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Thread: Policy of Ladies First?

  1. #1
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    Policy of Ladies First?

    So yeah, I'm a nice guy and I like to be polite but there's just not much I can stand from this ladies first men last policy I'm noticing now. Yesterday when I was about to get on the bus, there was 3 women and 3 men (1 of them including me), now when the bus came I was about to get on because I wanted a seat, and I was tired as hell, but before I got on this other guy goes in front of me, and lets these women on before him, but when it came to the other guys he couldn't care less. Another example is when I went to the mall today, after I got off the train there were 2 women in front of me, and I know they noticed me behind them.

    They opened the door but instead of holding it open then pratically slammed it in my face! Now I'm not saying they were supposed to hold the door or anything but I'm just saying, its common courtesy, but in the case of women holding the door for a man or letting a man go first or hell even an elderly man go first its like they don't believe in doing that, but men (from which I'm seen alot) literally break there necks just to let women go first! But most women don't show any kind of courtesy at all, it's always about them. Which leads me to gender stereotypes.

    Women complain that they aren't being treated fairly, that men overshadow them in the workplace and they feel scared and threated. But if you noticed or rather I have noticed that most women are literally acting for shit to happen to them. I mean I used to work with the most sluttiest woman at this restarurant I used to work out, and she always dressed like a slut and complained alot that she was always being sexually harassed by the male workers, but she was hitting on them! And one of the male workers got fired because of her slutty behind. Women can also play the role of the victims and blame men for all the problems.

    In fact women have been the downfall of men all throughout history (except for me), and this makes me think why men even bother at all. And most women act like assholes, seriously when I'm sitting on the bus and I want to have the seat to myself because I'm tired and drained, some woman comes and starts complaining that I took her seat, but I got on before her...>_>. Sorry if this sounded like a rant but it's been bothering me lately. I have a couple questions for both the men and women of TFF.

    For The Men:

    Do you think its a duty of every man to be polite and show constant courtesy to females, but shun other men?

    For the Women:

    Do you feel you deserve Courtesy by men?

    NOTE: I didn't make this thread to belittle women, I'm not sexist in any way.
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

    XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!

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  2. #2
    I don't really go out of my way to be courteous to women. I'll be nice to everyone in general, but I won't go out of my way for any of them. The only exception is if it's someone I know. If I know you're nice, if you seem nice, I'll probably return it.

    Of course, that brings me to the fact that I dislike more men than I dislike women. There are plenty of women I don't get along with, but there are far more men.

    But overall, I shun everyone. So to answer your question, no.

  3. #3
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    My "women first" policy generally only applies to female friends I feel "protective" of, or a significant other.

    I will hold the door, out of common courtesy, but not allow them to pass in front of me, just hold my arm out behind me as I pass until they grab the door. I do this for all people in general.

    I don't treat women with more or less respect than I treat men, unless said woman is my significant other or just a close friend.

    However in relationships or in dating I'm generally a "you go first" or "hold the door/open the car door" etc type of guy.

  4. #4
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I hold the door open for anyone. What pisses me off is when you don't get a "Thank you!". I also give my seat up on the bus for the elderly and pregnant women, because (I think so anyway) thats normal and fair.

    Do you feel you deserve Courtesy by men?

    It's nice and everything, but I don't need it. I'm perfetly capable of opening a door standing on my own two feet thank you. I don't feel it is a must, although I welcome it. Also, I don't blame men - or women for that matter - for my problemos. I don't dress like a slut, but if I did I would be aware that there would be men who would hit on me - one of those things that go with the territory.

    Only thing I'd expect of men (well, mainly a boyfriend/husband) is that they put the seat down when they are done in the loo. Oh, and not putting the butter knife in with the jam - but then I or another woman could be guilty of that one too.

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  5. #5
    Asking all the personal questions. Policy of Ladies First? RamesesII's Avatar
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    Do you think its a duty of every man to be polite and show constant courtesy to females, but shun other men?
    My mother brought me up in the ways of Chivalry and that was a big effort because she was one woman against four men in our family but despite the odds my mother raised me well and to not only be courteous to women but to everyone, whats the saying you get what you give. She even taught us to put the toilet seat down yes a man that puts the toilet seat down lol now you may think the odds are in favour of the men, why should the men put the seat down to one woman while there are four men in the house nevertheless we did that as well as letting woman through doorways first or offering a seat especially a pregnant woman i would go out of my way to help a pregnant woman and elderly people.

    They opened the door but instead of holding it open then pratically slammed it in my face! Now I'm not saying they were supposed to hold the door or anything but I'm just saying, its common courtesy, but in the case of women holding the door for a man or letting a man go first or hell even an elderly man go first its like they don't believe in doing that, but men (from which I'm seen alot) literally break there necks just to let women go first! But most women don't show any kind of courtesy at all, it's always about them. Which leads me to gender stereotypes.
    I don't find that it is just woman yes some people think they above everyone else wehther it be woman or man and i do encounter these people all the time they are just plan inconsiderate and rude so i don't just think it is narrowed to woman in this case.

    Women complain that they aren't being treated fairly, that men overshadow them in the workplace and they feel scared and threated. But if you noticed or rather I have noticed that most women are literally acting for shit to happen to them. I mean I used to work with the most sluttiest woman at this restarurant I used to work out, and she always dressed like a slut and complained alot that she was always being sexually harassed by the male workers, but she was hitting on them! And one of the male workers got fired because of her slutty behind. Women can also play the role of the victims and blame men for all the problems.

    Yes i think that is true and i do believe that i have heard of stories that are the same case where the woman complain and try and get the men fired and in trouble but yet they bring it upon themselves and then some women are just plain bitches sorry for the language but it is true they can be kiniving pieces of work and are out to get the men in the workplace, but it is should be the mans will to avoid situatiuon but we are to dumb and blame it on the woman, having said that that is not my general oipinion i have worked besides plenty of woman and they have been nice, hard workers, and determined to get the job done.

    In fact women have been the downfall of men all throughout history (except for me), and this makes me think why men even bother at all. And most women act like assholes, seriously when I'm sitting on the bus and I want to have the seat to myself because I'm tired and drained, some woman comes and starts complaining that I took her seat, but I got on before her...>_>. Sorry if this sounded like a rant but it's been bothering me lately. I have a couple questions for both the men and women of TFF.
    I don't think they are the down fall of man just the downfall of our finances and manly freedom. In general i will be courteous and polite to anyone, sometimes i can be a total arse and be rude it depends on the mood i am in but i will always will offer help to pregnant woman or the elderly or if i see someone struggling with something.

    I hold the door open for anyone. What pisses me off is when you don't get a "Thank you!". I also give my seat up on the bus for the elderly and pregnant women, because (I think so anyway) thats normal and fair.
    Yes that also pisses me off especially when you go out of your way to hold a door open or let them in from a slip lane on a busy street while driving. So i just say jog on

    It's nice and everything, but I don't need it. I'm perfetly capable of opening a door standing on my own two feet thank you. I don't feel it is a must, although I welcome it. Also, I don't blame men - or women for that matter - for my problemos. I don't dress like a slut, but if I did I would be aware that there would be men who would hit on me - one of those things that go with the territory.
    Yes and then you can also get the woman that like to feel independant and don't like help or are disgruntled when offered help, but like i said even if the woman does dress sluty it should be up to the men to restrain themselves especially in the workplace. And to those you don't like a helping hand i also say JOG ON
    But then again i am someone you rarely accepts help but only because i am a perfectionist and like things done my way and feel that if any way else is a part of it they will ruin it so i can't really talk.
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  6. #6
    Sh*t! I just cast Firaga on myself! Policy of Ladies First? Neo Nagisa's Avatar
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    My rule is "Attractive women come before Jesus." >_>.

    On a serious note, what selfless man wouldn't put himself aside for a woman? (Assuming it's a 'Normal' occasion and she isn't trying to kill you, or anything similar.)

    The fastest, shortest, smexxxiest demon you will ever know. >P

  7. #7
    As a woman, I think my answer would have to be a general no...
    However just general manners are important. Like I would open a door for a guy (and I'm a girl). I don't expect anything back... but then I wouldn't expect him to have opened the door for me.
    Personally I just hate all the women out there who whine about not being treated fairly. They set bad examples... and for sure in this day and age it's hard for anyone to know where you stand. There are some of us out there who are decent :3

  8. #8
    Imperius Rex Policy of Ladies First? Storm's Avatar
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    People who think that they deserve to be treated differently by throwing a card annoy me genrally. I don't expect to be treated differently from a man (afterall equality is ment to be about being treated as an equal), but I see it as courtasy if someone holds a door open for me. I always hold a door open for people, especially if they are elderly or disabled, as I have been brought up to be respectful and polite to people.

    It seems to me that these people are just extremely rude. Unfortunatly the world is riddled with them. I find myself constantly having to walk in the road as people don't think about giving way when walking on pavements. People will not hold a door even if you are just behind them and have your hands full with the weekly food shop. From a lot of the younger generation I get odd looks for my slightly eccentric dress-sense (not exceptionally eccentric, it's probably because I don't wear trackies or 6 inches of makeup), and because I am well-spoken. I don't expect people to go out of their way to be nice to me, however I do expect politeness from people. Rudeness is one of my biggest peeves.
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  9. #9
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom Policy of Ladies First? Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    This really depends what kind of mood im in!!!

    If im in a gennerally good mod then i hold the door open for most people of both sexes.

    if im in a bad mood i just storm through doors and don't think twice about anyone else it's bad i know and a habbit im trying to get out of!!

    if its anygirlfriend or potential; girlfriends then i hold the door open for them to go through but thats only so i can cop a free look at thier backside
    Joking i swaer


  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    In fact women have been the downfall of men all throughout history (except for me), and this makes me think why men even bother at all. And most women act like assholes, seriously when I'm sitting on the bus and I want to have the seat to myself because I'm tired and drained, some woman comes and starts complaining that I took her seat, but I got on before her...>_>. Sorry if this sounded like a rant but it's been bothering me lately. I have a couple questions for both the men and women of TFF.

    NOTE: I'm not sexist in any way.
    He shoots, he scores!

    Anyway, I like it when men hold doors open and smile for me. I have a little soft spot for age-old gestures like that. The ones who add in a little bit of a bow are my favourites.

    I am indiscriminate about people I hold doors open for. If you're talking loudly behind me, that shit is slamming in your face. It's slamming even harder if you've got one of those Guildford accents. However, if you're just walking or being normal, expect an attempt at a smile. Expect a proper smile if I find you attractive/you don't look completely boring. Or if you're old etc.

  11. #11
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Policy of Ladies First? Polk's Avatar
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    I generally only use the "Ladies First" policy when it comes to my male friends, as in I'll hold the door open for them and say "Ladies First!" And then they totally get all mad because I called them a girl. Then I do a celebration dance for about 20 minutes while they wallow in their own self pity for being burned so bad (because I just called them a lady you see), and everyone around us laughs because the joke was so funny. I'm so popular!

    When I'm with women, I do hold the door open for them. They usually thank me until I say "You know how you could really thank me? Take off your shirt," and make suggestive eyebrow gestures to them. Then they go tell someone. I mean, really? Geez. I opened the DOOR for you. Fine. **** you, then.

    I don't know. Women are weird.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  12. #12
    Warrior Ninja Policy of Ladies First? Led Zeppelin's Avatar
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    I understand your statement about women wanted to be treated equally yet that ladies first thing and what not...I'm a girl but I know how to doesn't bother me if a guy is in front of me just go...when they let me go first it makes me feel inferior which I don't personally like...And I don't like it when people hold the door for me because I'm a girl either...I can open it myself my arm won't snap off from pushing the door xD...

  13. #13
    The Persistent Flourish Policy of Ladies First? Alice's Avatar
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    Oh, I show courtesy to females, alright. Just not every single one of them. If the person in question is being a bitch and constantly rude, really, I don't see why I'd show it. Otherwise, yep, I show courtesy.

    I don't shun other men though, I act polite to everyone. As long as they act that way towards me, anyway. You respect me, I respect you. That still applies to everyone, even females.

  14. #14
    It seems like no one understands the reason men let women go first. It is to look at them. Watching a woman walking from behind can be a very beautiful, serene, magnificent experience.

    I don't let women open doors for me. I will stop walking.

  15. #15
    Registered User Policy of Ladies First? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Do you feel you deserve Courtesy by men?

    No I don't feel like I deserve it, some men are just naturaly like that, and it's nice feeling having someone offering a seat to you or holding a door open for you, to me it shows good manners, respect and helpfulness from the guy.
    I show courtesy for men aswell, there have been many times where I have held a door open for a guy or let a guy go ahead of me, and it's cos I'm a polite person.

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  16. #16
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Policy of Ladies First? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    I think the Ladies First thing is a combination of many traditions in various cultures. Be it the adoration of women in certain Native American groups or the Medieval European Knighthood.

    Males are programmed by nature to impress the female individual of their kind. Different animals do it in many different ways.
    Humans do what works for them. Although not all women want a gentleman, I suppose the regular woman would find a certain attraction in a man behaving noble and friendly.

    I guess men have picked it up when it became popular to be gentlemen. And I think, despite all different tastes women would have, those gestures are traditionally being kept alive, since we humans are so keen on traditions to have something to stand on.
    (Note that according to modern etiquette a woman should go down the stairs first, but up the stairs last, originally to make sure no man could look under her skirt.)

    Personally, I haven't had any bad experiences in my adult life when it comes to the Ladies first "tradition".

    I dó like a society in which women want (and deserve) to be treated well (Just think of the guy paying for diner on a first date, we like the role we play in the social network). But I don't like it when women take anything for granted. And certainly not when they insist on, say, stepping on a bus first because they're a woman.

    That kind of takes all the kindness, tradition, or even magic from it.

    @ Phantom: I think 1 bad experience just had you worried too much about the other sex One woman is not necessarily representative for the whole group, certainly not in this multi-ethnic, multi-sexual, multi-whatelse society.

    After all, not ALL men are selfish, cheeky bastards.
    Or are we?

    @ Zoe: I'm with you on the "playing the woman card" thing, or indeed any card playing in general.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 05-23-2009 at 08:27 PM.
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  17. #17
    I invented Go-Gurt. Policy of Ladies First? Clint's Avatar
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    I'm not a big fan of the policy of "ladies first." On the R.M.S. Titanic, women and children were allowed into lifeboats that were only 20% occupied, whereas, if the crew treated everybody equally and let men on as well, occupying the boats even more, hundreds of lives could have been saved. With that being said, I feel it's safe to say that the "ladies first" policy kills.

    Do you think its a duty of every man to be polite and show constant courtesy to females, but shun other men?

    Sure, a hundred years ago, it was every man's duty to be polite and courteous to women. They were housewives and mothers back then. Not many had jobs, and none of them had any say in society. But now, women are a dominate entity. They work, they're independent, and a lot of them are really grumpy literally all the time. In those circumstances, I don't feel the need to hold the door for anybody but my mother and my grandmother. Everybody else can suffer.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Egon Spengler View Post
    I'm not a big fan of the policy of "ladies first." On the R.M.S. Titanic, women and children were allowed into lifeboats that were only 20% occupied, whereas, if the crew treated everybody equally and let men on as well, occupying the boats even more, hundreds of lives could have been saved. With that being said, I feel it's safe to say that the "ladies first" policy kills.
    The lifeboats didn't get filled properly because of the mad rush to get into them, not because women and children wanted 80% of the lifeboat to stretch their legs in. Are you saying that a fully grown man is as deserving of a place on a lifeboat as a mother and her child?

    Though technically speaking, I think young men should have been allowed on too. Women can last longer in the cold because of higher fat density. But I guess they didn't know that then.

  19. #19
    Chivalry for the win

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Egon Spengler View Post
    Do you think its a duty of every man to be polite and show constant courtesy to females, but shun other men?
    You can be polite and show courtesy to females without shunning guys, you've taken a personal experience and spread it across the board by the looks of it. I've not seen many guys open a door for a woman and then not let a guy through haha, most guys tend to grab the door before they get through when someone holds it open anyway.

  20. #20
    I invented Go-Gurt. Policy of Ladies First? Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda View Post
    The lifeboats didn't get filled properly because of the mad rush to get into them, not because women and children wanted 80% of the lifeboat to stretch their legs in. Are you saying that a fully grown man is as deserving of a place on a lifeboat as a mother and her child?

    No, the lifeboats didn't get filled properly because nobody, not even the crew, anticipated that the ship would begin to sink. Even when they were told that it was sinking, they merely put people in live boats as a precaution, because they didn't believe that the ship could sink. But if men were allowed on the boats as well, they would be twice as filled as they were, and hence, saving more lives. The lifeboats had a total capacity of 70 to 75 fully grown men, whereas, some of the life boats were being launched with only 13 people in them. They could have fit plenty more men, women, and children into that.

  21. #21
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda View Post
    The lifeboats didn't get filled properly because of the mad rush to get into them, not because women and children wanted 80% of the lifeboat to stretch their legs in. Are you saying that a fully grown man is as deserving of a place on a lifeboat as a mother and her child?

    Though technically speaking, I think young men should have been allowed on too. Women can last longer in the cold because of higher fat density. But I guess they didn't know that then.
    Are you saying that a fully grown man is as deserving of a place on a lifeboat as a mother and her child?

    Yes,they are deserving. In those days who was the ones breaking there backs and working the hell out of themselves in order to provide for a family? The male has. Most women in those days only got little household chores and the baby to take care of. The way I see it, women had it easy back then, its the males who actually DID all the work. Household chores and watching some kid everyday sounds very peachy and easy compared to back breaking labor, carrying heavy shit in 100 degree heat, and more labor on top of more labor. So I think men are indeed deserving of much more, especially when it comes to saving their own lives as well. I mean wouldn't it suck if you were a male and you sacrificed yourself on lets say...the Titanic!

    While those women and children got the luxury of escaping with there lives, the men that were left behind had to suffer and eventually die because of some dumbass policy of ladies first. I honestly wouldn't bother wasting my life away for some woman if my life is on the line unless it was my mother, call it selfish if you want, but hey, if you can't save your own life how can save other lives? I mean hell, I'm human, I actually want to live, unlike those pathetic men who practically killed themselves just so some wench and a brat could live on without there

    That's just how I feel about the subject. And even in the present, women are more greedy, more ignorant, more bitchy, and way more devious then they were back in the 20's. I mean you can't even wait in line at the movie theater without some woman and her girlfriends cutting in line in front of you, but is that the gentlemanly thing to do? With everything? I mean the majority of men today only let women go first so they can look at their's pathetic...and I mean pathetic.

    I've seen it happen many a time. Like when driving for example. I was waiting for the trolley one day and this whoreish lookin woman with these booty shorts and breast all hanging it (disgusted the hell out of me). This black dude was so busy peeping out to spy on the woman he didn't notice the kid that was in front of his car! The dude literally ran over the little boy just to stare at some hoe's ass (sorry ladies). Sadly the little boy died, and the guy was caught and convicted. DUMBASS. Sorry but I had to cap it.

    So do I think men are deserving of a place on a lifeboat? Yes. Got enough women as it is lol.
    Last edited by Phantom; 05-24-2009 at 05:33 PM.
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

    XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!

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  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    A: Most women in those days only got little household chores and the baby to take care of. The way I see it, women had it easy back then, its the males who actually DID all the work. Household chores and watching some kid everyday sounds very peachy

    B:I mean hell, I'm human, I actually want to live, unlike those pathetic men who practically killed themselves just so some wench and a brat could live on without there

    C:That's just how I feel about the subject. And even in the present, women are more greedy, more ignorant, more bitchy, and way more devious then they were back in the 20's. I mean you can't even wait in line at the movie theater without some woman and her girlfriends cutting in line in front of you, but is that the gentlemanly thing to do? With everything? I mean the majority of men today only let women go first so they can look at their's pathetic...and I mean pathetic.

    I was going to reply. I even put the letters in. But I think you're joking now.

  23. #23
    Gingersnap Policy of Ladies First? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Phantom, that was probably the most misogynistic thing I've read in a while. Congrats, you are so in love with men that you're anti-women.

    A man hits a kid with his car, and it's the woman's fault for standing there and distracting him. It's that frame of mind that has women in the Middle East covered from head to toe with the object of keeping men from "succumbing to the flesh" and raping them.

    Holy ****ing cow.

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  24. #24
    Phantom makes me laugh out loud.

    Yea, women had it so good. Do housework all day, take after the kids, and get a beating from the husband because something went wrong in his worklife. Yeah, real dandy. You managed to wash over thousands of years of abuse toward women with no thought whatsoever. Next you will rationalize female genital mutilation or the beekeeper suits that women wear in Saudi Arabia.

    Don't let your homosexuality get in the way of rationality. On the whole, women are a more reasonable gender, and this is true in almost all animal species.

  25. #25
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    "Do you think its a duty of every man to be polite and show constant courtesy to females, but shun other men?"

    No, but men can still have ulterior motives. There are incentives for doing these things.

    I tend to do things like open the door for everyone though. It's not a bad thing to insert a little equal treatment into your daily actions. And in return, people I open the door for normally treat me with a relatively equal amount of apathy. If I'm lucky I'll get a nod. A thank you could very well make my day.

    Recently on the way out of class I opened the door for a kid and three women. The doors were locked from the outside due to weekend class regulations. Then I realized I forgot something and jogged around to the other end of the building, hoping it was unlocked. It wasn't, but the same kid was there in the hallway inside. I motion to him to open the door. He motions for me to go around and try the back door, the same one he found locked before. I continue to plead. He shrugs and does nothing.

    Kids like these are the reason Milgram's went the way it did. No sympathy for a fellow human being in the face of a locked door. Maybe I should adopt a policy of slamming doors rather than opening them.
    Last edited by SOLDIER #819; 05-24-2009 at 07:11 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  26. #26
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard M. Nixon View Post
    Phantom makes me laugh out loud.

    Yea, women had it so good. Do housework all day, take after the kids, and get a beating from the husband because something went wrong in his worklife. Yeah, real dandy. You managed to wash over thousands of years of abuse toward women with no thought whatsoever. Next you will rationalize female genital mutilation or the beekeeper suits that women wear in Saudi Arabia.

    Don't let your homosexuality get in the way of rationality. On the whole, women are a more reasonable gender, and this is true in almost all animal species.
    Don't let your homosexuality get in the way of rationality. On the whole, women are a more reasonable gender, and this is true in almost all animal species

    My "Homosexuality" has nothing to do with this. I can be straight and still be irritated at this, leave my gayness out of this.

    On the whole, women are a more reasonable gender, and this is true in almost all animal species

    Are you saying this because your a woman or as a straight male? If your a woman I would start to think your abit sexist. Men are just as capable of being reasonable as women can. I mean there are plenty of very nice men out here in the world that are very reasonable and loving, and honestly I still can't see how most straight men who are hard working, smart, and caring would allow themselves to be chained to women who always act like they are their husbands mothers instead of their wives. It's sentences like yours that disrespects gay men who raise kids, women aren't the only ones who can be nurturing and loving toward kids.

    And when women suspect that their men are cheating they start acting like psychotic bitches who are always insecure and unreasonable. Now your saying that men aren't reasonable? Take a look in the mirror, or try watching shows like Maury for some insight, you'd be surprized that not all men are cheaters and unreasonable. Women act the same way and its more then men do. And also how dare you bring me being gay into the conversation since that has NOTHING to do with this subject.

    OceanEyes28 Phantom, that was probably the most misogynistic thing I've read in a while. Congrats, you are so in love with men that you're anti-women.

    A man hits a kid with his car, and it's the woman's fault for standing there and distracting him. It's that frame of mind that has women in the Middle East covered from head to toe with the object of keeping men from "succumbing to the flesh" and raping them.

    Holy ****ing cow.
    Yesterday 08:56 PM

    That's right Ally, I'm in love with men, but have I once said I was anti-women or sexist? I'm merely putting this "ladies first" policy into question, so don't get your vagina in a knot.

    Actually, the woman looked like she was looking for the attention, she was hot mess literally, she looked so much like a whore that she broke the mold of how hoes can actually look like whores. It is indeed the man's fault for keeping his eyes on that ugly sorry excuse for a woman and not keeping his eyes where they should be..on the road, because if he did that then that little boy would still be alive today. I'm also putting that woman into the blame as well and half of it represents part of my point, if she hadn't dressed like a whore then the dude wouldn't have looked away from the road and the kid wouldn't have been killed, I mean who the hell dresses like that and not wants attention?

    It's that frame of mind that has women in the Middle East covered from head to toe with the object of keeping men from "succumbing to the flesh" and raping them

    If you studied your history Ally, it's been written and realisticly proven that women have been the eventually downfall of history's most powerful men because they "succumbed to the flesh" and that's where the stereotype of men of different colors are probarly rapists was born, in fact its like that for all men! That's why women get off so easily and play the "victim" (most of my future sentences are in my first post on page 1 for this part.) and most women do it just to do it and they complain and use the old "He raped me! weep weep" line and they get off with a get out of jail free card basically while the accused male gets sent to prison, and most men are framed for that shit, I know some men do in fact rape women but most men are innocent but the court always takes the woman's side. Their's sexism everywhere and that why I put that ladies first policy into question.

    Anyway that's my take on it, if you don't like it then you simply don't like it, like I give a flying **** anyway. lol
    Last edited by Phantom; 05-24-2009 at 09:59 PM.
    Originally Posted by Hellfire
    Who the hell are you? .... .... .... ....well, good luck with that.

    XD. This quote screams post me in your sig!

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  27. #27
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Policy of Ladies First? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom View Post
    I was waiting for the trolley one day and this whoreish lookin woman with these booty shorts and breast all hanging it (disgusted the hell out of me).
    I don't see how you being disgusted by one individual has anything to do with the "gentleman" tradition. Is it so wrong to adore women? I could say the same old crap about how they're the ones giving birth, how they have to prove themselves harder than most men, but even though it's true, I won't.

    I don't believe there's anything wrong with the Ladies First thing.

    You're not obliged to participate and if a little tradition like this one doesn't suit you, that's just fine. But you shouldn't base the functionality of a rule on exceptions (like prostitute-like women behaving inappropriately, or what would you expect?).

    It's almost like those people wanting to ban every "excessive" nudity/gore in quality films, because one nutjob on the planet can't tell the difference between fact and fiction and starts shooting in some High School.

    With that said, the Ladies First thing which you criticise is not exactly source of any trouble is it?
    And I doubt the men on the Titanic were thinking "Look at that, were gonna fall into freezing water. Luckily, there are lifeboats here! But hold on a second. We should only let women in the boats, cause yknow, Ladies First thingy." (everyone goes *oooh, right!*) lolz.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 05-24-2009 at 09:58 PM.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  28. #28
    Gingersnap Policy of Ladies First? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    You are trolling me (and everyone else) so hard right now. And for that, a warning for flamebaiting. OH LOOK AND YOUR TOPIC IS CLOSED.

    I did it because you're queer and a man. Not really, but that's what you're going to say, so I'll say it first.

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