Well I have been playing around with a few things and learned a few tricks, this is a bad example but here is one I took today.
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Well I have been playing around with a few things and learned a few tricks, this is a bad example but here is one I took today.
Hello again.. I have another picture from the second wedding I went to yesterday. I wasn't going to post it but what the heck.
Yes, I know I'm pale! It's because I don't go outside a lot and plus I'm in the light there lol. Hahaha my legs look paler because of the pantyhose I'm wearing. :lol: Anyway, this was taken yesterday afternoon at my cousin Julia's wedding. It was a wonderful day. It was a bit cold but I managed.
Hopefully I don't look too bad there. :ohno:
You look very pretty there Kirsty at the wedding! You always look good, and oh yeah I like the way you look in your dress it's all shimmery and yeah!
Here's me trying to be all Heather Mason. I still need another lighter tone to my hair, but it's getting there... slowly... ;!
Winter; you're a cutie. :)
~CC~; you look great! Many weddings at the moment, eh? :P And that dress is gorgeous!
Kind of look like Cheryl or Alesia. A mix of the two.Quote:
Originally Posted by Chez Daja
Hey all, decided since i got juicy comments on zee first set, id post more...
http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t..._Nick/Yays.jpg ~Gotta be random and act like a goofball XD.
http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t...n_Nick/Emo.jpg ~Typical overhead emo pic....
http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t...ick/Asleep.jpg ~Blast that brother of mine, caught me in my snooze.
Once again, thats it for now :D
Dragoon_Nick: Intense second photo there =P... Very nice ^^. And it's never fun to be caught in a photo while you're sleeping, is it? My sisters got me sleepwalking once.. But yeah.. Not gonna post that ><
Chez Daja: Awesome photo, I really like it. Also, have I ever told you how much I like your hair before? Well, I'm telling you now. Brilliant hair. My hair looks up to it as an idol.
~Ice Dragon~: You look really pretty there ^^. I also love the dress, it's gorgeous. And yeah, you're pale, but that's definitely not a bad thing. Also, I love your shoes and neckalace. The earrings match, right? Really pretty.
Im feeling a little down right now so i thought i'd chuck up this photo and let the warm glow of your compliments saturate my dried up soul. xDDDDD
Or, i was playing with a new photo of me (looking perticually emo if i do say so >.o) on my new wacom tablet *pats tablet* And ended up changing it to B+W. Everything looks better in Black and white!
yay! I think that this rule applies to all photography in general. Put it in black and white to seem artistic and thoughtful.
Juice: Hey there. You look every bit as gorgeous in greyscale as you do in colour, or so says I. That's a very nice picture, too. And is it just the greyscale doing it or is your hair slightly darker in this than in the last picture you posted? Anyway, really nice. <3.
Wow... its been yonks since i've posted pics in here ><
Anyhoo, Storm now has new pictures. Finally got my webcam working again, however annoyingly the lighting doesn't show my hair to be the nice red colour it now is.
Me and my guitar
and again...
and yet again...
And for the sake of it...
Yay! Coconut!
Teasy cheesy ^_^
Cool flying V you;ve got there..
I must say though, Ive got underwear longer then that skirt youve got on oO...
You're complaining?
Seriously, though, you look super cute, valentine/Storm. And I can tell in the last two that your hair is lighter. The fact that it's all reddish irl is super swell, in my opinion.
And, Juice, color or no, you look pretty as hell. Always have.
Chez, I like your hair, once again. It keeps changing little by little, but I always like it.
~CC~, I really like your dress. It looks lovely on you.
Winter, I think that's one of the first pictures of you I've seen that isn't blurry. I think. In any case, you don't give yourself enough credit.
Dragoon, you have nicely shaped eyes and eyebrows. I know that's like... random, but it's something I noticed.
And thank you, UserID :P
Also! I whacked off my hair recently. Mom wanted to see it, so I took a quick myspace mirror shot and Daniel popped his head in. It's the first time I've cut that much of my hair myself. But it turned out okay. And Daniel's mirror is reeaaally dirty. Gross.
Aww thx OceanEyes28...although that is randm..its still very nice of you.
As for Storm...that pic of the coconut made roll on th floor. Way too funny...and your guitar is very nice..XD
and you know what...OceanEyes28 is right, you are really cute... :lol:
Storm: You're so pretty. You should post pictures more often ^^. I can tell your hair's lighter in this pic, but it's a shame that the red colour doesn't come up. And hey, yay coconut!
Oceaneyes28: Your hair looks really good. I'd never have the guts to hack away at my own hair. Too scared of it turning out all wonky-like and shit. But yours came out really great. And it's always nice to see new pictures of you.
OceanEyes28 - Oh I am not sure if I mentioned it here but I have those essential tremours which makes it hard to get a steady hand, plus I have to take them myself (Oh and that one was photoshopped)... anyway here is a few more
Messy hair from when I woke up
What I usually look like
Again, an old one when I had straight hair (wish it would stay like that
But yeah, Its not really what other people think but what I think.
Originally Posted by Winter
Why don't you live around here?
Britain needs more hot long haired guys!! Seriously. When are you moving to Norway, and when am I visiting?
OceanEyes28, haha, I love how slightly shocked you both look. Absolutely adorable.
Storm, rawk owwwn!
Moi: [yes, I know I'm a massive poser...] New tee-shirt. Fell in love with it. $25 cut down to $7, and only one left in my size.
Close-up of my eyes: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l2...o/DSC00243.jpg
Me posing to show the easter weight that I've lost [and you can see my toothpaste!! Yay Colgate!] : http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l2...o/DSC00241.jpg
And me again: http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l2...o/DSC00235.jpg
Me again:
Rumour, you have the most stunning eyes. o_o Although that second picture is just asking for internet stalkers. =P
Winter: Your hait is actually quite nice. <3
I'm going to attempt to take some pictures in the next week, providing my camera works, promise.
I was out with a few guys last tonight, and well i've taken a few brewskies too much and was laid out trying to understand what was happening while i was sitting. Anywho it was finally a super cool pic to hae anyway...
Figured i'd show it since im sooo good looking in suits.
http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t...sChestHait.jpg Hehe..suits suit me :lol: ....and just admire my redeyes...so demonic!
http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t...MeandMike2.jpg ~This is me and my buddy mike..'twas his BDay.
LOL. Thats actually a strange shadow that ocoured with the crappy lighting-camera combo. I never noticed that it looked like I was wearing big undies there >< Well, to make matters correct, my skirt IS longer than my knickers! ;!Quote:
Originally Posted by Nova
Winter, you have some of the most fantastic hair i've seen. Annoyingly, you look good even with the bedhair... lucky sod! :p
Rumour, you're one of the prettiest girls on the forum, so you don't need to worry about being a poser!
Dragoon_Nick, cool pinstripes, they really suit you.
I knew that was a shadow, not your underwear haha...
Now that I look back that shadow does kinda look like underwear :P
I haven't posted in this thread for eons.
http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/7081/jack14ez5.jpg - taken on Tuesday
http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/9950/jack11qu0.jpg - a few weeks old.
Yeah, I edit them a bit, but not as much as you'd think. A bit of glow, higher contrast only a bit (except the 2nd one..Dunno what I was thinking there), aside from that, they're pretty stock.
Just got back from a business meeting, figured I'd take a snap of me lookin all neat before I get into the proper uniform.. was supposed to wear White but they didnt mind, lol, another meeting tomorrow night so I'll have to fish for a shirt! o_o
I decided to post a really really bad photo of me simply because I havent put a pic up here in ages.
Setting: Me and my boys are chilling at the island in Perth. Few brews and some banter. We decided to make silly faces.why?I dont know. However I look slightly retarded wih my mouth open and my blank stare going on. Nice trees tho.
Im on the far right with the Bud in my hand.
(I promise ill get a nice looking pic of me up sometime!)
Decided to post a couple pics in my Chopper Hat with my new webcam.
yo yo, just thought I'd post some pictures of me
these ones are of my girl and i:
and then just me:
Pretty decent picture despite the blatantly gay hand position.
Nice one from The Witchfinder... Who I thought was 25, but is in fact 16... Damn.
Anyway, my friend and I were messing around taking random pictures, and these were found to be the lamest of me, so... YAR!
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a29...aja/041547.jpg - i r emoz.
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a29...ingersnaps.jpg - I love Ginger Snaps!
And here is our cutey hamster who I love;
http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a29...aja/042727.jpg - yay Dory!
U look so so so sexy storm...Quote:
Originally Posted by Storm
i am like so so jealous o.o
Witchfinder, good picture indeed. You do look older than you actually are, you know. I'm not surprised that Chez thought you were around that age at all XD.
Chez, you're as pretty as ever. Yay Ginger snaps, and that's an awesome hamster you got there, too. So cute =P