One of my favorite scenes from Only Fools and Horses...
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One of my favorite scenes from Only Fools and Horses...
A huge collage I made myself but heres a tiny copy..pick the odd two out ^^
Did someone say...
Attachment 22847
I have no idea what this is, but it looks awesome (even though I do not know what I am looking at). I suppose hard to make out HD wallpapers must be awesome and because I was captivated by its complexity I decided to get it.
Attachment 22901
Haven't put up my Laptop desktop before, so here we go.
With DOSBox and Day of the Tentacle in the background, lol, I got this thing rigged up for all the old DOS and ROMs I have collected over the years.. nostalgia overload. (yet it still runs Borderlands 2 and Skyrim rather smoothly)
EDIT: Crescent, getting a "Forbidden" error for your uploaded image from that spot you uploaded it to, might I suggest you attach it here on TFF instead?
Since 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, I've come across 11 background from 11, separate Doctors, plus a 12th to round out the calendar year. I've missed January and Feburary since my PC was out of order then, but I didn't miss March:
Attachment 22981
And for April:
Attachment 22982
Update of mine! My love of the Sword of Truth series only made it fitting. ;3
Probably won't change until I get my new laptop. Tired of this piece of shit.
Because I love this game so very much.
For May, starting tomorrow:
Attachment 23111
Six ought to be fun.
Attachment 23230
Attachment 23347Attachment 23345
Here you go, and yes--Dark Souls on PC too. Don't judge me.
Here comes lucky number Seven.
Attachment 23383
BTW, have a nice Canada Day (July 1st) and American Independence Day (July 4th).
Linked as it's pretty large.
Sorry to be late, but here comes No. 8:
Attachment 23574
P.S., SPOILER ALERT: The 12th Doctor has been revealed.
Best character up until after that saga haha.
Now the modern era begins with 9:
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Ten for Tennant:
Attachment 23883
Matt Smith goes to 11.
Attachment 23942
Had to be done. Ellen Page. <3
No VG pic this time!
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Attachment 23952
Finally found something I liked. Just need a better Windows theme than Aero now.
It's dualscreen btw. I usually have whatever I'm working on in directly in front of me on my laptop (left), and split my right screen with a music player and a reference PDF or something... or just leave it showing the desktop.
Attachment 23953
Oh, if only I could live here.
Attachment 23954
my current desktop BG, its badass!
full of neglect and defaultness...