not many ppl like my pic
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not many ppl like my pic
Originally Posted by sword master
and why do you say that?
Guys, seriously, stop the idle banter. This thread is for pictures and commenting on pictures. And by commenting, I mean more than just "ur hott" or "no 1 lieks me." Keep this thread on-topic. I will issue warnings after this.
Valentine, you look very cute, and yeah, show us your painting when it's finished. It looks good so far. Also. Little girl you was really super cute.
Plastik, I do believe that kind of picture is the best kind.
Hehe Musa, that made me smile. Both of the ones you recently posted, actually.
Haha PBF, I admire you for posting that picture.
.EcKS. I would not stand a chance against that shit.
Good to see our pirate friend back again. Still looking pretty sweet, Karel.
Joe..... Love. :love:
Soooo my friend Lauren left for college the other night, so we decided to have one more night of fun together. We went out to eat, went to our old spot, drove to another town, goofed off, drove back, more pictures, and then we went home so she could pack. Some of the pictures we took are downright embarrassing, so I'll show you a few of the not-embarrassing ones. And yes, I know. Lauren is attractive.
Outside the restaurant we went to. I am in the middle. Lauren is to the left. Kelly on the right. We were supposed to be doing the twist, but it ended up looking like a pelvic thrust.
Pictures while driving. Scary idea.
Where we always sit and talk
Final pose. My mouth looks like an orange slice.
It was a good night.
I made cupcales YAY! They tasted realy good , yummy yummy. An I eveen used barbie cup cake bottom thingies
I saw this thread so I decided to post something. I'm new at uploading photos, I guess. The first picture is of me in my basement and the other picture is uhh... me again??? With a stolen trenchcoat.
Well... here is some new ones from this weekend... The first of 2 annual trips to Green Bay. First time I usually bring the family with, 2nd time is usually friends.
So yeah. The first one is a candid w/ myself and my parental units. Note I still look like a dork.
Second is me and the old lady in the stands. Yeah.
The third is Nae and I introducing my 'rents to hard booze shots. :D
Woo, Green Bay! Other than the Packers, what's really up there, anyway? Cheese? Hmm. And liquor too, apparently. Are you really serious? You're... introducing... your parents to hard liquor? That's honestly quite surprising. I would have expected them to have some previous experience with such things. I mean, come on, they're your parents!
Wolfmiester, for some reason that trenchcoat of yours reminds me of the movie adaptation of War of the Worlds. I'm not really sure why. It's six in the morning though, so you'll have to cut me some slack.
CV, cupcakes are for primary school children. Next time, make brownies.
Alisyn, "ur hott." :P Also, you're right about that first picture. It DOES look like a pelvic thrust. Kinda funny, now that I think about it. Oh, and Lauren's attractiveness is old news. Gosh.
Hmm. I don't feel much like commenting on the dozens of pictures since my last post in this thread, so I guess I'll cut myself off right there. Not very many things make sense right now. That happens when you're sleep deprived.
On that note, Zach and I work really hard for our paychecks.
Hahaha wtf
Yes! You had to be conceived somehow!Quote:
Originally Posted by LocoColt04
Seems to me, that's what he meant.
(No offence, your parents seem cool, lol?)
Also: Yes I am.
And.... you guys have a lot of patience and some nimble little hands to pull that off. Applause.
And!...A picture of tubing on the lake! I am on the left about to fall off the wake again. Yay.
Cesar, holy ****in' shit. Hahaha, jesus. I guess you guys are really quick at that, or that's some room that customers aren't allowed in. :D
That guy looks more like a "Corey" type'a guy to me (that's my opinion on typical American male). You're looking cute and pale as usual, though. :p
I suppose when you come here, I'll have to snap a picture of us, so I have proof!! And just I can embarrass you from the fact that you hung out with me long enough to snap a photograph. :D
Please excuse me for not having a picture this time. At least I'm not completely spamming. >_>
OceanEye's, that looks pretty exciting. If only I could partake in water"sports", but alas...I cannot.
Hahaha, no no, I didn't mean his parents must have been drunk to have sex and make babies... I meant it in more of a "your parents are old!" sense. ;!
Chez... how lovely. Anyway, that was actually on the counter of the rear concession stand (which is never used except for around the holidays). Customers were walking past us constantly. We were just very careful, that's all.
Well well, I've seen some really nice pics..
Favorable gals
Chez :p
Rydia :eek:
Oceaneyes :D
Valentine ?? she likes pokemon? XD
Everyone else.. well I'm a lazy bum but I know everyone's looking aight so keep rolling
oh yeah..
can some one tell me how to do it
Post Reply -> Manage Attachments -> Post :D
But yep, my pick. There, enjoy. It is three months old. And there is also picture of cactus that has flower. It made too flower this summer...
Why does everyone have cool looking swords? When I bought mine, they were so incredibly ugly and I very much regret buying those "cheap" Chinese knock offs.
Testbug, come on, I know you want to grow out your hair. You'd be part of the oh so pretty Finn club. How about some eyeliner and lipstick at least?
Cheese Vixen, your a hottie ^_^ And i want a cup cake, wheres my cup cake?
ANYWAY, ^_^ heres a photo of me, from a little while ago of me and my darling b/f Joe. Im wearing the kitty suit he got me for christmas, it comes with a tail and paws also.
PS: I'll get a new one up v soon of my hair, Eliene style, just lemme grab a card reader. xD
ZOMG she is taken! *kills self* two looks so cute together...I don't usually say that...because it is dumb an girly, but I like that pic. Bravo on the contract;)
PS: Everyone wants my cupcakes :( Lol JK
No, no and no. I'm not going to start using make up. And you can get me to do it. Muahahahahahaa..
First: I, poster of Lordi and my Nightwish T-shirt.
Second: My little brother. He wanted that I take picture of him.
And yes, I know that I have crappy pictures but them are take with cell-phone. I love to live in Finland because we get new phones first.
At Chez's request... er... demand :P... I shaved off my mohawk... I think I look 100 times better without it lol
Test, ahaha, cute brother! I like you hair.
Musa, hehehe, wow, you look really good with a shave head. Considering I don't like guys with shaved heads. But you look really good. And you did it all for me!! ;( Awwww...
Anyway, I think you should grow all your hair out really long. HIPPY LOCKS AHOY!
My new spankin hair, for youse alone daj XD its grown since i got it cut actually, properly.
gotta lve my dressing gown eh? lol it has paw prints all over it. xD
Woooow, LOVE IT!!
Yay, Eileen style! I shall post pictures of my "Cybil" hair once I get it done. XD
Also, the dressing gown is groovin'! Also, clean out your PM box a bit. I can't send you anything, haha.
aww shucks, its thanks to you that i have spanking hair. ANd once you get your hair done it will look awesome im sure of it!
the inbox is clean for a while, ;) spam me! spam me!
Juice! Love your hair you sexy biznatch you! I can't do that with mine, I'm not disciplined enough to be able to style it every day, but I love it on other people!
You look hawt! :D <3
Hippie hair, eh? I shower too much to go hippie XD. Besides, I think I'm gonna grow my normal standard hair back this time XD.
Hey whats up? I finally got a way to get a picture of me taken. I'll try to get more pictures but for now this is all that I've got.
Not that pleasing to the eyes, but what can I do?. ;!
I'm kinda sleepy on the pic.......loong day for me.
I'm finally getting my hair cut by a professional next week. 'Bout friggin time, too. It's been half grown out gingery for far too long. I want colors and the spikeyness of old...
Yup. The psycho behind the wordz, yo.
FINALLY! I have seen my own wife! <333333Quote:
Originally Posted by Mariko
Oh man! If I'd known you were so purdy, I WOULD HAVE MARRIED YOU EARLIER! </shallow>
Seriously, though. Man. You, Juice and Quistis are sooo our hottest TFF chicks.
Haha XD
Oh man, Chez, we're gonna have beautiful babies (which we will then consume, but they'll be GORGEOUS).
Man...Testbug...I want to eat your lil' bro. He looks quite the tasty type. Does he come in barbeque flavor?
Mariko. Hi. ^_^
That's all I can possibly say.
So, here's some completely random pictures from like... ten minutes ago.
No, I'm not wearing a shirt in the second one. NO, I'M NOT NAKED EITHER. But if you'd like to pretend I am, go for it (you sick perverts).
Oh look, it's my left hand.
Long time no post ;!
I forgot my Camera had a flash option!
Huzzah! I turned on the flash and burnt my retinas! (wait.. thats not good. XD)
But oh the humanity! my goatie was hidden, the shame the shame.. but I made amends!
Amazing things these digital cameras, lol. As you can notice thats about 4-5 days worth of whiskers you can all see, along side my goatie which is due for a bit of maintainence. Not to mention my hair, not only do I have whites already developing, its gettin a wee bit thick is curly! >_< me thinks a visit to the girls down at the local hair-dressing studio is in order.
(They are hot ladies anyway, and a few of them are single, so who am I to refuse their company? XD)
Nice work w/ the hands Loco, you been workin out dude? :D