircut in a good 6 years now? But its in bad shape, I should probably get a few inches off.
Storm: You look like you're having fun.
Quistis looks really beautiful! I don't think you looked pissed in the second one at all. :)
heres my ugly Mug.
What ugly muggin's?
Haha, you look a little like the dude in your avi! ^^
... you are supposed to look like the guy in your avi? :S
Rydia! *humps* Haven't seen you for ages. I remember you posting pictures when you still had long, dark hair, haha. Although I think it was more of a chocolate brown at that period in time?
Oh. This is me -
Not awfully recent, but you'll just have to deal with that.
Is that a beautiful angel? Oh that's my beautiful wife mwhaha.
Holy moly who is that ugly bloke shit thats me.
You are very stunning Quistis and most likely would be without make up as well.
You are beautiful as well Rydia Lover.
Very Grudge looking with the black hair over the eyes Unknown Entity lol no offense.
I am ready for my close up Jecht lol. nice pic.
here's a new pic yes it's recent
MINA! YOU GOT MARRIED WITHOUT ME D: Will we ever see each other again? ;___; And can I take photos of you? :D I'm totally getting better, I swear. ♥
Also, closest thing to the most recent photo I can get. I'm usually the one taking photos and I hate my most recent haircut. :\
@ Rikkuffx: You're purty sis, and looking really good! :)
@ Tifa: You're purty too! I don't see anything wrong with your hair cut... :)
My girls and I. Hailey is 7, and Maddie is about a year and a half.
Madelynn noticed I wasn't there, so she had to come find me.
EDIT: The girls are my nieces, not my daughters.
My collection, thus far.
From top:
Remington 597 .22 LR
PSL (Romanian Dragunov) 7.62mmx54r
AR15 5.56x45mm
FNP 9mm
Walther P22 .22LR
Remington 870 12G 18"
Remington 870 12G 26"
Yeah ... me.
TIFFAAA!! You look so cuuutee! When are you coming to Chicago? Come this Summer! Let's have a photoshoot..oh wait, I need a good camera first ;_;
Well, I forgot to post the final look at my wedding lol silly me.
Sasquatch, you got adorable kids! I'm kinda scared of the guns, make sure you keep them away from them. :)
Hahahahah, oh they're not mine. They're my sister's. Probably should have been more specific with that. Love 'em to death, though.
And of course I kept the guns away from 'em. Not only were they well out of reach from the supervised children and seperated from the ammo, I bought locks for every one of them.
... locks for the guns, not the kids.
I don't check this thread nearly enough. Miss Mina, you look stunning! All the other ladies look lovely as well ^.^
OMG Demon Dad!
Here's a pic my Uncle happened to find, thought I'd scan it and share
Me with my Grandfather
Picasa Web Albums - Arlen - Scanned Docum...
And here's a recent webcam pic of me
Woah... Sasquatch dude... I those real? The guns I mean. Quite a collection... 0_0
When I become a hitwoman, can I borrow the Dragonov? I won't scratch it, I promise... XD
Quistis, your wedding dress is very pretty!
Quistis... o_o <3
Sasquatch, I love the cuteness of those photos.
This is the most recent photo of me, and the only one for a while. I'm not a fan of taking pictures |:
I'll see if I can come, I'm not sure though! I don't have a place to stay and I'm probably going to Taiwan for most of it. If I can come though, I'll definitely bring my camera equipment! I've been busy :3
Everyone looks really good :) lots of good looking members here hehe
anyway here's some Easter pics
me and a good friend
and these are just me
I'm in the bright pink dress, my boyfriend is the guy next to me. He's WierdLudicolo on here. The other two are our friends, Ryan and Becka.
So, erm... I finally got some new pics. They're kind of scarey, but they're supposed to be. They're pictures of the makeup that my friend Peta and I did for our Performing Arts exam. So yeah, they're slightly strange. The one is Bellatrix the Strange makeup from Harry Potter, and the other is the makeup I had to wear as the Puppet Master.
Halie, you have very pretty eyes. 0_0
And I'm loving the eye makeup in both pics! Puppet Master - Awesome. :)
I am very proud to report that one of the first drinks I enjoyed after turning 21 was an appletini.
Me last night drinkin with my best friends. The guy in the white and the guy with the guitar are in a band. I have 2 recordings of them doing some songs.
Me playing Gears of War 2 with Josey.
So I'm new and I'm bored... Ordinary people would do some like play on the PS3 or read a book. But I'll just post my pic instead xD So this is me... end of the day, in PJs watching TV or well not as the case may be *Bounce*
Oh and let me introduce you to my cat Katie while I'm at it =^^= (She's the one on the right... yes we do look alike don't we? xD Sorry... I'll just wonder off now.)