I use this wallpaper some days Kingdom hearts 2 Master Form
I use this on others Bahamut vs Alexander
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I use this wallpaper some days Kingdom hearts 2 Master Form
I use this on others Bahamut vs Alexander
I got bored, and as a result I found a good image, and destroyed it by adding text and called it a wallpaper:
Full sized version.
Might keep this one for a while... I loved that game. =3
Here... *stretches boards... sorry :/ *
This is a pic of my character from FFXI fighting a goobue in Pashhow.
In anticipation for the 2010 release:
Mine. I love that Sendai Kamotsu gadget. :D
Installed Windows 7 tonight, this is my desktop so far. Still trying ot find gadgets I like. :\
It's not the entire desktop, really. I have a 1600x1200 monitor to the left of that screen, but since it's iconless and I keep the taskbar on the right monitor, there's no point in showing it.
And the I ****ing hate apple word doc on my desktop is something I wrote in a furious rant about two hours ago. >_>;
I got bored of the previous one. Being on darker websites, and then going to the brighter desktop kinda hurts at 1am in the morning. x_x
Still sticking with Shadow of the Colossus though. ;)
I think it's kinda sweet... Full sized.
Maybe I'll add a frame a later date...
So I figured out that my Webcam can indeed take pictures of my desktop! I just had to play around with it and see what buttons did what action. Haha... I wondered how you all got pics of your desktop... And now I know....
Yeah, I'm not so smart when it comes to computers. I probably could have asked how, but I feel that I accomplished something by doing it myself. It's not a big something, but by God it's something!
Well, without further ado, here is MY desktop!
Bet you didn't see THAT one coming, huh? :LOL:
Actually all I did was hold Ctrl while I pressed the "Prnt Scrn" button, it should be on your keyboard somewhere. Then I just went to MS paint and pushed Ctrl+V and then save the image ;) I don't have a webcam, yet... *jealous*
my desktop of a desktop:
I <3 my OS
Teehee! :D
I really like this one. It's dark enough to capture the feeling of just how evil Sephy can be (contrary to what others may think), but it still holds the majestic quality that he has as well.
I got a print of it for Christmas off a mate, so it was cool to find a matching wallpaper.
It's been a while since I've had the Sunny background, and for some reason never got around to posting my new one. It's a screen shot from a really important scene from the movie "Fight Club." Shut up. I really like that movie.
My desktop at the moment in preparation for FFXIII.
My desktop. =^.^=
My current desktop. I have been using this one on and off again for a while now but it has been there longer then most of the other ones I have used combined. I know there is alot of clutter with icon, what can I say I love my short cuts (lazy).
Just wish I could off that Sim3 junk into the Bin-o-death.
I love this picture. My friend sent it to me. =^.^=
First FF wallpaper for me in a while, guess I'm getting that psyched for FFXIII. :lol:
Heroes is my favorite show (even if half of it was pretty bad, it got better on this last half)
Syler is win and Peter is buff.
Here we go. New one. Heavy Rain!
Bigger version without my desktop.
I've been on a Studio Ghibli kick for a while, so I changed up my wallpaper. It's Totoro!!!
I had to move all my desktop images to the right side of my desktop, because when they were on the left, they blocked my view of my wallpaper. I'm still not used to that yet. ;/
I plan on keeping this for a while. It makes me happy to look at it. :D
This one makes me chuckle.
New one. FFXIII. ^^
Not only is this the most busiest wallpaper I've had, but it's also the most laziest. >>;
Without my desktop
Hadn't changed mine in a while, so I went searching for what to do. Found this ^ :D
Best new 2D platformer I've played in over a decade. Srsly.
(And it's on iPhone as well as DS. :D)
My backgrounds since I got my new, albeit used PC since Feb. 2010:
Before (From 2/3/10 until 3/31/10), pic came from Moonkitty.net:
And after (as of 4/1/10) with my favorite indie rock band, The Cringe:
Left to right: Dr. Jonny, John Cusimano, James "Roto" Rotondi, Shawn Pelton