LOL... I'm officially the Bee's Knees forever.
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LOL... I'm officially the Bee's Knees forever.
In deep thought at a Pepsi machine, classy sir! Or were you wondering why it was in the middle of ****ing no where?
A bit of both. I was with a bunch of friends at the Norfolk zoo and we were doing a bunch of poses in random places. Just so happens that there is a pepsi machine wayyy in the back where there aren't even any animals. Had to get mine there for the contrast with the trees. Thought it was pretty sweet. Gotta get my hair cut back to that length. It's getting unmanageable.
Just a few pictures of me on nights out :P
Which Way is The Beach?
ME IN A SUIT, With a buddy who's head kinda ruined how formal it looked.
Why can't I see some of these pics on chrome anymore? I have to open in firefox. Do I watch too much porn?
Because Cesar told me to post here. I look like this.
Also my ears are fancy so here they are for you to look at.
Loving your hair these days. Piercings are also awesome. Glad to see you looking to be in good health.
I'm gonna have like..... good... pictures to post soon... but.... for now, photo update bwahaha.
So, I am dating someone. And he helps me sneak tequila onto amusement park rides. Selling point.
Also, he is good at cooking. Observe his balls of meat.
Also I have been playing a lot of shows and it is awesomefuntimes.
And I'm selling tshirts and people are actually buying them! Strangers sometimes! But this is a friend of mine.
Soooo funnyyyyyyy
Here's some pictures of me from my prom, just got back from it about two hours ago, haha. There were about 200 of them, but I picked out some of the best ones lol.
Me and my friends, I'm the one in red
Me and my boyfriend
Me and my best friend
Me on my ooowwwnnn =D
Steve makes me wanna eat honey nut cheerios every day from now on. Gemma should change her name to Atlas, DrLeonhart looks like one of my stoner friends, I still think Mark has a baby face and I have trouble matching up his voice with his looks LOL, Froggie looking seductive as always, Ally should take the cute hippie chick in the 2nd pic to Cali with us ;) (I'd even settle for the black dude.), and Halie is lookin real good gurllll :D
PS holy moley everyone looks so beautiful here!!!1
I'd take a picture of myself and show my approval RIGHT NOW but I just woke up from a nap and I have lines all over the side of my face.
It's been a looong time since I've put up a photo of me. Last time I actualy had hair. This is me wearing my Manchester United shirt and my girlfriend.
TFF girls are hot, haha great pics everyone. Also Mark makes me horny ;)
Found these glasses in the mall. Gotta love the dorky glasses!
In line for Transformers 3D. Imax glasses being able to fit over normal glasses = win.
Nice glasses, I have to agree nothing beats the dorky glasses. Only truly cool people can pull off the dorky glasses look :lol:.
Ruin is an attractive man, wish he did more than lurk here :(
blarg, haven't put a pic up here in a while so....ya...
I would post my most recent picture ... but it's my avatar lol (when I first joined, I thought an avatar was like a profile picture of yourself :O decided to just *mehh* and leave it).
Here's one from a year ago. Do I look like i'm about to turn 22?
Wow, thank you :) I usually get mistaken for a girl nowadays ... then when I talk it's like "oh sorry pal" :lol:Quote:
Originally Posted by che
What idiot could mistake you for a girl, you are most definitely a dude.
Well i'll let you be the Judge Magistrate of that :lol: ...... I know, I just HAD to say it when it popped into my head :lol:Quote:
Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate
Nahh, nowadays i'm more of a whackjob, I do outrageous hairstyles with funny angles, points, shaved parts. Although I've kinda given up on those, and now it is the way it is in my avatar, with one big spike from the top then running down the back. <---- Hair Stylists hate doing me, I pretty much take their tools and do it myself :(
This is also why I'm mistaken for a girl. I do funky hairstyles, but always keep the "emo" fringe, which (as a punter used as an excuse for mistaking me for a girl) *accentuates my delicate feminine facial features* ... :lol:
My final fantasy? The women of thefinalfantasy and me. All of you look stunning. Froggie where you been?
To the gents. Well. Yea.
As for me it has been a while since I have posted much and even onger since a picture of me or the boys. Well you have to wait just a little longer so I can use a real computer instead of the droid.
there must be some really butch looking ladies round your end pal!
You dont look 22 either, but then, I dont look like Im pushing 30. Which now Im older is no longer a bad thing baha, though I do get the piss taken out of me alot, got any id love *hands over* BLOODY HELL, youre old!' Bugger off ):<
I spent some time on Brač, a small island in Croatia, it was amazing to say the least, had really great time. The entire island is simply beautiful, and the folk I meet there are nice, and helpful.
That first picture is very beautiful, I think I'm going to have to visit there someday.