Vampiric Delirium you pretty girl i like the "I wear it as a dress also ><"
OceanEyes very pretty girl and i love your last pic.
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Vampiric Delirium you pretty girl i like the "I wear it as a dress also ><"
OceanEyes very pretty girl and i love your last pic.
my finest piece yet. the grand masterpiece of my photoshop career: injecting myself into the cover of DOOM.
That's ****ing excellent.
I lol'd. In a rather pitiful way because of this cold, but still. Damn.
I'm learning all this at college, but my tutor talks way too much and we hardly get anything done. So it's two hours of listening to him every Thursday. Thank God I was too ill to go in this week.
Anyway, 10/10 for the humour, love it. XD
i'm so glad to have made you lol ^^
stamp stamp heeeaaal, stamp stamp heeeaaalll, stamp stamp heeeaalll...
that's all you ever need to know about photoshop lol
the gun i'm holding is actually the back half of my nerf 'longshot' that i bought one nostalgic weekend. it's all bright blue and orange, so i just desaturated it and it popped out lookin like a true space marine rifle.
the rest was just selecting different parts of my body and rotating them in a little, squishing them up a little - just to fit the space marine's profile whom i stampstamphealed out of there.
not to shamelessly plug myself but i made a cover of the song from DOOM, episode 1 level 1, to go along with this photo. for drums i used samples of the guns from DOOM3, and just recorded some rippin guitar over it. scope it :
Best bit of photoshopping i've seen this week! Thats classic... and somehow I think you should be the next shooty dude if they ever remake that classic game. I can somehow see some crazy kung-fu coming into it too... 0.o
I have some pics on my phone i'll post up sometime, but stupidly i've gone home without my cable to upload them... I have the most amazing action shot of Chicken the kitten mid-air and lunging onto Ozzy-cat's tail. Oh... and some of yours truely.
Blowfish, that was the single greatest picture I've ever seen on this website. Thank you.
As for me, I told you those other pics were the last ones where my hair'd be that long. And I didn't lie. Seriously. Now don't get excited, it's hadly short, about to my collar bone. And it's layerd! Oh la la! Enjoy, fans.
You kinda have an Irvine Kinneas looking goin on now... All you need is the cowboy hat, a scrunchie and a hobo coat.
You should do some lame cosplay of him! :p
Anyway, you look more masculine these days. What happened to the make-up?
Jintatsu: Your hair and shirt totally struck me as Luis Sera for some reason.
Postalblowfish: That's frickin' awesome ><. Really great, I haven't seen photoshopping like that in a while. Awesome awesome.
Jintatsu: I must admit that at first when you said you were cutting it shorter I thought you meant like.. Really short. But this definitely looks really good. Layers look great too.
Chez: I already explained that; pay attention, girl. :p
Tifa: I have no idea who that is, but I did an image search and he's pretty, so thank you.
Vampire Frog: Really short hurts my face in a completely non literal way, so no. Never. I just needed it to not look like ass.
Holy crap, look like a young Hugh Laurie! @.@
I mean it's almost uncanny...
Alright, I figured it's about time that I posted some pics up here, and allow you to view my sexiness:hump: (no there aren't any nudie pics in here, lol)
The look on my face is kind of retarded, but I enjoyed the pic anyway.
This is the photoshopped version of the above link (much much better)
This was my first experience in photoshop. messed around with filters, and the result is pretty cool.
I guess I might as well show my ugly mut. Haha.
Yeah in one of the pictures, I was posing. Haha.
I appreciated the lack of picture whorishness in this picture.
You're cute and you flaunt it, but not to the point where you're laughing at it because it looks stupid.
You're very pretty and you chose nice angles to use the camera from. Another thing, you're not dressed in show offy clothes; that shows you're modest. That's beautiful to me.
Peace out.
(I'm not high right now.)
Well, here I am. Here is a pic from about 4 years ago. This was taken right before I went to work at my first casino job.
DAMN! I'm a good looking SoB! All my hair is longer and an even length nowadays.
Originally Posted by dimmufan
My Manchester United fan brother! AWESOME JEREMY :above:
Ugly mut? you?'re so...cute!
Dude...thats something i would do...damn you Dodo birds.....I'm king horny of TFF! I think thats what you meant?'re quite good looking...i guess i better bring my A game on my next pic huh?
so i figured its been like forever since i've posted a pic or two, i bought these sweet novelty black rimmed glasses, well black rims there's no actual rims inside, but there a slot for some, so i think i might get some non prescription lenses to put inside.
Well I hadn't posted any pics for a while and thought this might be a good time.
Anyways I went into town today (pretty much for the pub) and randomly decided to get my ear pierced another two times. But this time, PROFESSIONALLY! :lol:
Check this out:
Me. (Earrings not that visible...)
Close up of earrings. :lol:
Nice pics, Nick! You look very cool. ^^
Celtic, you look awesome with those piercings. Sweet. =P
Well. I have pictures from my Semi Formal.. they arn't great but they are alright. I'm not a photo person.
I have some pictures from afterwards but they arn't great and these are all just webcam pics :/
You have a great smile! Your teeth look perfect. I wish mine were more like that, mine are white, but I have horrible fang-like teeth... I get that from my mum.
Yeah. My boyfriend caught a cold when he was here, so we stayed in one night... Interestingly strange pictures were taken.
Somehow, a half of people that see us together think I look a little older than him... He's 22, I just turned 19. I think we look about the same age. Obviously not many people agree. o_O;.
Anyway, yeah, some random pictures.
-I'm not drunk or stoned. The camera has a mean flash and it catches me unawares everytime.
-I think I look about ten here, with washed off make-up and I had been up for a long time without sleeps.
And yes, the reason my boyfriend looks ill and tired is becaue he was. But I still think he's gorgeous. </luff>.
After all the times you refused to give out your age on this forum you do now so easily? I feel ripped off.
And stop with the drugs. Now. :p
Priscilla: It's really odd when a person's picture matches their avatar that perfectly, especially when said avatar is anime...
PS: that was supposed to be a compliment. :P
nice nice guyz
Some pics from SoD now..
This is me acting like a psyhologyst (I know I spelled it wrong...F**K YOU !!!)
This is me pozn'
I hate Big Brother soooooooo much,this ****ing eye freaks me out
Me,my friends and girlfriend
..yawn...I bored
K, so Priscilla if you could nicely not post any more pics of yourself. See i'm trying a pill which makes the male genitalia erect and would like to know if it don't need that caca...i'm good looking anyway...but you know where i'm going with this?
Holy **** you're pretty Priscilla....
Oh and Chez! You looking stoned and all (btw 19 years old? Thought you WERE like 13-14) makes you like what? Badass? or shall i dare say awesome?
As for me, i'll post one up of me with my fellow buddy, and TFFer ManicDepression. Also i'll post some biology lab pics of me and a fetus pig which i opened up.
Nick and Manic
Piggum Slit
Nick's Bio Video
Oh, and here's every FF7 fan's dream license plate...
Tally ho now,
[Edit] Remember kids, don't click on that third may be fact nobody click it..i'll be pursued for animal pwnage...
Cilla: Wow, you're so pretty! Chez is right, you have the nicest teeth and the cutest smile ^^. Also, I absolutely love your hair there. It's gorgeous.
Chez: I think you two look great together =). And stuff what people say, 19-22 is barely an age difference at all. [IMO]
SoD: Lovely slogan on the jumper there XD. And your girl's cute ^^. So're you, lol.
Nicko: Nick, poor piggy.. =( I didn't need to see that, lol.
That's okay, Dragoon_Nick. When you first joined, I thought you were about 14 as well. I thought you were today as well, until I checked your profile.
Seems I get a lot of ages wrong.
Thanks, VD, I'll have to post a few different pictures when we don't look like we're stoned/ill/dying. ;!