Aw, PYP is kind of active. Yay PYP.
I like the Halloween stuff I've seen so far. Also, welcome back, Mugetsu. Again.
You guys are cute. I need to update the member index agaaaain.
But before I go, Halloween pictures. I was Peter Pan and Daniel (Lover Boy) was Rufio (from Hook). We also had a wolf man, some pirates, Evil Alice, Joker, a fairy, a desperate housewife, baseball player, Captain Morgan was wondering around, and Jack Sparrow was there, and my roommate was creepy Chinese dead girl. One guy dressed up like Barbara Bush.
We also came across storm troopers and ghost busters, but I haven't posted those. But they were there. But there is one of David Bowie from Labyrinth. There were a few fans in our group. I'm just wanted to be in pictures.
Aaaanyway. Happy Halloween.