Hey, it's me. This picture is two years old, but it's me.
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Hey, it's me. This picture is two years old, but it's me.
me and my boyfriend hehe
Looks like you're being man handled pretty well there.
Here, two crappy pics with cell phone...join...
Damn, I look fat in this one, but I'm not, it's just my jacket. I was 45kg when this picture was taken (2 years ago). I'm the young one.
okay and uhh heres meh...
its hard to beleive if you see a full size pic, but im only almost yeh...
me= (its 4 months old)
my friend andy= (hes 16)
my hot neighbour mike= (hes 29)
oh and also, the links dont work, so just copy and paste into address bar..!!
Rae <333
I have a strong urge to insult many of you. But I wont 'cause I'm nice.
Great pictures amigos. I'm glad some of you know how to use cameras... Others are still getting there but one day!
I'll post a dashing picture of myself sooner or later. Probably Later. Much Later.
just got out of the bath.
Now, Ben. Let's not be rude in front of all these nice people. I know this isn't a "compliment me" thread, but I'm sure you're aware of what kind of response your post will get. Be considerate. I don't want flaming or flamebaiting going on in this thread. I don't want to warn anyone (more work for me), but I will if I have to.
Anyway. I do have a few pictures, and I'll edit them in as soon as I upload them. I just wanted to get the first part of this post in.
This is a pic of me dying my hair last night. I'm getting it cut today like Eileen from Silent Hill xD It's all glossy and black now, i love hoe good your hair looks after dying it. smells good too ^_^
I'll post pics of that also.
My my, I haven't seen a picture of you in years.
That hair is as black as black gets. You did a really good dye job. I can't wait to see the post-cut pictures. Chez Daja will probably drool over you, considering how much of a Silent Hill addict she is. :D
It was her fabulous idea i believe ^_^ I just had to take her sujestion!! That and ive been wanting a sort of fringe for a while now... need something a bit more interesting than just straight. Getting it done in an hours yay!
I wish i could go back and find some of the old photos from a few years ago... is this the same thread or is there one archieved? Cuz that would be so swell ^_^ I could see how much (or little ) ive grown since i first featured on here lol xD
oh here, have another photo lol
There are a couple of older PYP threads in the archives, but unfortunately, they have lost all of their attachments due to something that went wrong with one of the forum upgrades a year or two ago. So yes, while they do exist, they're basically empty. =/
Originally Posted by OceanEyes28
Funny you say that, i was just recalling a thread like this maybe 2 years ago and i actually didn't censor myself.....turns out a lot of epopel get mad when you tell them how ugly they are HAHAHHAHAH i think i may have got into trouble for that one but it WAS a great time! LOL
its like they're sensitive to when total strangers be completely honest with them....
I was very dissapointed when I realised that I couldn't really see anything in that picture Juice. Rectify it! :P
As for me, I <3 eyeliner. Enjoy.
Well I got bored and decided to take more pictures of my ugly mug, as you can see I look stupid with facial hair but don't fret for I shall shave it off :p. All insults are welcome if you feel the urge, I know I am ugly but nothing I can do about it.
Oh Jin, you make me horny :sex:Quote:
Originally Posted by Jintatsu
Would you feel bad if I insult you? (but only as foreplay talk)
Trying to keep ontopic, there're no current pics of me, and that's great, cause lately i look like shit.(although i'm normally hotter than the sun)
If it's foreplay talk, you can say whatever you want L. ;)
Okay, time to post a picture of when I went to Tennessee to see my girlfriend, at long last.
My makeup looks awful in this picture. x_X
Oh well, it was experimental at the time.
Wow, why do you wear makeup, Jintatsu? You were one of the last guys I'd expect to see wearing it. Cool picture, your makeup isn't that bad in it :]
A) She likes it =P
B) After the throwing off the "make up is for girls and fags" attitude, I found that I liked it. Heh.
I am curious though, why would you not expect me to wear it? lol.
I think it looks sick Jin, awesome photos too buddy :thumbsup:
I let my b/f play around with my make-up. We went to a halloween party dressed as goths, and he had great fun putting on make-up, looked damn freakin sexy too. I'll have to hunt down those photos...
He also put mascara in his 'flavour saver' too because he has black hair but a light brown beard. He'd kill me for tell ppl this xD hehe
Jarad! You guys look so cuuuuuuuuuuute togeather. I'll never understand why Ellie thinks she's ugly. She's so not! Thanks for finally posting some pictures, eh? :D
Jin, can I ask you a totally serious question?
Do you and Ellie like... share make-up? I think you two look really cute together...Do you both like... take it in turns to use eyeliner and black nail polish? Again, I'm being really serious. Even though saying that makes it sound sarcastic...I'm really curious. :D
Also, I wouldn't expect you to wear make-up. It's because you're really uberly smart and...I dunno, you just don't seem the type. Not to say make-up lowers your IQ, but I'm really going off-topic now. >_>;
Because you don't seem gay.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jintatsu
I mean.
:D? :D?
I cannot see many pictures from this here comp-u-ter, but someday I will make very great compliments all the attractive personnel on this forum. Or, I will forget and call you all ugly out of spite. That has yet to be determined.
I have sneaked a peek at what Jintatsu has brought to the table, and I will say that his girlfriend is not... well, she isn't what I would expect to come out of the state of Tennessee. Trust me I think that's a compliment.
Yeah, I didn't mean to offend Jin in any way. Yeah, you did seem like the kind of 'Makeups for fags' kind of guy. I musn't of been wrong in assuming it, seeing as it appears you once thought that. I've gone out with friends with eye liner on, but that's as far as I'll go.
is it weird if i say that i did imagine you with makeup?
after all you like power metal, and that's for sissies :D
now seriously, yeah, i'm not surprised.
yeah, you don't look bad with it
and yeah, i'd do your chick (;D)
also, is it weird if i imagine you with a whip and a corset?
hahaha, trust me, none of this has offended me.
Tiff: I know, it's a struggle to get a compliment in.
Chez: Yes we do. She gave me my eyeliner and it was her nailpolish and lipstick.
Bunny: I do believe I will take that as a compliment.
L: A whip and corset would be fun me thinks. :D
I couldn't let such important matters to mere imagination Jin, and so I asked my dear firend t3h Chez to illustrate how'd you look as a corset-driven-whip-induced-pornoly-maked-up dominatrix.
Of course, only for scientific purposes.
This is the result
so this is me :-)
heeeeey here are so many nice girls..........hmmm none of them is mine ....snifffff