.... and back to Heavy Rain.
Without my desktop.
Printable View
.... and back to Heavy Rain.
Without my desktop.
iPhone desktop:
Laptop desktop:
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Quantum Theory all the way :D
This one may be a bit outdated, i still have the same wallpaper but i reverted back to the vista windows. I was using classic windows on vista at the time.
It's been a while since I posted that Machu Picchu wallpaper I had on here.
I thought I'd show you guys my new wallpaper. It's again a picture of Machu Picchu, taken from a greater distance, so you get to see more of the landscape around it.
Declaration of independence! :D John Adams and Thomas Jefferson FTW! :woot:
I really liked RagnaToad's desktop, and Omega Weapon's is awesome as well. :D Joe's made me lol.
Well, in honor of the last day of May (for my time zone anyway), I decided to post my brand new desktop. It's still Totoro-themed, but I like this one for all the color and the overall pleasantness of it. :) Enjoy!
Just remembered it's Memorial Day... :o Perhaps I should have picked something more patriotic?
Nice screenshot dodie, I just have to show you guys my recent desktop.
So I like the game Dead Space. It's taken up a lot of my time in the last few days, and I kinda got bored with the Heavy Rain one. Although, the Heavy Rain one still is my favourite, I needed a change!
*Awake past 1am making banners, avatars, and wallpapers. Saaad.
Bigger version.
And this is how my desktop looks like, it has been like this for quite some time now, what can I say I'm too lazy to change anything. I love this image for two reason, it's a logo of my favorite game and it black color is easy on my eyes at night. The yahoo widgets are pretty much the standard ones except for Gir, who I simply adore. That's about it, I don't have much folders cause I don't need them, everything I use it pretty much pined on my taskbar.
Mine is the Phantomhive Seal for right now lol
*Note, Google Chrome isn't my browser, I'm a Firefox user but tried Chrome and left it lol
i had an 'advent children' wallpaper up for a while...so it was time for a change
Here's my desktop with an awesome Final Fantasy XIII wallpaper.
My Heavy Rain one served its purpose for months... still my favourite one though, so I'll probably go back to it eventually. But after recently getting into White Knight Chronicles again, I thought a new one was in order.
Full size.
As with all of my uploads, click the image for the full version.
(Although it appears as though it has been dwarfed at 1600x900 when it's supposed to be 1920x1080...)
Yay, a new one! Nier!
Bigger version without my crap all over it.
Bigger than I thought o_O but right now it's the perfect and elegant maid, Sakuya Izayoi
Lookit what I found! A Minecraft Creeper! Ssssss...
I'm so in love with this picture... but unfortunately that wonderful stadium is no more, and fireworks night will never be the same :(
I love this picture. I've been thinking of changing it to a plane though (go figure)
Here ye are!
The background to my desktop changes ever so often....depending if I find something new or wanting to change it. Right now it's my sig picture...I may change it again but I thinking about it.
Me and a friend from work have played Borderlands a few times. Needless to say, it's gotten me into the game now. Quite enjoying it. I was sick of an L.A. Noire as my wallpaper anyway (didn't post that - I post here too often).
Without my crap all over it.
My current wallpaper: FFXI Ultimate Collection for Windows and XBOX360.
Epic paladin, beatrix. :)
This would be my desktop. Runs as a samba share, with a ushare script to share to my xbox in the background and also as a music player with guayadeque.
Click for bigger. Yes, my main computer is actually a smart phone, and yes I am a little into Sucker Punch after seeing the extended cut which made so much more sense then the butchered theatrical version.
I know that I haven't been on this forum for almost two months, but I'm glad that I'm back. BTW, here's my first wallpaper since I got my PC fixed (just don't ask why). And I even had to move the icons to the bottom.
P.S., in case anyone's wondering who those characters are, they are Minmay, Misa/Lisa, and Hikaru/Rick from Robotech.