This wallpaper may have cost me half my system memory, so I think I have to post it to make it worth all of that, eh..
Think maybe Winlows got pissed off and fried my RAM as punishment? :ohno:
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This wallpaper may have cost me half my system memory, so I think I have to post it to make it worth all of that, eh..
Think maybe Winlows got pissed off and fried my RAM as punishment? :ohno:
So I was a bit bored today, avoiding studying for an exam, and cleaned up my desktop. Also got a different background, since the other one was starting to bore me.
Polk wins. Now, if only you could've gotten something Dayman related.
Here's mine. It's a shot from the roof of my apartment. The buildings in the foreground all run along Queens Blvd, and all the ones in the background are Manhattan. You can see the Chrysler Building and Empire State Building really clearly in that pic used to be able to see the towers as well :/
Heres my desktop. It is of Tenby Harbour in Wales where I went on holiday this year. I don't like having that many programs on the desktop either :s
This is my newest Theme and wallpaper. I'm not completely satisfied with it, as I've yet to patch a few files that'd change media players appearance, but overall it's a gorgeous start.
Here's Mine:
BTW, the date says 05/08/09 for when the new Star Trek film comes out.
EDIT: 12/26/2008: What the image actually looks like without the icons:
I had to change mine - I've had Tifa on my screen long enough.
I thought I'd continue my new theme of Heavy Rain from my banner to desktop background! Gawd... I can't wait for the game to come out! ^^;;
Seeing it like that kinda makes me wish I had put a border on it... Oh well... :D
This is my desktop right now. I don't change things very often, so it might stay like this for several months unless I feel like finding a new wallpaper.
Oh dear God, Windows 7 is Gorgeous! (and the taskbar is reminiscent of KDE 4)
Just a stock Fallout 3 wallpaper of the Lone Wanderer and Dogmeat.
The shell I'm using I found looking for something else entirely, but I'm glad I did find it as it looks superb and has some nice customisability.
Emerge Desktop if you're interested. =D
Took this pic when it was snowing here. It's my dog, Daisy. I've had it up for awhile now, dunno when I'm going to change it.
A new shell once more, and a new Fallout 3 wallpaper. I'm liking this setup a lot... :lol:
Here is mine:
Nothing special, StyleXP stopped working and I tried to get a new version but it crapped out on me so I'm stuck with the default for now.
Scaled down?? How rude! :shake:
Since I'm back to XP, I figured I'd pimp it out with some Windowblinds and CursorXP skins! I love the window borders, and my Cursor as well.
Thought I'd drag this back... I made this one today. I think I added adjustments to it about 3 times already. Sephi wasn't there the first time, the text was added, and then I thought I'd tinker with Sephiorth a bit with burn tools... =S
Full sized without icons and stuff:
Enjoy I guess. ^^
I like your wallpaper Entity! ^__^
Mine's quite simple.. but it has a dazzling male on it:
I'm using windows 7 RC, and it's pretty pwnsome. Later I might get around to showing off the other three OS's that run on this box as well.
I don't know if I can actually post this here, since National Geographic Society has copyright on it, but I still consider this to be solely personal use so here it is:
*removed picture*
Here is my current background. Taylor Swift <3 ftw. She is the only country singer I will ever listen too, since I don't really like country music that much.
My Desktop, a picture I took of the castle at Disneyland. This was on my mac which died a few months ago and I've been using other people's computers since. But yeah, that desktop I had on my computer for as long as I had it, which was about 5 years. Never wanted to change it. :3
Taken just a few minutes ago. Bar on the right is RocketDock, friend sent me the background and I'm not sure where he got it.
Here is mine with a fresh new wallpaper added to it. Nice, clean and simple...
EDIT: Just realized how dirty my desktop really is...
DOUBLE EDIT: Cleaned! God I'm an editing freak on forums!
Ergo Proxy for me, been this way for a while now. ;!
Too bad it got resized smaller due to my res being too high for tinypic's liking.
This is my Netbook's GUI for Ubuntu Linux and my modifactions to Firefox to make it tiiiiiiiiny.
Basic Ubuntu Netbook Remix install, if you're interested in modifying your Firefox down to one bar let me know and I'll write up a guide to how I did it.
As you can see on the lefthand side of the Ubuntu NBR desktop, it's the dropdown navigation bars equivalent to the Windows Start Bar, each one you click opens the icons in the middle of the screen, you can set any programs you want to your favorites to show up in the favorites bar there.... on the right side is the file navigation equivalent to Windows Explorer, mounting devices and so forth.
It's really nifty and makes the most effecient use of the screen space I have.
This is my wall paper.
Ain't she beautiful?
My new one I made this evening after being bored to death:
Full Size Here.