Stole the idea (and thread name) from another forums I visit on occasion.

Basic premise is to post pictures of all that crap you own that serves no real function other than looking pretty or collecting dust.

Quote Originally Posted by Me on those forums
At risk of my post being rediculously long I'll post my pictures as plain links.

Blurry as, but if you look carefully you might see a bottle of bourbon, whickey glasses, a tachikoma from Ghost in the Shell, a glass whiskey barrel complete with working tap, a plushie of Ed and Ein from Cowboy Bebop, a model from cowboy bebop, a near empty bottle of Coruba, a Gears of War figure, an M+Ms egg and a thing I got from my grandfather which I think is from a gun or something from a war.

Messy though clearer.
In this you can see a print or two, Bundaberg rum moneybox, a bunch of silver jewellery and change, one or two pairs of Ray Ban sunnies, a little replica of Kurt Cobain's guitar, a retro Captain Morgan pub coaster, pirate skull, incense kits, Lara Croft action figure and a bunch of mostly random crap/deodorant/aftershave etc. Oh and under the straw hat is a wooden Tiki Head. :thumbsup:

Fallout 3 bobble head, Sacred 2 figurine and a few special edition DVDs.

Several of the posters/wall scrolls more or less completely covering one of my walls.

Tool wallscroll, pirate flag, katana and a lifesize cutout of the Bride from Kill Bill.

I dread to think how much more useless shit I'd dig up if I went through half my drawers... :spin: