ha, i managed to find some piccy's to show u guys. hope u guys are happy <.<
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ha, i managed to find some piccy's to show u guys. hope u guys are happy <.<
I cut my hair ( ..again... ) short this time. I only left some in the back. I also got a new webcam, so this was a good way to try it out.
It has gotten really hot in Athens this week,even in nighttime, that's why i'm not wearing a shirt. Ahemm...
Thank you, Rumour. <3 :)
Anyway, I decided to take some pictures of me whilst I was in "moody, ill" mode! Hahah.
Bahamut1990: I don't know what's going on with that link or if it's just my computer, but that just takes me to the MySpace main page.
Cloudy: You look so different with shorter hair! Not in a bad way, though, of course. And it's hot here, too, but I'm still wearing a shirt in the last picture I posted =P
Chez: You're very welcome. And moody indeed. Good pictures, though. ^^
Just took this one around an hour or so ago. I don't think I look too bad in it.
This was me a year ago, and this is NOT how I go around looking..this was just for shits n giggles.
Ho' shit. It is the first picture I've taken that isn't in the library bathroom or anywhere in the library, in fuckin' ages.
Heck, i'm trying to find something to do here. I'm bored as frack...
http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t...ick/MikeI3.jpg Oh, forgot to post this image. Its so fracking hilarious how i'm so open to fire...
http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t...andMike2-1.jpg Heres an encore with my buddy mike. Man we just look so good you know?
http://i156.photobucket.com/albums/t...zingTurtle.jpg and umm...Turtle Power!
Malahk: You DO look good in that picture ^^
Nova: Zomg big hair! ... 'Nuff said. =P
Ranger: You look really bored ><. Cool photoshopped images, though. And is that coffee in the last pic? Give me some!
Dragoon_Nick: Arcade guns again! Yays! And.. Turtle! That thing is so damn cute! However.. Somewhat scary... O_O
Ok, I can be a cam-whore too.... sorta;7
(Sorry for the quality... and the hidiousness) :eek:
^ 'Bout time you gotta haircut, mang. Da buzzcut is da tr00 hairstyle of 1337 Viking berzerkers, nukka!
Ohhh, dV, please grow your hobo-hair back... It looks so scruffy and cute!
Without your hair, you look not-European. I liked your Norway look.
...Haha. PLZ LUV?
And get on MSN, please.
Ranger, you do look bored! XD
Here's some of the ones of myself and/or my boyfriend. Most of these were taken last year or the year before.
Nah sorry Gorath but I am going to have to agree with Chez here, the true Viking warriors had long hair, twas the Greeks who started the short hair. Plus you remind me of the Norwegian Rally drivers with your scruffy hair XD.
Ranger looks like he needs a bit more action going on...
I.......... DONT LIKE RALLY!!! :shake:
Rally is for peasants. Racing is for the tr00! \m/>_<\m/
Well I have a ton of pics from vacation. Many include ones of graves and pets since that's just how it ended up. But I'm not gonna post all of them since well some just don't need to be seen for one reason or another. Anywho here's enough to let you see what we did.
http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/187/rehabitls8.jpg -This was after a heavy night of drinking and I had a hangover very badly and Bryan saw this truck outside with the plate and said we needed a pic of me with it.
http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/8...foreverqk4.jpg - At someones house we went to they had this great Fat Bat costume so we all put it on to become the official worst superhero ever.
http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/2...bieahoygg1.jpg -This was just from before the convention when we were getting ready. I figured I wanted to remember how cool the costume with all the makeup and such looked together.
http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/5...nicboomic8.jpg - Haha this was Zack and Bryan being goofy at the convention. I pulled out the camera and they seemed to get the over joyious look which was too hilarious to pass up on.
http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/4093/bkweskermm3.jpg -Once again I had a hangover this day which you can tell from the shades. But we just ate at Burger King which I bet you can also tell. The combo was funny enough to want to remember though.
http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/8...dcoolduae9.jpg - On the ride home from Chicago, I snapped a quick pic of Bryan on the ride, with his oh so smooth hat and aviator combo on.
http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/2295/coolzv7.jpg - And last but not least this is Mariko at the convention. Sunday I believe since none of us were wearing the costumes that day. But I told her to do a true cool dude pose and she passed with flying colors.
And to top it off I have a pic of a naked man humping a pillow who watched the anime fans from a far in his hotel room. Though I don't know if it's totally appropriate for the site so I won't post it for now at least.
Josh, you look gorgeous like always! I love that first photo of you, you look amazing. It looks like you had a lot of fun and I'm glad that you did. All of these pictures are really cool.
I might post another pic of myself sometime too, I have a new outfit and it'd be cool to show it off. :lol: I might have to do that soooon!
Moi. I no longer have black hair.. *misses it* XD
...redhair...aww god..cannot resist....*drools*...
Anyway.. back to topic umm i think that..umm
...redhair...aww god..cannot resist....*drools again*
Very nice Rumour...Your hair has been Dragoon_Nick approved...
...This guy there is Shadow of Darkness...
DarkVivi: I agree, I like the long hair better. Still good, though.
Setzer: I'm glad you had fun on vacation ^^. Great pictures, too.
Dragoon_Nick: Great. I can now sleep easy knowing you approve of my hair XD
Shadow of Darkness: You're hot! Haha. I think I told you that when you showed me a pic last night, but I'll say it again. lol.
froggie you are soo beautiful no matter what your hair looks like. i really like it alot.
ahh bitch red! I told you to go this color one of the first few times we talked remember? It looks teh hawt!Quote:
Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
~Rumour.Delirium: Long hair better..? The hair that made Severenth think that I looked like a hobo? Do you know what a hobo is?
Well, I suppose, I could wear a wig and take a picture to upload if that made you happy ;7
I like your hair though^_^
~Shadow of Darkness: I liked that finger :D
I think have my collection of pics where I had mine like that somewhere.
This is my senior picture from '05 and the most recent one I have. Can't see just how long my hair is in it though, goes all the way down my back. I've never cut it and probably never will.
Hehe, you've nicked my haircolour biatch! It really suits you though, no need to miss it :)Quote:
Originally Posted by Rumour.Delirium
Thats a great pic too Shadow, you have the kind of pingy hair girls love to play with, I bet you get a lot of female attention!
I also think your long hair was great DV, though everyone needs a change. Its quite interesting seeing you with short hair though.
Dragonheart, its good to see what you look like, your hair looks nice from the picture, though from your description it sounds even nicer, it would be nice to see the entire length of it.
And with this, I (un)officially declare TFF the internet community with the best hair around! :woot:
I was positive that more pics were taken of me at the party on saturday. Apparently this is one of the few where im actually visible!
Im the idiot in the blue zippy making a horrible face that makes me look so ****ing ugly. Ive still to post a decent pic of me up here! One day I will!
I also have a pic of my eye, ill save that for another time.
Holy shit.
TFF has some of the ugliest people ever.
Shadow of Darkness: Wtf? Think you're a toughie? Lose the stubble and learn how to really look tough.
Winter: Wear a mask.
Nova: GTFO!
DarkViVi: Since you realise you're hideous, never post a photo again. Infact, just lay down and wait to die.
Dragonheart: You look 25.
Rumour.Delirium: Face to penis, kthx.
Bahamut1990: Gtfo, kid. No, I am not happy that you found a photo. I am downright <i>disgusted</i>.
Cloudy: Were you born unable to change expression? Post some different photos, ffs.
Ranger: You too, grizzly adams.
U2Girl1996: Pick up a can of mace and spray directly into your eyes and don't stop, plz. Hopefully you'll go blind and never take photos ever again.
Cain Highwind: I hope **** Cheney mistakes you for a deer.
Bring it on, ****s!
Ok..there nice to know some people have issues... Anyway back to commenting positively like a humane person would...
Shadow of Darkness: you're long hair makes mine jealous...thats awesome. You're hair is an honor to have known.
Rumour.Delirium:..ZOMG teh hair! If a girl like Rumour even approached you Daddy, that would make you have value.
Cloudy: You're hair is awesome despite it bing really short, and facial expressions?..what?
Ranger: You look so bored..faok!....Neevrheless you're cool
Cain Highwind: Damn..you look cool..if deers could be like you..i'd make a protest against deer hunting.
Sorry all but im too lazy to finish!
Well, yes i was born unable to change expression. BUT if you were here in front of me, i would certainly do. I got another one, but good for you, this is the internet.
Besides, with your pics, i don't think you should have posted this AT ALL. Here, they call this a "Frappuchinno". Gamo ton Antihristo sou, to Xestavri sou k to spiti sou....
Anyways, Bravo, you did well, you're the man....One last comment from me to you: