i think that maybe you can add another one to your list of skinny brunets.. lol
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i think that maybe you can add another one to your list of skinny brunets.. lol
omg rydia u so gud lokin! Maybe. I don't really know without insulting you. Take that as a .. good thing, I guess? Let's just say you're decent. Haha, oh boy.
And Jet, I saw that same smile on a pedophile once. You have a future in that business.
Edit: Whoa, holy shit. You live in Waldorf for seriously? Uh. You're goddamn beautiful let's hang out.
and your fav old one
i lost it lol nvm
I am bored, and I have a new tank top.
Hair Down
Pony Tail
wow you look pretty
i found my old ones!! woot here ill post em for ya
most recent one from like 2 weeks ago
Haha. Alex, I'm guessing you meant the paedophile whom you were molestered by as a kid, right? Well, I don't mind sharing the same smile as him. Haha, cool pictures, Vixen.
this is an old pic of me and my buddy tori
Rydia and Cheesevixen you are both very good looking young women I must say.
..Another picture of me and my girlfriend Kat at her formal
homecoming. 05
Typical story of new girl joins forum, new girl gets hit on. Epic, one might say. Rydia's a cute girl, though. And it seems she's sticking around to get hit on some more. Welcome to TFF.
Geotista, you should probably leave your bathroom at some point. :P
I like what you did with the swirly blue one.... but I think the absence of the phone would have been a nice touch.
That's dirty.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kou
And Tiffany always looks genuinly happy when she smiles. I like that quality in people. Yay. Oh, and I used Photoshop. I just sort of wander around the program until it looks pretty. I never actually know what I want to make until 2/3 of the way through.
Jet. Now in technicolor.
CV, I don't know why it was the first thought I had, but it was. I thought, "Hey, that tank top is the same color as her mouth. Neat."
I have some pictures. So I'll post some.
They're from a sort of party I went to at someone's house. There were three dogs, but my favorite was this fat beagle with an underbite. She was so sad, it was adorable. So I wanted a picture with her.
And then my friend Julie and I got a little camera happy, and took a bunch. I will only show you a few.
I am on the right. In case that's not obvious.
Originally Posted by OceanEyes28
Kind of hard to emote sarcasm via forums. I was using it just to say it took an awful long time to help her undo her hair. Nothing dirty there.
I'm not sure what to focus on in this picture. Alisyn or the tits? Eh.Quote:
Originally Posted by OceanEyes28
Tits: 1, Alisyn: 0
Yes, Jet.
Ya'll some unh... attractive kids.
OceanEyes28: I have no idea either???...anyways
Kyo: lookin good
Rydia: Beautiful as ever ^_^
he he he
if anyone who is in drama club and went to nabraska, you may haveseen me there here are some pics
Originally Posted by rydia lover
Still adorable.
Your eyes in the first one are hypnotizing. :o
Hmm. I will find batteries tomorrow and totally plauge this thread with images of myself.
Ocean: looking gooooooood.;7
Typical story of new girl joins forum, new girl gets hit on. Epic, one might say. Rydia's a cute girl, though. And it seems she's sticking around to get hit on some more. Welcome to TFF.
She has a bf, but she really wants me. It's a fact.
yes i do:luv:Quote:
Originally Posted by cheesevixen
ok i haven't posted in here for a long time, so i'll re-show myself to the community. only this time i don't have long hair :'(
regardless, the first two shots are from 2 shows i played last week, as current as current could be.
the next three are the latest from my myspace (hence the hcmj all over them). if you cover up the left half of my face in the red one i look like an out of control gorilla/skull/skull-gorillaman. it's pretty terrifying.
the second pic is me in a bear costume my friend made for a performance art piece i was in. i stalked my friend, dressed as a hunter, through this massive art show while yakuza heart attack played on stage. eventually we found our way on stage, and battled each other - after defeating the hunter, i cried out in remorse, removed his cell from his pocket and called a helicopter nurse in to save him. i then picked up a guitar and played as my buddy sang a song on the stretcher lol, it was an amazing show.
the final picture is just another stage shot from a couple weeks ago. njoi oOOOoo__O_--O
edit: i just noticed my mouth is open in most of these lol
Hmm... I like making my photos looks weird.
The blue one is good for seeing me.
Not so much the other.
(I have an x-wing hanging from my ceiling)
heres me this year
So for some reason i'm compelled to post a picture of myself.
The man behind the anger!
I don't know if i've ever posted these, but my friend Erin got a new camera and wanted to have fun with it. So we went to a park.
Hilarity ensued.
Wait. Are those pants bell bottoms and plaid? They look like it in the second picture. Mexican/Native American/Floridian wearing plaid bell bottoms.
Okay. Let me take a minute to wrap my head around this one. It's a whopper.
If I was drunk, Benevolent would look like Sean Patrick Flanery.
Sword Master looks like someone I used to know. I used to know him because I don't know him anymore. Because he was a very annoying person. Then again, they all look the same, so who knows.
"Welcome to Twin Peaks" sounds like something a busty woman should wear.
I'm done. I am not posting a picture. You cannot see my face ever. If anyone posts a picture of me, I will threaten them over the internet.
cool your jets Bunny
Upside down while supporting your body on one hand while trying to fondle and grope yourself with the other. Not because I want to see you do it but because I know you can.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jet Enduro
Since everybody is hitting on rydia, I shall do the same. Hey babeh! How you doin'? *flexes massively bulging muscles*
*cough and posts picture of Bunny*
Nah, I won't. This time. :D
Lover Boy, wtf? Did you steal some chef pants from Sean's wardrobe or something?
^Where's the clevage?!?!?! Blasphemy.
Nice pants Dan........hey, wait a minute! Isn't that the same material they use for picnic blankets?
Hahaha, man, **** ya'll, I like his pants. I don't know about the bell bottom thing they're doing in the second one (my guess: wind), but I enjoy them. I would totally wear those, whatever.
PBF, Benev: Both of you are attractive men. Congrats.
Welcome back, sword master. But could you please chill with the one-liners and idle talk? Stay on topic.
Um. Meeee.
Akira thats cold real cold
No one needs to tell me I have fish lips, I already know! lol :D