...None of them work, haha.
The top four are "Not Found" and the Facebook ones are "Bad Request". Try again? ><
Printable View
...None of them work, haha.
The top four are "Not Found" and the Facebook ones are "Bad Request". Try again? ><
Well these should all work now:
The beast:
Yay, they all work now. And I do believe your hair is nicer than mine ><. Damn.
Of my hair, I've done it a dark purple again. I'll get pictures of my actual hair when it dries a little.
The bad thing about dark purple hair? It turns all my towells a shade of ManicPanicish pink... ><
They don't even do it justice.. Looking at it here, it's so bright. Oh, and here's the box, haha:
Poser? Me? Nevar.
Cliche emo pose.
Puppeh no like camrah.
Camera/mirror pose
And again. This is a new velvet skirt, by the way. It's about ankle-length and I luff it.
Smiled a little in these two:
Cousin It! You can see my new hair colour fairly well, too. Although it looks a little more red/pinkish here than it actually is. It's fairly solid purple.
That colour really suits you :)
I really like your hair. I think it's really pretty.
Oh. I have seen that hair dye in the shops too. It seems to be pretty popular =D
And your puppy is cute too.
*creams all over the place*
Dude! I friggin love your drum set!:woot: I am so jealous. I have a shite drum set with only one bass, one tom, one snare, and one other that I don't even know the name, and 1 crash, 1 hi-hat, and one cymbal. Plus it's about 40 years old.
Care for a trade?;)
Froggie, you're so, oh so beautiful. If i could, i'd kidnap you...
I just love your facial expressions and your hair...
Do keep being a camwhore... ><
Ohkay. My friend decided what I would look like with messy hair. So I had to take a photo of it. Here is the difference. It acutally looked alright in real life. Photos didn't do it any justice.
There is also two pictures of me from Biology camp and one of my whole grade at our semi formal. I'm in there somewhere :)
Thanks Nick and Priscilla ^^
Priscilla, you look cute however you do your hair. And those sunglasses are awesome, haha. VERY few people manage to pull off HUGE sunnies like that. I can't, they swallow my head and make me look like a fly XD.
But they suit you really, really well ^^.
Awh thank you :)
Yeah. Well, I have a big head so it's only natural that I wear big sunnies right?
It snowed, snowed, snowed. This is a picture of the statue outside New Kings at the my university. He's known as the Lying Down Guy but apparently symbolises how learning can be a passive experience, etc., etc., lying under a tree and having an apple fall on your head. Basically it's just some guy lying down in front of New Kings. Behind him is Kings College...and the huge Christmas tree is just out of shot :(
Snow, snow, snow...
Ohh wow. Snow is so pretty. I have only seen it once on a school excursion. Because it doesn't snow here because Queensland smells.
But wow. That is so pretty. That is a weird statue though heh.
Random photo =]
When did all the good looking girls start popping up down under? Those convicts must looked like Oscar Wilde.
Govinda: At best, the statue man looks like he's giving birth. At best.
Wow, Heather, that's a shiteload of snow!
He looks like he's waiting for a blowjob, perhaps. Or maybe he had a broken leg and he's struggling not to take a shit on the floor. Either way, we never get snow here.
That's a lie, actually. We do some years, but never to THAT extreme.
Froggie,I really don't know what to say but..WOW!! Just amazing...
and I totally agree with Nick by the way ;!
Priscilla, You look so pretty..WELL..SO ATTRACTIVE ;) I like all your pictures.Quote:
Originally Posted by Chris Redfield
Anyway, Time to post one of my rate pictures :lol:
Hey guys, hows it going and all...WAIT....OMG
Who's that stud up there above my post? :above:Omega.Weapon...woohoo...looking good there buddy! Seriously, i think you're quite photogenic...looking good.
Although eventually, i will have to see you in a Man U jersey..:woot:
Respect to youse...
I found a pictre of Halloween. Pished out my brains. Dressed (in the loosest possible sense) as a superfeminist dyke circa 1976. Sort of. Basically, was ordered to create something out of my very small amount of clothing. And then tied a ribbon to my head and drank some more.
Robot Roll Call: left to right, Iona, Joanne, Izzy, me.
Drunk? Not wanting to be there? Yup.
^Hahahah. ****ing excellent.
Love your expression there. The girl in front of you scares me. It could be her make-up. Funnily enough, I was frightened more by her than the green-face painted ladies. :p
Is that somekind of blue hair strip? Either way, it suits you. ;!
*Much love.
Ahahaha. Well you look fabulous. The ribbon was a nice touch.
VD, very purple hair you have. My old roommate had purple hair like that for a while. Now it's blue. But anyway! It looks good on you.
Omega! Nice photograph. You have great eyes.
I have no pictures. But I did want to say something about Govinda's picture. I was a Martian for Halloween. :D
The were 'dressed' as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Basically, we all got very drunk prior to dressing; they found a Paint Your Own teapot set given to Jo for her birthday, and put the paint on their faces. The blue hair thing I have on is a ribbon from a bath gift set, which I stuck to my head in a moment of flourish. What you can't see is the pink taffeta skirt, the blue tights, and the tael Doc Martens with halfknee stripey furry slippersocks that I put on. Yes, I was drunk.
And we went out, as in outside, into the city like that...
There's a lesson in there somewhere, kids.
Ok...so I got around to FINALLY being in a picture taking mood...somewhat. [I was bored and it was midnight. What else is there to do when you're waiting for Death Note to come on?]
Reindeer people DO exist...I'm proof =]
Oh and before I forget this:
Great pics everyone ^^
I have that shirt! I have it in that same green and biege, too! How weird to see somebody else wearing something you own, too.
There was a story about my tutor and I having the same outfit, but I don't want to get into that right now.
I don't have any pictures, but I do like your shirt. :P
Govinda... Furry slipper socks? I have about six pairs of those, but KNEE HIGHS?! I'm so jealous, my legs need warmth!
Here is another pic of me taken about 20 minutes ago with my company's crappy webcam.
I actually took this one a few days ago, but meh. It's still good...I think.
I got bored =] And this is what happens when you leave a Resident Evil fan alone...and without a Resi Evil game >__> *I attempted a Claire Redfield hairstyle...I don't think it turned out that great...BTW: That is a real gun in the background =]*
@ Omega Weapon: Looking good dude. For some reason, I don't know how I pictured you but I pictured you different for some reason. But you're gangsta!!! :p Godsmack FTW!!!
@ Govinda: haha, I love this picture Shasta. I love your costume. Its awesome!!!! Homies 4 lyf Shasta Con! >.>
@Seifer Almansy Girl: You pulled of the Claire Redfield hair style perfectly. That's who you reminded me of before you mentioned her. XD Love the ear piercing BTW. =]
@ Dimmufan: I can barely you dude!!! :lol:
I don't have any new pics yet at the moment. I should be posting up some new one's after New Years. I hate not having a camera. :(
I gotta fancy new webcam..so..I took a pic of me with my fancy new trumpet! :D
Fishie: Heh ^^; Thank you =] I'm planning on taking a pic with my hair done like that again, but this time actually facing the camera ^^
Master Chef: Oooo...Shiny trumpet!
I'll probably be updating after New Year's or so...whenever my picture taking mood takes over again.
Two more pics.
1st: Vanilla Pepsi = Win.
2nd: Just wanted to post me laptop ^_^
Pepsi=Ewwww for me...But meh. Everyone likes what they like.
Wait...I think I can make out my Avi in the second one o__O I just hope that doesn't give out my location now...
But great pics =] Though the second one is kinda dark ^^;