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Thread: Pillows

  1. #1
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Come in all shapes and sizes and have 1001 uses! You can sleep on them, lean on them, **** them, use them as a surfboard...

    Got favourite pillows or a favourite pillow setup?
    How do you use your pillows?

    Me, I got rid of all pillows bar three a while ago. I kept two standard bed pillows which I rest my head on while sleeping and a body pillow I throw at people/use with the two standard pillows to prop myself up while gaming from my bed.
    victoria aut mors

  2. #2
    The Bad Boy of TFF Pillows Block's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    memory foam pillows ftw. seriously.

  3. #3
    Sir Prize Pillows Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    I have two standard firm pillows, one memory far the best of them all...a seventy dollar eiderdown stuffed pillow. It's absolutely wonderful and completely different from any pillow you could've possibly tried.


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  4. #4

    Re: Pillows

    Pillow fights hurt, I don't care what you say... so does Ghost Rider at Knots Berry Farm, don't ride that sh*t.

    I usually sleep with two pillows at least, and I always sleep with one arm under my pillow, if not that then I hug it. I don't really pay attention to what kind of pillows I use.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 02-11-2010 at 02:00 AM.

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  5. #5
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Pillows The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    Damn i feel ashamed saying this, but i have like 5 pillows I have two I sleep on, and the other ones are just to make a big mountain to sleep under, along with two big blankets
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  6. #6
    Registered User Pillows
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    Re: Pillows

    I'm one of those wierdos that have pillows on thier bed for decorative purposes. Why? I haven't really got a clue. I'm not trying to impress anyone. I just like the way it looks.

    I have two really large, down-feather pillows, and two medium-sized cotton pillows that are just propped up on the head board of my bed when I have it made properly. I don't use them to sleep on. They're just for looks. I guess my cat appreciates them? She's the only one, besides myself, who even uses my bed, much less looks at how I have the thing set up.

    As for what I actually sleep on, just two regular cotton-filled pillows. I rest my head on one of them and the other I lay to one side and rest up against it.

    When I was little, my grandma made me sleep on one of those pillows that were stuffed with some sort of beads when I spent the night at her house. They were very uncomfortable, and I never slept well if I tried to use them. She insisted that it was better for my neck to sleep on one of those rather than a regular cotton filled one, but I would just set it in the floor and sleep without a pillow.
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  7. #7
    Pedobear approves Pillows Shadow Of Darkness's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    You can sleep on them, lean on them, **** them, use them as a surfboard...
    you forgot to say : eating them !
    they look like gigant munchmallows

    ****ing them? hmmm....

    anyway..I have a regular,old school, worn out pillow and a memory foam, I use the regular to just lean back on him and the memory pillow when sleeping..its really soft


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  8. #8
    Do the elements trust you? Pillows bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    Quote Originally Posted by Block View Post
    memory foam pillows ftw. seriously.
    How does the video relate to pillows I'm seroiusly curious
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  9. #9
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    Quote Originally Posted by genome's blade View Post
    How does the video relate to pillows I'm seroiusly curious
    I think he was going by the name.

    On my bed, I have two pillows. They're both foam pillows. I switched to foam because I wasn't sleeping well with my memory foam pillow - that sh*t is heavy, but used to be comfortable. Then I got a feather pillow, but feather pillows only really work if you sleep with two - I found my self puffing it up millions of times in the night. Also, it hurts and itches when a feather stabs you. x__x

    Anyway, I sleep with just the one pillow. Two gives me head and neck aches. The other pillow still gets used when I make my bed. Along with my cushions, it makes a comfortable rest when I'm using the laptop (like right now) and when I'm playing video games. My spare pillow keeps me warmer in winter, if I put it between me and the wall. I wake up cuddling it sometimes... ;-;

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  10. #10
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    I've got 3 plus a long one so 5? I use 1 of them usually, sometimes none at all. You will lose at a pillow fight with me.
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  11. #11
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    I have 5 on my bed at all times, 10 if you include the throw pillows that are shoved in the closet. I only use 2 (both under the head) while my wife uses 3 (2 for head one to cuddle with).

    They are all just plain pillows nothing special about them with the exception of the firmness of them.

    I have to use a soft and a medium pillow combination, I am so use to that combination that if I use anything else I get severe neck pains. It sucks because about twice a year my wife will change pillows with me and not tell me about it. The next morning I wake up bitching and moaning because I am in so much pain! Haha.

    Also, before anyone asks, yes I am jealous of her cuddle pillow! I should be the closest thing to those boobies, not a bag o what ever is in a pillow (they are not feather down).
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  12. #12
    Death Before Dishonor Pillows Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    I got three pillows. Two are huge memory foam pillows that are the length of the bed, and one is a pillow my doctor gave me to put under my ass when I am sleeping. It is supposed to help with my back problems...

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  13. #13
    The Bad Boy of TFF Pillows Block's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    Quote Originally Posted by genome's blade View Post
    How does the video relate to pillows I'm seroiusly curious
    Much like the Wu-Tang Clan memory foam pillows ain't nothing to **** with. Question answered.

  14. #14
    Bananarama Pillows Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    I use 2, and they're in dire need of replacing. I also have a decorative Mets pillow, because it's the shit.

    Lately I've been getting better sleep without the pillows because they're so damn flat and uncomfortable.
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  15. #15
    #LOCKE4GOD Pillows Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    I have three on my bed. Two are decorative, and only because mum decided they should be there. Four kids in my house (well, two recently moved out), and we all have the same beds, so mum decided it would be cool to have the same pillows and duvets. Which is weird, I know.

    I use the third one for sleeping. It's very thin. Anything thicker and I wake up with a crook neck. I'm not sure if that's just what I'm used to, or whether that's just my spine structure for you. Meh, it's comfy enough.

  16. #16
    TFFF Ghost Pillows Howling Wind's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    I use pillows to sleep on and lean against in bed to read. Anything I do with them besides that is nobody else's biz! =^.^=

  17. #17
    Cilla vs. Games Pillows Priscilla's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    I love my bed set up. I can't stand a bedroom that has a lame bed spread and pillows. So I have a lot. I have a Queen size bed. So I have four normal pillows. Two on each side obviously. Two big continental pillows (the big square ones) behind them against my wooden bedhead and then three smaller square pillows infront. It doesn't make much sense so let's see if I can find a photo.

    I could only find one photo and it doesn't show the three at the front. Oh well. Sorry guys =]. It's a terrible photo too. But they are my pillows =D
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  18. #18
    Air from my lungs. Pillows Violet's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    I have too many pillows. It depends on my sleeping position mostly, like.. if I'm sleeping on my stomach, I just use one.. if I'm sleeping on my back, I use two. But the other 7 pillows that occupy my bed get thrown onto my drawing desk-easel. They just get in the way.

  19. #19
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Pillows midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    I usually roll with 3-5... more if i can... I'll barricade myself in with pillows... cuddles them, sleeps on them, drool on them... all in the name of comfy comfy sleep time...

    Don't roll without some pillows... it'd be a mistake. They're good for other things too! more is better.

    Last edited by midgetbob; 02-12-2010 at 01:42 AM.

  20. #20
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    Couldn't be ****ed making a new thread.
    Some people marry their pillows.

    Man marries pillow - Your daily fix of celebrity gossip

    It's like ****ing a pillow, only you're making a commitment!
    victoria aut mors

  21. #21
    Professional Klutz. Pillows Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    I actually have a wide selection of them. I have 4 on my bed; 2 feather, 2 wool. I also have 2 memory foam pillows that I sit on whilst I play on my Xbox. Then there are 2 cushions that just sit on my couch not doing much.

    I love one of my feather pillows. I've had it a while and I have trouble sleeping without it. It's been with me to boarding school, uni and friends houses. It doesn't have a name or anything. I just think it's comfy and smells familiar.

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  22. #22
    Asking all the personal questions. Pillows RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Pillows

    I have a outrageously comfy latex rubber pillow a bit like memory foam but not as firm they hold the shape for 5 years and then I just have a cheap dodgy pillow to double up with for when I like to sit up and read my Oxford edition on Metallurgy. I can't stand feather pillows mainly because they kept me awake because I would try and pull all the feathers through the fabric and was pretty successful.
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