And how I do.
Myself and my infamous cat, Muffin. Oh, how we rule.
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And how I do.
Myself and my infamous cat, Muffin. Oh, how we rule.
Yes it does! It's very System of a Down....which means it kicks ass!!!Quote:
Originally Posted by Govinda
Hey, I have one of those as well. Let's just ignore the fact that it's the shittiest quality ever. ;!Quote:
Originally Posted by Testbug
Cute cat Govinda! And yeah that beard does kick ass. I wish i could grow a fullout beard but there is literally one area on my left cheek that for some reason doesn't grow hair at all like the rest of my face does. Haha hilarious picture Akira! Where is that taken? It almost looks like a colosseum or something.
Reminds me of my trip to france a few years ago so I'm gonna post this picture. This was written on a wall in france..funny some fellow american potheads must have visited. Kind a sums up my current mood, oh yeah and i included a photoshopped version of the same picture!
Yes indeed, that is a colosseum in the kickass city of Nimes in the south of France. Probably the reason why it reminds you of France. ;)
First, a good lesson from Brother Jesus(I didn't edit anything in that picture other than the halo and the font; I guess there's no denying my ethereal powers)!
Here's one of me in Avignon at night (as if you can't tell) with an amazing backdrop of the Pope's Palace behind me. Great proof once more for what the funding of poor Catholics is used thought you were paying to support the lesser gifted in society but you sure as hell thought wrong...I must say that the bathrooms in this damn thing were glorious to say the least (much better than the terrible excuse for a toilet they had in the rest of the places I visited)! And please excuse the terrible quality of the picture which was taken on my friend's face kind of looks mangled and deformed...What?!?! I swear it doesn't normally look like that. ;!
Holy shit is that really that colosseum!? That's the same one i went to in Nime. Sounds like we visited a lot of the same places. Fun fact for anyone who hasn't been to nime that our tour guide gave us, is that the word denim really comes from "de nime" or "from nime". So jeans are french even the word "jeans" comes from "Genes" which is the french word for Genoa, Italy where jeans were first produced.
I'm not sure if i have pictures from that colosseum i might though. As for Avignon, i was there too. I have pictures of that palace for are a lot better with names than me, because i honestly forgot where the palace was.;! That Jesus pic is hilarious though!
Did you go recently? Because this was like three years ago me I think, so it's kinda been awhile.
Anyhoo, in celebrating France pictures, this is the same palace during the day (my friend is trying to make a pope hat behind me), and i'm pretty sure is this is avignon too..? Actually i am wearing something different..hmm..i know it was around that area though. I remember it was that castle city..(see i'm horrible with names). I'm being thrown into the pit, and my french teacher is on the far left doing something to me, maybe like pretending to spear me or something :LOL:
Are you sure that's Avignon in that second picture (it's obvious the first one is)? It's just that there's a blue line above the brick which appears to be somekind of ocean, and there's no ocean in sight near Avignon. There is of course that river but if you were in the city walls, which that pic would technicaly imply, the river would completely be out of sight. Damn, I'm talking too much again. ;!
To sum up all the cities I visited during my trip there in August of this year (therefore still quite recent), we went to Orange, Avignon, Nime, Le Pradet, Cannes, Marseilles, Les Beau, St. Marie, St. Tropez, Pont Du (where that aquaduct is), and Arles...and all this in a mere week. I have to admit, every minute of it was enjoyable for me and I was bummed when we left. I'm still pissed off that we only got about three hours to tour through Marseilles which was not only the biggest but also the best city of all the ones we visited. Hpwever, they did give us like 8 hours to hang around in this little hick village Arles (which only had one interesting site which was a colosseum, but still not as cool as the one in Nimes meaning that city was basically the epitomy of sucking; had we used that time to explore Marseilles, damnit).
Are you by chance referring to Les Beau? We went to a town that was basically built into the mountain and kind of reminded me of Rohan in The Lord of the Rings which was also a town built onto a hill/mountain. Here's a pic (that's a pic of Les Beau and not Rohan by the way; it was a pretty cool little town to visit and I usually only like big cities and metropolises).Quote:
Originally Posted by GLC
And we didn't have any tour guides during the whole trip. Only our two teachers to give us info. At least they were informed because they had been to France multiple times before, meaning they didn't bullshit us with fake facts the whole time.
I think the best part of the whole trip was...the DRINKING hahahaha!!!!
On that note:
NIIICEEE!!!! (I've posted this pic before but it still hasn't lost its charm; man that brings back memories)
Some other pics I still have from the trip (that I haven't posted yet, don't worry):
I'm the cool one in that picture...what do you mean there's no cool guy in that picture? Whatever, I'm the guy in the white shirt with yellow writing in the middle.
Here's a pic of my chums in front of the second hotel's sign.
The expression on my face gives me the impression I had a rock up my ass or something...;!
Me kickin' some rockin' beats on an acoustic...did I mention I can't play a single strong on the guitar.
Enough of me for now!
Hmmm..I honestly don't remember. I'm going to have to look at more pictures of Les Beau. We started out in Paris and spent half our trip there. Then we went to the south of France and visited a bunch of small towns (and did some wine tasting). I remember we went to Arles, Nime, Avignon, Pont Du (saw the aquaducts too), Nice, St. Paul De Vence, then we crossed the border into Monaco and visited Monte Carlo. There could be a few places I don't remember though..
Yeah i really don't know if that pic is from Avignon..i know for sure that's not the sea though. I scanned these pics and the color/quality on some of them isn't the best. I don't remember if you can go on the top of the palace in avignon? The castle town i remember basically was surrounded by walls and guard towers. Ha that's good you didn't have tour guides, one of ours was awful. She was so racist, she kept warning us about how bad the gypsies were, she was ripping on these people. I got bored off my ass hearing them tell us these dumb facts.
Anyhoo, i'm talking too much too. Great pics tho. I'll have to go through my pics and see if i can find something good and figure out what town that picture is in. I should have labeled them when i had them printed.
New pictures taken by my girlfriend. Shazam. Most attractive male. Ha! I'm not so sure if that's true...
Clean shaven. Word.
most new one old. word. love me. or hate me. either or.
my new hair cut, hope you like it
aw Rydia looking good my dear. your new hair-do it's cute. :DQuote:
Originally Posted by rydia lover
Hmm. It's been a while since I last posted pictures. So here's loads.
My Uni did a chairty 3-Legged Pub Crawl. What a night that was:
It was a cowboy theme, but I didn't have a cowboy costume, so I quickly whipped one up.
Me with the weirdest face ever.
Or perhaps this is my weirdest face. (me with my housemate)
This one's my puppy dog face.
Halloween. I don't celebrate it, but I went along to a friends' party. It was also their housewarming:
Another last minute costume. My name is Strongbor! I exist to intoxicate your children!
One bite of my housemate's neck, and he was transformed into one like me.
The man behind the mask. After bobbing for Maltesers in flour.
At the Christmas lights turning on event in town:
I made me a hot sexy female dinosaur friend. I tried to tell her where the camera was, but she just didn't get it.
My good friend Chris held a house party. We were up 'till 6am. Awesome.
New hat. Awesome. (Not actually mine)
There is little greater than drinking Guinness out of a teapot.
Fluorescent juggling is trippy.
The teapot of doom appears again.
This club in town was selling small buckets containing 2 cans of red bull and 4 shots of vodka for only 1 POUND. No lies. I only had one bucket as I don't like to drink in excess, but it was still a fun night.
Me and my bucket of love.
Me and Chris and our buckets of love.
Freya and Jamie and Chris and me and our buckets of love.
I tried drinking it without a straw, but failed miserably when more spilled into my mouth than I could actually keep in there.
Puppy dog once again.
Housemate love. (We're not gay)
dang great hair cut i looks awesome :eek:Quote:
Originally Posted by rydia lover
Have another. I've been on a picture taking spree lately. I'm sure it'll end soon enough. Here's me as of about five minutes ago...waiting for my ****ing phone to arrive in the mail.
Head Shot(About a year old):
Pic for my bands My Space:
Yep... this might work
Rydia: You look alot like my first g/f. Cool. Nice hair.
oo kyle. playing guitar is a plus. awesome pics.
akira you're a cutie!! ^_^
ecks you have a friggin lip piercing which is awesome. I want one so bad.
I got bored, So I took a new picture of me earlier.
I think this is the gayest photo I've ever taken of myself.
Uhhm.. Anyway.... I took a pic at this christmas dinner because of boredom, And I decided to post it here since I'm both lazy and bored. Yay laziness.
EDIT: My sis told me it looked like I had wings over my ears... Maybe I need a haircut:P
Hell yeah man!!! Representin' Ferrari and Michael Schumacher! \m/Quote:
Originally Posted by darkViVi
After this post I would have to evaluate that you have very good taste haha. ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by jenova33
Ehhh......I don't have any picture right now....but that will soon change.
EDIT: No wait! I found a pic...THIS was the picture I sent in with my application for Baywatch back in the day. Unfortunately they cast that old man David Hasselhoff instead. Bullshit!
DV, hahahaHAHAHAH.
Yeah. You have flicky hair. You should grow it out down to your feet. You have loads of hobo type traits. Some long straggly hair with a random piece of garbage here and there should make your looks and personality fit together. Might be a bit hard to live, but hell, your hair would keep you warm, right?
You look a like a thin Eddie (SH2), actually... Holy crap.
Oh, I look like a skinny fat dude...? A homeless skinny fat dude?Quote:
Originally Posted by Chez Daja
Well, I've been called worse :P
HELL YEAH!!!!Quote:
Originally Posted by Akira
Not only that but also Mercedes! German drivers and cars are ÜBER HAXX0RZ!!!! \m/
I worked out how to take photos and make them smaller than 3MB because i'm cool. I'm not even scared of Infernal Tram anymore.
So here, myself posing shamelessly...
You are very pretty Govinda.You eyes are almost piercing, and your hair seem to be so soft an angelic. Very girl next door. I love it. Kudo's.
I normally don't like the whole look that you're sporting (not YOU mind you... just the look) but that's a great picture of you! Secksey! :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Alucard
Did your phone arrive yet?
Emo hair - Check
Aviatars (not even ray-ban) - Check
Blatant ignorance to looking like a tool - Check
Congrats Jet you fit the bill for typical angsty emo brat. Commence crying at once!
jew was back in town for xmas..well hes still here. so ya here one pic. im on the buddie is in the middle and jews the long haired blond sex god.
we were drinking everclear all we were pretty ****ed up by this point.
You know those sorts of posts aren't allowed around here.Quote:
Originally Posted by OnOneRyder
Warning for flaming.
Is it really so tough to show a little bit of respect to each other? The way someone dresses shouldn't matter for jack shit, and it's nothing to get all offensive about.