I know where my next jumper is coming from.
That is pretty serene nix, beautiful pictures, looks like a good camera too.
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I know where my next jumper is coming from.
That is pretty serene nix, beautiful pictures, looks like a good camera too.
Aye great shots alright, although i cant claim any credit, its my friends camera and his shots :)
I really need to get a good camera myself :D
You must have a macro lense or something. You couldn't get snaps like that with a standard lense (at least I can't)
Haha well that was the one I kinda like and the one I'm comfortable linking. The others are fine, I just get real dumb about photographs.
This one below seems to be the favorite on facebook. And I swear to christ this isn't false modesty, that's not how I roll, I'm just an asshole when it comes to my own pictures.
Holy **** you are ugly.
jay kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
So, this is me at FanExpo. Got a few free pictures. I didn't have my own camera and my friend is rather slow on the picture sending. SO, these are the only ones I have.
The first one is my sister and I. I don't like how I look. I'm the one in the blue (I was wearing a Superman shirt. You can't really see it though.) The second one I'm holding a gun from a game. It was a cool gun.
Rawr Ally. Lookin sexy superhellabadass as normal.
Yay more pics of the boys and grabbed a random one of me. More about the boys then me; they are the important ones and I am sure a lot of you that have been tracking their progress in the venture that we call life are interested in seeing what they look like now a days.
Hell I think some of you have actually been watching my kids grow up, both from babies haha. Since there are new people and it has been a while I will list names.
Aaden Michael
Breyen James
For all you minors this is what the influence of booze does.
Am I allowed to post a picture of furniture on here? I hope so...
This is my awesome dining table. It just took me 3 hours to build.
Behold my sexiness (lol jks i'm hideous D=)
I already posted in here once I'm pretty sure, but I had long hair then if I did. Got that mop on top cut off.
Attachment 17323
Attachment 17324
A couple pics of a project I did at work, we had to make a truck/trolley for our new baby grand piano.
Attachment 17325
It has been a couple years since I did one but I still have the knack for rope platting.
Attachment 17326
My new penis cam
GOT IT! In order from right to left:
Newspaper- Meier
Meanface- Telegraph
the two Glee kids- HUNK and Ruin
Lockjaw man- Squall
Hair Eater- Ragnatoad (I assume its a foreign delicacy)
Afro glasses- Loaf ofc
the Scared kids- Joe and Rhapsoblarg
the stickuation- che
Brace yourself its the internet- me
the Trap- RamesesII TROLLOLOLOL jk it's violet, Rameses you cant be in the picture because technically you live upside down compared to us so we can't really snap you in the picture that easily sorry buddy <3.
the STICKuation LOL. That's funny.
I'm digging this beard, and fully intend to pull off a shaggy costume for halloween with it. Here's how I unwind after work.
And here's the world's Manliest steak:
You could use some more steak you scrawny mother ****er.
Aquafina FTW
Edit-:above:by che>>>>> Bias :shake:Quote:
the STICKuation LOL.
OHhhhhhhhhh fine then if I have to, I agree with che's last post but not his above quoted post looks like you need to eat more of that steak joe I don't know if your playing the guitar or it is playing you.Lame
Got married! <3
Here's a sneak peek that we got from our photographer. I love it!
And holy crap, that seals it: I'm so wearing a kilt when/if I get married. Being Scottish has its advantages.
Nix, you have convinced me of the fact that I need to return to Ireland this year.
Meier, you remind me of Ed Templeton in that picture.
Hopefully that works but yeah thats me basically! will post more when i can get my camera to fully fnction again!
thats me... well my shadow anyways