Ahaha. What... a close-up.
Here's another that our bartender took.
Also, our bartender looked like this:
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Ahaha. What... a close-up.
Here's another that our bartender took.
Also, our bartender looked like this:
Let that also be known as the night I outdrank Pete. :P
You people are so good looking!
She did.
Or so I'm told. I was in a drunken sleep before midnight thanks to these two tanks.
EDIT: ty Nikki :)
Hahahaha what Tiff didn't mention was that we went to a German bar/ restaurant afterwards. They didn't have the beer she wanted, so she yelled "BLASPHEMY!" out loud. We got some stares. It was hilarious.
And yes, I was a giant baby and was outdrank. I have no excuses, only the chance for redemption... which will most certainly be mine.
I, for one, had a much less drunken adventure to Moe's involving this lunchbox and pair of glasses.
Attachment 22400
I got free drinks for my friends and a free thing of queso. Best adventure ever.
My real self:
My PSHome self:
This is the other half of my user name! My cute Link <3
Attachment 22459
I have been really busy, so it was nice to go get drunk the other night. We all look like we're posing for the end of Thriller.
I'm in teh middle.
It's weird seeing you out at a bar, Mel. Souls games must be getting dusty. :p Is that Blue Moon you're drinking?
The person in the front scares the living crap out of me.
Brett I had a Hangar 24. and I go out all the time, I just don't blast my life on facebook :p
@ Loaf, The creepy guy in purple got kicked out like 5 mins. after that picture hahaha. He must have caused a scene before we came because the bar tenders didn't want to give him a beer. I gave him one of mine (I had two, people hook it up).
I suppose I'll give my two cents and post a picture. This is me :)
I'm kinda shocked there aren't a hundred Halloween pictures here.
Of course, I still haven't managed to round up any of the pictures that contain my ridiculous self in them from last weekend's half-dozen parties and other adventure times, but I've at least got a crappy one my friend shot from his phone while I was at work on Wednesday. Better than nothing!
Large picture is large.
Don't worry, I still have all my glorious hair. ;)
That be me. :)
Lemme in on this. I already uploaded this n my album but I figured I should post it anyway as some of you may have missed it. This is me after my haircut on 10/19/12:
Attachment 22567
What kind of beer do you have there? And is that rye bread? Yum.
Or is that something... sweet? I can't really tell.
Looking good! Are you unnaturally tall, or is that door really short?
Well, maybe I'm just really short. D:
Performing at the Ozark Folk Festival, looking mighty small
Afterwards, taken by my mother :)
Let's not fly off the handle here, the only reason those three got their positions was because of affirmative action, for good looking people. ;)
And by those three, I mean Pete.
<3 Andrew
It's the way of the world
I think Andrew just called me ugly.
I think you and tifa should post more pictures so I can make a more sound judgement ;)
I would post some pics of myself but I look ugly and its 7am right now. Maybe in a couple days before I go to work so you can all see me in corporate suit attire :P
Figured I could share a little piece of the press room in San Francisco after the conference.
I realized I was way overdressed when I showed up in 2/3 of a suit and everyone else was in jeans... but whatever, better to dress up than down!
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