Spike! I remember that picture. And it is a good shot of you. Lookin all... suave and all. I stalked your facebook a few weeks ago too. :D I'm such a creeper. Oh wow! You IMed me like... 2 days ago.... Ah heh. I've been failing at AIM lately... so... I'll um... fix it tomorrow when you're not away. <3?
You guuuuuuys. I'm all happy face now. How nice!
VD (hehehe): Thank you. :) I take for granted that everyone else compliments your looks, but you really are a lovely girl. They should continue to remind you, and I should do the same. Purple and bright orange... I think I'm curious. I used to blow dry my hair, but it's much nicer now that I don't. Soooo that helps with the healthy thing, if you were really wondering. But then, the only reason I get away with no styling is the thinness of my hair. It doesn't do much, really. My hair is incredibly lazy.
Chez: Oh man! If you do ever happen to paint it, I'd love to see it. Really really. It would be an honor. And thank you!
Redfield: Haha we actually are, in private. My roommate was able to capture rarely seen affectionate moments between us. We didn't know most of those were being taken. She's just good like that, I guess. And thank you as well. You guys make me all giggly.