but you look really prettyQuote:
Originally Posted by Lady Cid
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but you look really prettyQuote:
Originally Posted by Lady Cid
Lady Cid, you have wonderful cheekbones. I think us at TFF have some okay looking members, but I think only three or four of the females here have really been under the term of what I could brand beautiful (and most of those females are the older inactive ones (QUISTISSSS, COME BACK!)). You're definately one of the prettier girls here. ;)
I'm a spud man! But thank you :p
you do look pretty Lady Cid and so do you Rydia lover.
here is some random pic of me I took a few days ago.
Yes you have ever posted these, and those trousers made me excited. They are BRILLIANTQuote:
Originally Posted by Lover Boy
Here is me last weekend, after a big night of partyin, take a WILD guess what im holdin in my hands LOL the BEST medicine for a hangover!....and i still was drunk ahhaha
Thats Oregano, right?
Oregano never helped my hangovers.
you know what helps with my hangovers? Beer. Onlay have had one though, and that was just a headache. Not a bad one either. Good Picture!
Oh yeah Raven you look georgious ^_^
there are always good lookin ppl on TFF
Oregano? No way, it's that stuff the kids are always on, crank or hash or something. Actually, if it was that, a small amount like that would be legal up here. :D
Daniel, the bellbottom effect of that second picture made you look quite foppish. Kuddos sir.
Yeah The Sexy Final Fantasy Forums.Quote:
there are always good lookin ppl on TFF
ya new name
lady cid u fine lolololozozllzoz
tff is always rockin the fine females - and the fact that they are members of a final fantasy message board merely amplifies their attractiveness. i'm a sucker for a cosplayer XD
oceaneyes - thanks for the compliment, i nearly crumbled under the weight of your confidence in that pic you posted lol
People, this thread is starting to get spammy. Please drop the spam and the idle banter, thanks.
Anyhoo, I went punting the other day. How british of me:
Got bored while stoned a few months back, and this is the result... God I need to quit smokin'.
*bust out of no where*
work college.. so business, here's pic, shades :p
Here goes one...
aww you guys look really cute! ^_^
Don't lie Now that is not good for you. J/K
ill take you all with my god damn rat beard
Thats grimy ecks, like beyond grimy, i love it!
you look like one of the homeless people i laugh at everytime i go to toronto hahahahh
the hat was put on at the last minute by the guy taking the picture - this captures my most redneck/nerdy sides at the same time - nasty facial growth with baseball cap and scowl, world of warcraft shirt and flavor-ice visible -
Ace pics Karel, Zedian and postalblowfish7 ^_^
Well, I have no up-to-date pictures of me, but when I was sorting out my room I came across an old piccie of me from 14 years ago, when I was small... well, smaller than I am now!
I wish I could still pull a cheesy grin and wear un-colour co-ordinated clothes and still look cute now... *sigh* Heh... I look a bit asian here...
O look how cute you are. Man you had some style when you wear little. No but for real you looked good as a little one better then me. I was a stupid ass.
Found another kind of old pic of me and my buddy Nate from about 2 years ago. I think we both look pretty damned retarded.
More pictures of me with friends looking like a goofy ****er
Dante, hun, think you're looking for the spam thread?
Karel, wtf! You look like Johnny Depp in Pirates of The Carribean, haha. Crazy shit, my friend, crazy shit.
Val, haha, you look a liot like my sister when she was that age. I have millions of baby pictures of her and my brother.
Musa, you iz stoned, brother!
I will have more pictures soon, my kittens, PROMISEEE!
Well, heres some brand spanking new pics of me, since i unpacked my webcam and was so bored i did a spot of posing in my indie hat! The picture behind me is the half-finnished leviathan painting I started a few days ago, so thats an exclusive in its own right too.
How in the world is that hat indie? What makes something indie? What in the freaking world is indie? How do I apply for a position? Is it like someone from Indiana or something? Because if it is, nevermind.
btw, nice tits.
Valentine you look so pretty! cool hat. you should post some pics of the leviathan painting when you are done with it. =D