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Thread: Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit!

  1. #1
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit!

    Stole the idea (and thread name) from another forums I visit on occasion.

    Basic premise is to post pictures of all that crap you own that serves no real function other than looking pretty or collecting dust.

    Quote Originally Posted by Me on those forums
    At risk of my post being rediculously long I'll post my pictures as plain links.

    Blurry as, but if you look carefully you might see a bottle of bourbon, whickey glasses, a tachikoma from Ghost in the Shell, a glass whiskey barrel complete with working tap, a plushie of Ed and Ein from Cowboy Bebop, a model from cowboy bebop, a near empty bottle of Coruba, a Gears of War figure, an M+Ms egg and a thing I got from my grandfather which I think is from a gun or something from a war.

    Messy though clearer.
    In this you can see a print or two, Bundaberg rum moneybox, a bunch of silver jewellery and change, one or two pairs of Ray Ban sunnies, a little replica of Kurt Cobain's guitar, a retro Captain Morgan pub coaster, pirate skull, incense kits, Lara Croft action figure and a bunch of mostly random crap/deodorant/aftershave etc. Oh and under the straw hat is a wooden Tiki Head. :thumbsup:

    Fallout 3 bobble head, Sacred 2 figurine and a few special edition DVDs.

    Several of the posters/wall scrolls more or less completely covering one of my walls.

    Tool wallscroll, pirate flag, katana and a lifesize cutout of the Bride from Kill Bill.

    I dread to think how much more useless shit I'd dig up if I went through half my drawers... :spin:
    victoria aut mors

  2. #2
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit!

    I'll just post it. I have a stack of old gaming magazines, probably the only useless stuff I have in my room. And then maybe a bunch of old old old video games I've gotten for free in my life are in a box in my guest room. Nothing else, no need for pics.
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  3. #3
    Registered User Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit!
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    Re: Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit!

    I've actually gotten rid of most of the stuff that I don't use or just grew out of. There are some things I do have that don't really have a purpose, but I like having it around.

    I do have pics, but please pardon the quality. I only have a webcam.

    First up: A shelf that's above my windows. Why is it useless? Because this shelf has drawers, but the drawers don't open. It still serves as a pretty good shelf though. I mostly use it for decorative purposes and to hang random junk from. There's 2 glass hummingbirds that was given to me, and a souvenir from Peru.

    Next is my Nintendo Wii. Granted, I still use it for Wii Fit, but here lately, that's all I've been using it for. It gets far less playtime than my other consoles, and I'm kind of bummed about that. Nintendo needs to release another game for the Wii, so I actually feel like it was worth buying.

    Third pic is of my "Nerd Corner". It has a lot of things that appeals to the inner nerd (or outer nerd?) inside of me. There's two Sephiroth action figures, and a Kairi one as well. There's 5 issues of Manga: 2 from Peach Girl and 3 from a Manga adaptation of The Legend of Zelda. I mainly bought those for the artwork, so I really have no plans to continue on with either series. There's also my magazine holder that hold my player's guides. Again, I mainly buy those for the artwork, and rarely use them for their intended purpose. There's a binder that has a lot of my fanart inside, and also there's 2 knick-knacks and a couple of framed poems that were given to me.

    I also have a collection of Polly Pockets and Barbie Dolls, but they're in the back of my closet, so I don't really notice them. I have pics of the Polly Pockets in another thread, and I don't feel like dragging out my Barbie collection just to take a picture of it. Sorry.

    Finally my most useless thing of all:

    She is pretty useless, but I love her anyway!

    So that's my junk. Hope you enjoyed!
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  4. #4
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit!

    When we decorated my bedroom produced between ten to twenty bin bags of junk, including my old carpet and the wallpaper we'd stripped down. Now my room is still full of junk, but... not as bad as it was before. I can't even imagine were I'd put everything from before. o.o

    Anyway, here we go!

    My bookshelf. Not only is it full of books I've already read/not read/in the process of reading, but there are small figures and whatnot on there. I've got my Sims 2 Collectors Tin (which came free with The Sims 2 Pets, I have number 7,401 of 80,000 apparently). There's also a bunch of CDs and DVDs, a figurehead of King Tut, a drinks mat, two old perfume tins (one for receipts, one for felt tips) and a flower press. Oh, and my iPod's box... which I still have four/fives years later for some reason.

    Who remembers Texter? Or the shitty, market versions of him in the form of other animals? Well, we lost Texter's bone and neither of them have batteries. I don't even think they'd work any more anyway. My mum cleaned out a cupboard last weekend, and they ended up in my room.

    I own a wooden katana. Why is it useless? It's in my room, behind my guitar. What good is it if I'm already at the front door, and someone assaults me? Not that that'd happen, but there's always a what if? these days. My brother bought two of them off ebay for when we went to the Anime MCM Expo last year. We... didn't take them. =(

    This is the shelf above my television. The games aren't so much as junk, except for Skate. The figure of Lara Croft has been broken countless times - thank fark for super glue. There's a figure of a car, which is broken... my nan bought it for me as a toy when I was three. Ahh, child safety. Also, there's some board games which I don't play - two of which I've never played. Heh, also some folders full of empty sleeves, and some old work.

    The top of my wardrobe is home to about thirty stuffed toys and my "treasure chest". The only things up there which hold any real sentimental value to me is a Koala Bear and a Kangaroo stuffed animal. The Koala Bear can play a melody by turning a key on it's belly, and was bought for my younger mum by my aunt when she came back from her first trip to Australia, and the Kangaroo my nan got for me when she came back from visiting my aunt when I was about five. The chest is pretty neat too, and I once convinced myself it was haunted (I got it from a weird looking guy in Camden - who wouldn't?). You might also be able to spot a broken pair of headphones with a two metre long cable on the left side of the chest...

    A danger of death sign! Who needs one of these in a perfectly safe home? Well... it almost decapitated my mum once, so not completely safe...

    Am I the only TFFer who sticks stuff on mirrors? Hope not. I've got some old movie stickers on there, old school badges, a leaflet for a show my friend did the lighting for which was done last year (which I couldn't go to because of college), and my Anime MCM Expo ticket from last year.

    To others, Vincent Valentine might be junk, but I love him. So faaaaak off.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  5. #5
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit! Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    On your profile page>_>

    Re: Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit!

    i have old pokemon cards that don't use at all but i don't have any pics of them
    My Blitzball Kingdom:
    My Final Fantasy Family Ralz the First Brother I had he is stuck marrying Yuna xTidus The second Brother I had he really Adores Blitzball genomes blade My youngest Brother he Really enjoys his Older Brothers' company And my Mystic Brother Vivimastermage of Chaostroph may you never play cards with him. And my Awesome Brother Fate who is just great to be around all the time I would be lost if it weren't for him and My awesome Older Brother Meier Link the Party animal And my Soul-devouring, Soon-to-be-game making brother, Alther Primus Also introduing The Graceful Lord of Chaosthroph who adores big Swords and Über Spells." Elyon My Awesome Learning Sister Himi And my Auron Loving Sister Dodie16 I introduce you to My younger sister Ann another fan of FF 10 My Fluffy, Vanilla-colored Moogle, Meigumi And my younger Sister Terra Branford the pie loving Fullmetal alchemist FF6 Obsessed If you want in and you are a fan of Blitzball send me a VM and you are welcome to come
    My Duck Legion Members:
    Ethan Can U Say Freak Silver

  6. #6
    The Bad Boy of TFF Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit! Block's Avatar
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    Re: Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit!

    I'd post a picture of my useless stuff, but then everyone would get jealous of how much useless stuff I have. Instead here's a useless thing I found on the Internet:

    That's right, waffles shaped like a keyboard.

  7. #7
    Cilla vs. Games Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit! Priscilla's Avatar
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    Re: Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit!

    I have A LOT of random stuff. I try to keep my room as clean as possible so there isn't much to see. But three rooms of the house are mine so I tried to take as many photos of stuff as I could. I just took them with my camera because it's faster. Sorry for the bad quality =].

    This first one is my dresser. Well the top of it. It was most of my random stuff. You can see my Final Fantasy XIII poster, 18th Birthday thing, Dolce&Gabbana watch, my jewelry box with a rubber band shaped as a pig, Figurines like Rem and Goku, some Pokemon ones too. My Bayonetta gun. My hermit crab home which doesn't have a hermit crab in it at the moment. Some more figurines on top of that. All of my moving details and my flight ticket are in front of that. Some Kingdom Hearts cards, a slinkee, Australian Open official tennis balls, tissues, a bear a friend got me from California, more figurines and a photos of a friend and I. Oh and you can't really see but I also keep my receipts from Japan on there =]

    My Beanie Kids are what is underneath. I have 103, I think? I think these are called Beanie Babies in the UK. I am not 100% sure though. Beside the dresser is my Mirror. I always wanted a mirror like this so mum got me one as a present for Christmas a few years ago.

    This photo is of my bed. Which is the favourite part of my room. I love it. But the photo is focusing on Munchlax who was an impulse buy because he was $15 from $60. I love him to death now. This is one of two of my bed side tables. It has my alarm clock (which I don't use because Martin is my alarm), a couple of perfumes and my DS on the top. Which I usually play in bed because it puts me straight to sleep. I couldn't get a good photo of the contents. But that is full of random cords, chargers, four tamagotchis, a PC cd drive and some other things. The second draw has cds and more random things and the last one has paperwork and things. Oh and my stereo is beside there. Oh btw my other bedside table has clothes in it.

    I also have many of These. They fill most of my room and they are love letters from my man. They make me happy and I know a lot of them off by heart =].

    This is the inside of door one of three of my wardrobe. It has two wire boxes of books and magazines and two wire boxes of shoes. It also has four draws of clothes, on top it has some teddies, skirts, my handbag.. On top of that is my tennis ball mum got everyone to sign for my 12th birthday. This is door two of my wardrobe which has some of my clothes. It is normally full but a lot of my clothes are in the wash at the moment =[. Above that is Some random stuff Bags and boxes of photos, 18th birthday cup, hair straightener, Jpop idol posters, Japanese things etc.

    This is the random part of my room that follows me around. In my lounge room we randomly have two computers. This is mine and my brothers lounge. Not the main one. It is also where we play our games. I am counting this because it's my room still =]. This is mega old stuff like gameboys and gameboy games, GC controllers.. Everything under the sun is under there.

    Some random stuff in my bathroom. Mum constantly gives me make up and I hardly wear it so it just gets added to the collection. My brother and I have an organ for some reason? We also have an exercise ball.

    Whoo. That was fun =]

    Oh PS I also have this in my purse. It's my credit card with a picture of Dippy on it. =]

  8. #8
    Ellipsis Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit! Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit!

    I'm bored. I'll just post it here, since I hate cameras, what, what, and because I'm also camera shy.

    + I have a small stack of pokemon cards in a little Zapdos-designed box. No, it's not fancy either, and due to the amount of cards I tried to fit in, it's now breaking. >w>; Was once a little fangirl and I loved collecting trading cards. No, that doesn't mean I collect Yu-gi-Oh cards either. Or Baku-whatever that is.

    + An incredibly small Riolu plushie that I love. xD It's about the size of a PS2 controller. <3

    + A scroll poster of FFXII for some odd reason. Yeah, it has the main cast in it. Ashe, Vaan, Penelo, Balthier, Fran, Basch.... If wondering, YES, Ashe has her finger against her nose in it..... Which I found pretty awkward. Maybe I should have gotten that scroll poster of Sora.

    + A little jewelry box I got from my mom on Christmas. No, my mom didn't know I don't like jewelry. It makes a nice chest for personal things though.

    + A poster with 3 pictures! One full-sized, two halves. It came with the Mana Khemia 2 prenium set. I don't know why they didn't include Enna in the poster, though. Puniyo's side of the poster is up on my wall.

    + A CD case of some of the Mana Khemia OST. Why didn't they add the rest of the ST? >____> Don't tell me I have to listen to them on my PS2 when I'm bored!

    + Lots of books---I don't remember how many, though

    + Tons of pencils... Most of them have hard erasers.

    + 1000 jigsaw pieces that's taking me forever to finish
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

    TFF Family~:

    Ice-cream loving brother Fate
    The great benevolent dark lord Elyon Demidias
    Lovable doll ViviMasterMage
    Soul Stealing, Chaos-loving, Pom-pom eating older brother Alther Feyz Lucifer Primus
    The Awesome and Dashing Thief, ethan
    The Stealthy Swordsman of Poetic Power, genome's blade

  9. #9
    The Bad Boy of TFF Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit! Block's Avatar
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    Re: Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit!

    OMG here's another awesome one!

    I wonder what it says to you? Like, "You think you can jerk off with that weak ass hand of yours!?" or, "Keep on squeezing it out!"

  10. #10
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit! Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit!

    This is probably the best thing I own. I bought it when we went to Springfield, Illinois as part of a band trip on the way to St. Louis.


    Yes. It's an Abe Lincoln action figure. I approve.


    But if we're talking about truly useless pieces of shit



    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  11. #11
    Little Pandemonic Carnival Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit! Insufficient Mage's Avatar
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    Re: Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit!

    Well, I have a lot of "useless shit".

    Firstly, my bed. ...Its not really useless, I use it all the time.

    Next up, we have the top half of my bookshelf. But really, all those gashapon figures are useless, I just like them.

    Here's my window, some plushies/stuffed animals (that's not even close to half of them), and my keyboard. Plus a vintage bench.

    Most of my media... These pictures are kind of old, so there are some new additions that aren't shown (and subtractions... Like my PS3 and all its games... *grumble grumble*). Basically, all my anime, most of my games (some are in the other room), some old Game Informer magazines, some art supplies, some lunchboxes filled with junk I have no room for... and Bubbles.

  12. #12
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit! ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Post pics of your Useless (Awesome) Shit!

    Yay! Time to reveal my inner show-off (^-^)

    I just took these on my phone when I noticed the thread. Sorry about the pretty bad quality, my phone is only a 1.3 MP camera.
    OK, first thing I'd like to share are these weird ceramic skulls and stuff I have in my rewm. I won them at an arcade for about 50 tickets each (which cost me about £3 on each). The egyptian head is the oddest one because it holds a candle on it's head. Currently, it houses a guitar pick and a penny.
    This is the top of my wardrobe, which has a bunch of figure boxes on it. The front 4 boxes have figures in, but there are loads of empty FF figure boxes behind them. Bit messy, buht I don't care
    No new generation consoles allowed in my room! Here is my Megadrive, PS2 and Gamecube. The Gamecube is my favourite console Yes, that is Mickey Mania in the MD
    Two of my favourite things here. My figures of Lemmy Kilmister from Motorhead and Joey Ramone. Lemmy's Bass has proper strings on it.
    My massive CD collection. I very rarely download stuff because I much prefer to have a physical product rather than just files on my computer. I have a bit of everything there, from Dir En Grey to Eminem, Duran Duran to Lady Gaga, Shaggy to Cradle Of Filth and everything inbetween. I currently own 335 CDs o_O
    Now, my most prized posessions, my instruments. The Guitar is my Cherry Red Epiphone SG. It really is an awesome guitar. I own 3 guitars, but this is my favourite. Then at the bottom, my Ukulele! It is my favourite ever. Then, finally, my Korg Kaossilator. Not officially an instrument, but still make some sweet music. I use it for my Electronic music project, and remixes and stuff.
    My Skullcandys! I love them. I used to have the Black and Gold ones, but they snapped, so I got some mint green and white ones, and they have been much more reliable. Also, my glass of Vimto I had at the time
    My favourite set of DVDs here. Scrubs of course! Best show ever. Still waiting patiently for Series 8 to come out.
    Now, my band swag, which I have gotten from various gigs. The first is a signed ticket from when I saw The Misfits in September 08. It is signed by Jerry Only himself! The second is a piccy of two guitar picks. The Soil one is what I got personally handed to me by the guitarist (I was in the front and he kept looking at me. I was going nuts!) all the way back in January 07, and the Saxon one is from November 09 when I saw them with Motorhead. The final thing is two Dir En Grey CDs, from when I saw them in January 09. The one laying down is a sample CD they only sold on the tour they were on when I saw them, while the other is signed by Die! Best moment of my life so far is when I met him. He was awesome.
    The best shelves ever in my room. The top is where I keep my Gamecube & PS2 games. The middle one is my manga shelf, with Cloud, Aeris & Tifa guaring it. I have the whole series of Death Note, including Another Note. I also have all the Vampire Knight books available so far (I forgot to put 9 on my shelf as I had just bought it). The bottom one is my DVDs. Just out shot, above my games, I have more FF figures. I have AC Cloud and Sephy, Squall, Rinoa, Selphie, Balthier, Vaan and Angelo from Dragon Quest VIII.
    And last picture is me in my room, with some more amazing stuff, including my Horror figure shelf (I have a lot of figures...).

    OK, so less useless stuff, but it's all pretty awesome!
    Last edited by ZantetsukeN; 03-10-2010 at 03:37 PM.

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